
A/N: This is my first Code Geass R2 fan fiction of XingkexTianzi. Please read it and review. I really heavily rely on people's comments whether criticism or compliments. I am still unsure whether to create it as just one chapter or a couple more with a different conclusion. Please give me your input on it and please review.

Realize. Real Lies

"Eww! What an ugly and scary girl! Who in the world has white hair?" She must be an old lady or something…how creepy."

"Yeah and those blood-red eyes freak me out so much. It's as if she's gonna kill you in your sleep."

"Ahhhhh!! Don't scare me like that Haru!" A young brunette boy with an immense forest green jacket and pants shoved his friend playfully on the arm as they snickered and eyed the strange girl passing by them on the light snow-covered bridge.

The sky appeared even gloomier and depressing as the powdered ice began to freeze around the bare tree branches and solidify the small pond below. Dark billowing clouds hovered over the town perhaps even foreshadowing a forbidden omen.

Though it was surely true of the description the young fellows had spoken upon. She walked by the two very cautiously across the bridge avoiding all means of eye-contact. The small girl wore an elaborate silver yukata that glistened slightly against the bright tint less snow. It was lined with a shadowy black collar and border to compliment the two shades. The ribbon around her waist was decorated with pale pink sakura blossoms hinted with a gray aura to mingle with the red string on top of the ribbon, which tied the whole outfit from the waist. Looking at the boys was too much struggle for the girl and she focused her gaze at the ground and measuring each individual snowflake flutter to the desolate ground and camouflage with the others in the blank background of icicles and dead plants among her.

"And also what is with that kind of clothing? I think she is secretly Japanese cuz I don't know anyone who wears a kimono in the Chinese Province (?)….don't ya think so Ryuu?" Haru cupped his hand to Ryuu's ear, but they were obviously loud enough for her to perceive every syllable and comment they were mentioning between themselves.

Her hands began to fumble and shake feverously despite the weather has not that chilly for a normal winter afternoon. She felt her loneliness and remorse deepen with each step taken into the endless blanket of forming ice crystals. A single tear rolled slowly down her fair toned cheek making her soul wail and her heart receiving many wounds.

As if the humiliation and embarrassment could not end, Haru bent over and created a small snowball out of the abundant snow supply surrounding him. He packed is nice and tightly and spoke to no on in particular, "Why don't I see what else is stupid about her once I knock her out with a snowball." Haru aimed at the girl and was in mid-throw when a strong hand grasped his adolescent arm.

"That's not a kind thing to do to a young lady…" A young man spoke; his voice rang as he continued, "You two should run along now and I better not catch you making fun of her again."

Haru and Ryuu glanced nervously at each other for a brief moment and immediately dashed away from the suspicious scene. The crimson-eyed girl was so grateful to the man who had stood up for her; though her eyesight was blurred and flooded from the continuous flow of salty tears that would not let up. She could see a fuzzy outline of the man as he walked over and couched down to her height.

"Hey, it's you again. " He placed one of his hands on her head and laughed softly, "You're the one who saved me from suffering a gruesome sentence. I will always be in your debt."

The little girl absorbed every word he spoke but kept on creating more wet marks on her clothing. The man noticed her puffy eyes and attempted to wipe away a few of the droplets from her face.

"Do those guys even know who you are?" She could not find her voice for the moment and simply shook her head. "What rude boys, some people can be very mean. But you should be proud for someone your age to stick up to them. "How old are you again?"

She put up her whole palm slowly to his eye level. "Oh wow, you're five. Ha-ha I'm seventeen, what an age difference there." The girl nodded in agreement and the guy added, "Oh, I forgot to tell you my name is Li, Xingke. What's yours? I don't know if you'll answer though because-"

"M-my name is T-tianzi find out last name." Tianzi blushed and covered her mouth for she was surprised and shocked to hear her own voice; raspy from all the sobbing.

"She speaks! I mean Tianzi speaks!" Xingke cheered and cheerfully laughed some more. "You have a very pretty name, Tianzi."

What a soothing compliment that brought to her ears. She smiled every so brightly at Xingke and furiously tried wiping in her tears to see her savior's face. When tears finally subsided she came in awestruck. He had such a fine face with firm facial features. His eyes were slightly small but illuminated such joy and the perfect skin cracked a smile revealing his amazing white teeth. Xingke was a handsome young boy with long black hair, half of it tied in a ponytail, that grazed his face softly with the small breeze. He wore a sienna snow suit find picture of seiran and shuurei for description in the A/N.

As her eyes fixated to the landscape she realized the snow had finally diminished and found the bridge as a winter wonderland. Sheets of snow covered all possible areas lightly and every tree was covered in icicles. A few mounds of snow, piled on a nearby tree branch, fell on Tianzi's head. Xingke snickered a bit more and helped her wipe off the snow from her head. Tianzi grimaced and noticed a bright red object behind Xingke's back and watched in wonder of what it was.

Xingke followed her gaze and pulled out the object. She found him holding a deep red rose that almost appeared black against the snow. The stem glisten with drops of melted snow and he carefully handed her the flower. "It's for you. I found it standing strangely by itself in the white snow and I was unsure who to give it to, but you are the one perfectly suited for it. Be careful of the sharp thorns. I don't want you to prick your fingers. Roses are dangerously beautiful." Xingke chuckled at his little joke. Tianzi was speechless at the gift and did not care of what pain the rose had. This single rose was from this amazing person.

Who she soon developed deep indescribable feelings for…




I felt an abrupt shove on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered lightly as I realized I had been daydreaming upon one of my past memories. My eyes scanned the area and by the huge throne I was sitting on I was still in the throne room…or should I say 'The Place where I am Forced to Hear People Drone on About Random Stuff'. A bit lengthy, but hey honestly how can an eleven year old girl possible know about biased income tax rates based on the suited class… Or what weaponry used for S-class situations unless departing notices from allied nations? Ouch. My head hurts a bit now. I patted my gold and red Chinese dress, lined with black camellias and tied my hair back into two loose pigtails on each side of my head.

"Tianzi-sama!" Kaguya poked my arm once more. Her green and pink kimono, decorated with purple orchids and a white ribbon, fluttered each time she jabbed me.

"Oh yes? I'm sorry I was a little dazed." I admitted to her. Kaguya is really my best friend I this Chinese Province that I am forced to stay in once again. As the young Japanese ambassador, she and I are forced almost all the time in these foreign relations. Also, matters in this region have made me wait in my slightly dull kindgdom. Once more I wish to escape this depressing life of affairs…

"Well snap out of it Tianzi-sama! Xingke and the rest of the armed soldiers are outside of the doors waiting for your consultation and waiting for your approval to enter."

I sighed," Kaguya stop adding the –sama to my name already, please. You're the same age as me and-really?" My heart skipped a beat hearing his name.

"Yes!" She poked my forehead and muttered, "Get with the program, Tianzi-sa- I mean Tianzi."

A clacking sound was made as the large wooden corridors opened into the spacious throne room filled with priceless artwork, antiques, furniture, you name it. I felt my heart life a bit more to se Xingke knelt down at my feet with his underlings copying him from behind. "My fellow soldiers and I have arrived back from the neighboring countries Lady Tianzi-sama."

"I have been waiting for you on the status very much Li, Xingke." Did I sound too eager? Xingke and I always hide our emotions in public, but I think that is for everyone. Yet, I still like to believe that it's our little secret between one another.

"I do not have any recent news but my lieutenant, Tao, Kouyuu, has information regarding allies and treaties." A tall man with chestnut, auburn hair stepped forward. "My lady, it appears that Korea and Spain has offered an alliance based on the Britannia matters. Their military forces have doubled and may be beneficial for unknown wars that may come in our way."

"Notify them that we will confirm the offer and have Fen sign the treaty because she is the officer of foreign alliances." I spoke with a bit hesitation because anything war related lowers my confidence sometimes.

"Understood. Furthermore, Britannia has continued persuading us to become of combined power but individual nations; meaning that we would be one nation under two separate and equal powers. But everyone is assuming that this is obviously a trap only so we can break ties with their revolting country, Japan. So we are a bit unsure of our response, Tianzi-sama."

The thought settled in my mind for a moment, "Please just act neutral as the response and continue listening to their asking with a patient tone of mind. Perhaps as well please hand me a copy of the written out offer they have sent when possible."

"As you wish, Princess." Kouyuu formally bowed once more and resumed his spot.

"Thank you for your updates, but Lady Tianzi and I shall now excuse ourselves." Kaguya finally gave input.

"Very well, Kaguya-sama. Head out men." Xingke signaled his officers and they left the room.

Once the door finally closed, Kaguya signed in relief, "Oh wow, Tianzi, you handled those situations so well!"

I laughed at her response, "Are you mentioning about when I was younger and more immature? I have learned much from you Kaguya." I noted to her as we walked down the long hallway. I never really noticed how so many pieces were placed on the walls, much so that I could barely see the jade green paint that was plastered carelessly on the surface. Even with so many stunning works, my favorite was the one with a golden Chinese dragon floating among the satin stitched clouds in a sea of red. In the right light of the chandeliers (I know strange to see all this European-style in an Eastern palace) the scales shimmered and glistened like the rainbow.

"Well I guess of course since I'm the greatest." She stated and raised her arms in triumph. I stifled a small laugh. "What's that supposed to mean Tianzi?"

"Nothing, nothing at all Miss Kaguya." I smirked and pranced to my quarters up a flight of marble staircase. "I'll see you later Kaguya."

I quickly waved and rushed into the room. I hurried skidded across my room to the balcony doing my daily deed. Leaning over the support, I breathed in the salty sea air as the sun began setting into the murky ocean depths. Sunsets amaze me and watching the biggest star of our universe drifting out of sight in such a stylish manner was very beautiful. I could see the gulls flaying towards the star of flames till they became invisible to the naked eye.

"Beautiful sunset tonight, isn't it Lady Tianzi?"

I almost had a heart attack to hear another person entering my room, how did they do it so discreetly? I glanced over my shoulder to find Xingke at the front of my door. Finding myself a little startled, I messed up my speech, "How did you…are here, why?" I blushed and he just laughed it off.

"The door was open so I thought I could enter, and I have the Britannian letter in my hand." He flapped a piece of parchment in his hand.

"Oh, umm you can just leave it on my bed so I can read it later." Then I immediately reverted my gaze to the glorious horizon. Behind me it was awfully silent so I was hoping Xingke had just left the parchment and exited my room.

"So this is where you come to everyday?" I was wrong. Xingke propped himself next to me and we stared together at the bright star.

"Mmm…most of the time." I responded over a quick pause.

"You're lucky to have a breath-taking view from your room." I didn't know what to say so I just smiled at him.

A few moments passed and my heart could now step beating at 100mph. I was dying to ask him so many questions. With my face probably bright as a tomato I asked, "Xingke…w-what do you think of me?" My curiosity was pouring from my ears.

"Tianzi, you are the princess of the Chinese Province, and it is my life to protect yours no matter what." That sounded as if he had memorized those words from a manual.

"No Xingke…I mean what do you think of me as just Tianzi and you as just Xingke and nothing else?"

Xingke had sort of understood what I said. He lifted me up by the sides and gently placed me sitting on the rail so I was his height. "Tianzi, you are my queen and I love you as if you were my younger sister in need. I must protect you to keep peace in this godforsaken land."

My hands trembled and I felt my eyes brim with water, "Is that the only reason? Just because I am the peace keeper? Please! Xingke I love you so much only for the characteristics in side of you. Not for your status, past but what you are here and now!" It took me years to admit that and my face was now soaked with salty tears. I felt his arms wrapped around my body tightly.

"If you feel like that, do not waste your compassion on someone as worthless as me. I am only your protection…not your lover. And how would people approve of the marriage of an eleven year old and a twenty four year old? Please be reasonable Tianzi." Xingke pulled his arms away and suddenly kissed me softly on the forehead. He pulled back slowly and looked at me straight into my eyes, "I know you must be furious at me now, but I am honestly not suited for you. The princess of this nation to marry a once convict? There are so many better candidates for a pretty princess blossoming into a beautiful queen. Remember I am always here to protect you and love you…" He walked away and exited my room,

"…more than you even know."

I thought I heard him add something at the end, but was probably my imagination. I never knew how hard I could cry. My voice was only hiccups that kept exploding from my throat. Weeping toward the heavens I spoke, "Why does life act so cruel and take everything I love from my grasps? An unfair game I have played with fate and it has cheated me. Destiny must have shortened my will because I wish to die…" I slumped from my position on the balcony and sobbed hard into my closest pillow on my bed. My love has been wasted for so long, despite the truth I can never let go of him.

Xingke's POV

My heart felt so heavy as I had heard every word Tianzi had spoke of outside her room. I sat against the wall of Tianzi's corridors and received more stabs to the heart as she continued on crying. Does she not notice my loneliness and yearning for her as well? It is true I lied to her about loving her as my younger sister…I love her with all my heart and soul and wish for anything in the world to marry and love her alone. Damn myself for experienced life so early. Why couldn't I have been born later so that she and I…forget this frivolous idea. A twelve year age difference and to a girl who hasn't even reached marriageable age it's not possible. Even so I cannot stop my idiotic, lustful thoughts for her. I want to hold her tightly in my arms and never letting go. Just raking my fingers through her mysterious silvery-white hair. Kissing her lips feverously and- I sound like a sick freak.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I entered her room once more. Tianzi had finally given herself to the sweet dreams of the night. I went over and kneeled on the left side of her bed where she was facing. An oracle had told her to sleep on her right side to become very tall in later years. She never failed to listen and follow directions. I caught myself bushing a silvery lock from her pale face. What an angelic face shone before me…am I even worthy of this? I watch her for a moment longer and tuck her in the soft cotton sheets. As I leave I take one final glance at her. "Can our love ever truly be?" I ask to the dense air. I know myself there is not one person who could ever answer that question to my liking. I shut off the lights and exited the room.

"My princess…I must be your angel rather than you being mine. If risking my life to at least love you from afar then so be it. Life is pointless without seeing your crimson eyes twinkle every so vibrantly. If I must seal my heart and soul away to hell's path then I wish for you to be up with the stars in heaven. I truly wish I was the sun so you would always be staring only at me and nothing in the world would possibly tear your gaze from me. Fate has made me your shield and nothing more, it is not possible for a mere mortal to change our destined paths…"