From the first day I saw Edward Cullen, I hated him with a mighty passion. His sister, Alice, is my best friend. I remember the day she introduced me to him very well.

Flashback - When Bella Met Edward

"Come on, Bella! You gotta meet my brother!" Alice said dragging me along.

I laughed and ran after her into her prestigious house.

"Oh EDWARD!" Alice called out in a sweet voice.

"What?!" I heard a melodic voice come from behind me.

I turned around and gasped at what I saw. An in-humanly beautiful boy with bronze hair and gold eyes. His hair was messy and sexy in a way that made me shiver.

"Meet Bella." Alice said and pushed me forward. I let out a small yelp.

Edward turned to look at me and tensed up.

"What do you want?" he looked at me like he was restraining something.

"Uhh..." I muttered stupidly.

I backed away and ran up to Alice's bedroom. I've never been so scared in my life. I heard shouting come from downstairs.

"Idiot! You scared her!" Alice screamed at her brother.

"Well what did you want me to do?! Give her a giant hug and crush her to pieces?!" Edward yelled back at her.

"Emmet did and he didn't scare her off like you did! Great! She'll probably never want to come here again because of you!" Alice shouted in frustration at Edward.

I heard Alice stomp upstairs and into the bedroom. She slammed the door shut.

"I'm sorry." Alice said and gave me a hug.

"Don't worry. I won't leave. And I'll come back whenever I want and not let Edward scare me." I said in triumph.

Alice and I started laughing so hard my ribs started to hurt.

End Flashback

"Bella? Stop dreaming about my brother and tell me if this looks good!" Alice asked.

I sighed. Alice just always knows. I walked over to the dressing room and set down some clothes I thought I wanted to buy. I looked at alice and gasped. She was so beautiful. She had on a simple red halter dress that was cut very low with a sash around her under her bust.

"Sexy!" I shouted and giggled.

She looked at my choice of clothes, sighed, then looked through the dressed she picked out.

"My dearest Bella, be a little more outgoing!" she said.

She pulled out a dress on the rack and wouldn't let me see it.

"Now, Edward will want you in this!" she said and pulled out the dress.

It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. It was a white dress with a small v-neck. there was a small black bow under the breasts and it seemed to flow down.

(Author's Note: /wp-content/uploads/2007/11/nord-dress.jpg -- Bella's dress. /images/dress.jpg -- Alice's dress.)

Alice payed for my dress and hers, much to my discomfort. I hated it when she bought me things.

"Now, our family is going to host a strict vampire ball in Alaska in two days, and your coming. Wear the dress I bought you! Maybe Edward will ask you to dance." she wiggled her eyebrows and laughed.

I sighed. I did have the smallest crush ever on Edward, but his personalitty doesn't fit it. My heart swelled at the thought of us dancing together.

Alice dropped me off at my house to Charlie. A problem no one knew about. I quickly ran upstairs and hid my dress under the floorboards, where I keep all my valubles. I ran back downstairs and started to make Charlie dinner.

"Bitch!" I yelled and slapped me across the face. Leaving a giant purple mark.

"I'm leaving today and I'll be back Monday. When I get back, this house better be spottless or your in deep shit!" he yelled and shoved my face into the water boiling on the stove. He let go suddenly, grabbed his bag, and left with a sinister smile on his face.

Thank God I didn't turn the stove on yet.

Edward's POV:

"Oh Esme, Eddie, Jasper! I'm home!" Alice yelled from the doorway.

I gulped in the fear of her bringing Bella with her. Her scent just drives me so... insane.

She wasn't in the house, and I was half in luck and half disppointed. If only she knew why I acted towards her this way...

Flashback - Edward meets Bella

"Oh EDWARD!" Alice called me from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen, something smelled so good.

"What?" I growled at her to mask up my delight in smelling this beautiful creature.

The girl with brown hair who had her back towards me turned around and gasped. I tensed up, her smell was driving me crazy. I could think of a thousand ways to kill her.

"What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I didn't mean to, it just came out that way. I balled my fists up to keep myself from biting her. Frightened, she ran upstairs.

"Idiot! You scared her!" Alice screamed me

"Well what did you want me to do?! Give her a giant hug and crush her to pieces?!" I yelled back at her. I was really sorry. But Bella already hated me, so I guess I'd just hate her back. Afterall, she was the one who ran off. Although, I did scare her...

"Emmet did and he didn't scare her off like you did! Great! She'll probably never want to come here again because of you!" Alice shouted in frustration at me.

I heard Alice stomp upstairs and into the bedroom. She slammed the door shut.

I moaned and leaned my head into my hands. She hates me already. The most beautiful creature in the world, Bella, hates me.

End Flashback

"Jeez quit thinking about Bella and make me a sandwich." Alice said and set her shopping backs on the table.

"I was not!" I snapped back too quickly and growled.

"Relax. Bella was thinking about you all day, too." Alice said non-chalantly.

My face broke out into a huge smile.

"Ha! Told you! Edward loves Bella... Edward loves Bella!" Alice sung around.

I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her towards me.

"And if you ever tell her, I'll kill you." I said, dead serious.

She gulped. Then she started giggling.

"Don't worry, I'll get you two hooked up in no time!" she said, still giggling.

I smiled a littled. Alice's plans usually work. I sure hoped this one did. I picked up the book Wuthering Heights and began to read it for the seventh time in a row. I just can't get enough of that book.