Me: Final chapter of this part!

Lucy: Part three will be up sooner than you think!!

Me: Part three is really fluffy!

Lucy: Please enjoy this chapter!!

READ: Don't skim through or skip anything! It's confuse you very much!!

Lucy: HOLY HELL!! You're almost done!

Diclonius: a human with horns who possesses vectors.

Vectors: invisible arms on the back that work like telekenisus.

Hornless Diclonius: Basically everyone in this story. They're dicloni who have lost their horns, but can still use their vectors.

Me: WHOOT! Review please!!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Elfen Lied or Yugioh GX as much as I wish I did! Enjoy!

Warnings: Do not read if you don't like shonen-ai/yaoi, mild gore, swearing, spiritshipping, and stuff like that! BTW, though it may seem it there is NO Character death! if anyone dies, they're my characters. Please enjoy!

Read This: This is Judai's past! If you're confused as to why the story is different, read Part One chapter 10 and you'll understand.

Chapter Thirteen: Broken Promise

Three Years Later...

Judai was almost asleep in his new cage. Almost a year ago, he and Johan had been seperated and placed into 2 different rooms. The rooms were next to each other, but they couldn't see one another at all.

Judai's new cage was a metal slab verticle in the ground with metal circles around it showing the areas where his vectors could reach. Judai was inside a body bag that came to his throat, holding him to the slab with metal chains.

On Judai's head was a red helmet that covered his face and had three red beads where his eyes would have been, allowing him to see, but not very well. Judai was bored... tired of this.

Suddenly, the doors slid open and Kaito stepped in.

"I have... some bad news..." the chief said, his eyes full of sterness, but also a sort of fear. The man sighed before rubbing his glasses and opened his mouth.

"Your friend Tome has died... and your mother has died as well..."

Judai remained silent as Kaito turned away and started walking out of the room. The brunette suddenly spoke up in a solemn voice, causing Kaito to spin around.

"Do you... have a family?"

"No... my family is all dead..." Kaito whispered, feeling his heart cringe as he saw tears streaming from the red beads where Judai's eyes were. Judai slowly spoke up again, his messege haunting Kaito for the rest of his life.

"Someday... you'll pay for this. I swear I'll destroy... everything that means something to you..."


Back in the Present Day...

Haou stood ontop of the Stone Steps, still watching Rei and Martin with his cold yellow eyes. He then started turning around and walking away, when Rei looked up and saw him.

"Judai!" she called, racing up the stairs with Martin following her. She got up behind Haou and reached forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and half turning him around.

"Judai. I'm glad you're all right. Oh... that's right. You won't answer me, will you?" the ravenette asked. Haou glared down at her hand and slapped it off his shoulder suddenly.

"What nonsence are you spouting?" he asked. Rei gasped.

"Y-you can talk full sentances? When did this happen?" she called. Haou looked forward and ignored the question. Martin walked up and took Rei's hand in his own. Haou's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, Haou used his vectors to punch Martin down the stairs.

"Martin!!" Rei called, racing to her friend who had fallen suddenly. Martin sat up and rubbed his cheek, groaning in pain as Rei gently placed her hand on it.

"Ah... i-it felt like something punched me..." he said. Haou glared at the sight and then turned away, taking a few steps forwards and up one of the stairs.

"I'm going home..." he whispered. Rei looked at him in shock and confusion.

"Y-you mean back to Duel Academy?" she asked. Haou shook his head slowly.

"No... I mean I'm going home," he answered. Rei raced up and grasped his shoulder again.

"Judai... I know you don't have a home..." she said. Haou gasped and then looked at the ground, his yellow eyes wide with terror and slight shock.

"A place where I belong... Does NOT concern you!!" Haou hollered. Rei then spun him around and stared into his eyes, mistaking the golden color for the sun's effect.

"What are you saying? Your home is Duel Academy!!" she yelled. Haou stared wide eyed.

"Rei... Y-you really don't..." he started whispering. Rei looked in confusion as Haou started trembling and cupped his face in his hands, his shoulders quaking with sobs.

"E-eight years ago... Rei, to your family... I..." Haou started whispering. Rei gasped as the image of her family covered in blood suddenly appeared, but she brushed it off.

Judai slowly lifted his head, confusion written in his brown eyes. Rei slowly helped Judai up, and he smiled warmly at her, before turning and racing back to Duel Academy.

The events of what had occured totally forgotten.


Back at Duel Academy...

"Judai-chan!! Judai-chan!! Judai-chan!!" Johan screamed, hugging Judai tightly, practically squeezing his waist and causing the brunette to choke.

"Johan-kun! You hurting me!!" he wailed, flailing his arms to break free from his lover. Johan merely squeezed the brunette tightly, having been worried about where he had been for so long.

Meanwhile, Shou stood watching Judai, his gray eyes flashing red for a quick second, a smirk etching its way across his lips as a small laugh escaped his throat.


Me: End of part 2!

Lucy: Onto part 3!!

Me: Yeah! That one will rock!

Lucy: Review kindly!!