Hoenn High of Dreams

Chapter 5 - A Play, and the Transfer Students

SIGH! Chapter 6, oh, yes! I finally worked up my courage to post this(it has a song written by me)... Tell me what you think about the song. I think it's sort of cheesy somehow... Criticize me, but don't flame me. XD Enjoy! Anywayssss... Let's welcome our guests!
Anne: Hi, hi!
Liz: Heya!
Me: -grins-
May: Oh, hey, Anne! Liz!
Me: And by the way...
May: Seasons Of April, uh, I mean, Music of Fiore owns the song in this here chapter.
Me: Okaaay, so that was part of it... But I meant the disclaimer!
May: Oh.
Drew: Ugh, Music of Fiore do NOT own Pokemon, or any of the characters except Anne and Liz. Now, READ!
Me: Uh-huh, don't own Pokemon. If I did, Anne and Liz would be in anime, and would be plotting on getting May and Drew to kiss.
May and Drew: -blushes-
Anne and Liz: -giggles uncontrollably-
May: Just read, everyone!

One P.M, Lunchtime. Time to meet Drew… May thought as she stared at her watch.

"Something wrong?" Anne, who was beside May, stared at the brunette quizzically, as did Liz.

"Oh, um, nothing!" May smiled. "Uh, look, I have to go now, so…"

"It's okay, don't worry about us." Liz smiled back.

"Sorry, uh," May started, looking around. She spotted Misty stomping her way out of the school, Marina following with her back slouched. May suddenly got an idea, wanting to get the two girls to be tour guides of Anne and Liz. "Hey! Mist! Rin!"

Marina jerked up upon hearing the short form of her name. She always hated being called Rin, for some unknown reason. She looked at May, slightly frowning. "May! I told you not to call me that!" She started wavering her arms in the air angrily.

May ignored what Marina said as Misty walked forward to the brunette. "What?" She said, her face darken from being picked as Erika in the play.

"This is Anneliese and Elizabeth. They're new here, so-"

"No." Misty immediately said firmly.

"Yes!" Marina said at the same time, cheerfully.

May sweat dropped. "You guys didn't even know what I was gonna say!"

"You were going to say that you want us to be their tour guides," Misty and Marina said in unison. "so you could have fun on your own." The redhead added.

May kept silent for a moment. "Okay, so you do know. But! What you don't know is-"

"Correction, you're going to meet Drew." Misty corrected herself, cutting May off.

"Okay, so you do know…" May said softly. "Well, then, I trust you with Anne and Liz, kay?" May quickly brighten up, putting her arm over Anne and Liz's shoulders, pushing them towards Misty and Marina as the twins kept silent. "BUH-BYE!!" She quickly ran off before they could disapprove, waving to them. She soon went out of sight, Anne and Liz looking at each other with confused looks. They shrugged, turning to Marina and Misty.

"Hi! I'm Anneliese, but you can call me Anne!" Anne smiled.

"Hi, my name's Anneliese too!" Marina grin, Anne gave her a look. "But that's my stage name on a school play. Real name's Marina!" The young girl winked, shaking hands with Anne.

"Name's Elizabeth, but y'all can call me Liz if you want!" She winked, smiling brightly.

"I'm Misty." The redhead faked a smile. "So, which school did you transfer from?"

"La Rousse High." The twins said in unison.

"Oh, that's pretty far from here, huh?" Marina commented.

"How do you know?" Misty gave a look.

"Because, unlike a certain someone, I actually pay attention in class and don't use my books as pillows." Marina smirked, giggling.

Misty scowled, but didn't argue back.

May went to her forest hiding spot, looking around trying to find Drew. She and Drew agreed to meet up there every weekday, and "date" on weekends. She looked around for the green haired boy, but found no one.

Looks like he hasn't shown up yet. Good, I'm not the late one for once… The brunette silently thought, grinning. She sat on the soft green grass, hugging her knees. She dug into her pocket, searching for something. She took out a piece of paper, her timetable.

"Hm, after Lunch time, it's music class, then Pokemon Strategy, Mathematics, and finally, Pokemon Coordinating…" The brunette brighten up at the thought of music class and Pokemon Coordinating class. She had always been a music prodigy, and she is a Pokemon Coordinator, after all. Music and Pokemon Coordinating… Heha, all right! But Pokemon Strategy and Mathematics… Man, I hate them. May thought. She just simply thought simple battling is too boring, and as for mathematics, she didn't exactly like her teacher… He was stern, strict, and easy to anger. Plus, math...she always fail in it, bad. Okay, maybe not fail, but she was always close to failing in math.

She collapsed on the grass, though her legs remain in their position. She stared at the words on her timetable, sighing. "Mathematics, worst subject…"

"Ha, oh really?" An arrogant voice asked.

The brunette put down her paper, looking straight into a pair of emerald eyes towering over her. "Drew! You're finally here, huh?" She smirked, sitting up. She stuffed her timetable in her pocket again, resting her chin on her knees.

"Actually," The green haired boy started. "I've been here ever since you took that paper out." He smirked.

May's smile faded. She frowned slightly, staring at him as she walked behind her, sitting on the grass. He leaned against her back, and she did the same in return. "Oh, really, Mister know-it-all?"

"What, don't believe me?" He smirked, slightly turning to the brunette, looking at her with an eye.

"Yeah, you got it right." May turned away from him. "Anyway, can I ask you something?"


"What's class is next for you?"

Drew kept silent, quivering at the thought of his next class. "Uh, music…"

"Hey, me too!" May smiled. "Now I know why you were so familiar when I first met you! So we were in the same class, huh?"

"Not just music, in Pokemon Coordinating too." May turned to him with a questioning look on her face. "Some girls were swooning over me, a lot. So, my teacher transferred me to another class, your class."

"Oh, so that's it!" May attempt to hide her giggles. "Well, know who's your new teach', my teach'?"

"Uh, I think it was…Wallace?"

"Correct-o!" The brunette winked, grinning.

"I doubt you ate yet, right?" Drew smirked, attempting to change the subject.

"Huh? I-I did!" May stammered, lying. Her stomach, though, didn't collaborate with her mouth or her words; it growled. May turned red, out of embarrassment.

"Hmph hmph." Drew chuckled. "Looks like your belly didn't cooperate."

"W-what's it to you?!" The brunette yelled, her cheeks reddening.

"Nothing." Drew smirked. "But, since everyone thinks we're a couple now…I need to treat my girlfriend right, don't I?"

May felt her face turning red, but strangely, not out of embarrassment this time. She immediately turned away to not get noticed by Drew. "Uh… Well… I think…so…?" She hesitated to answer, feeling her cheeks getting hot, though she didn't know why.

"Waah!" They heard a girl's yell from May's right, looking up in a tree in surprise. It was one of the twins, hanging upside-down on a tree branch with her legs clinging on said branch. It looked as if she almost fell. May looked at her, noticing the blue ribbon; it was Liz. She looked to Liz's left, noticing Anne sitting on the other tree branch with an "uh-oh" look.

Liz looked to her left and right nervously, searching her mind for the right words to say. "Uh…"

"What are you two doing here?" The brunette asked curiously as she stood up, confused. Weren't they with Misty and Marina?

Drew kept silent as he stared at the twins, standing up as well.

"Hiiiiyaaa!…?" Liz faked a smile, though it was a nervous smile. Oh, we're so in trooouble…

Her smarter twin, on the other hand, sighed softly. I hate her… I regretted ever being borned in this world, that way I wouldn't have such a klutz as my twin…(AN: Something I always say about my bro to my elder sis XD)

"Um, hi! We were, um, about to tell you that lunch time's almost over!" May gave an odd look to Anne, checking her watch. "Um, but it's only fifteen minutes pass one…" May said.

At this, Anne sweat dropped as Liz grinned in amusement. Looks like she's not any smarter than me! Ha! Liz thought. Her smile immediately faded when she saw Drew staring, or rather, glaring, at her and Anne. "Um, Anne?" She whispered as she continued her nervous stare at Drew.


"We're…in trouble…"

Anne looked to where Liz was staring at, and immediately smiled nervously at the sight of Drew. "Oh, yeah… We're definitely are… Want to scram before he calls out to us?"

"Duh!" Liz got herself to sit up on the tree branch properly by swinging her body. She and Anne jumped off the tree branch, and were already prepared to sprint off, when…

"Anne! Liz!" Drew called out, ignoring May's quizzical look. The twins stopped and gulped nervously as they looked at each other. They stared at each other for a moment before slowly turning around. "Y-y-y-" Anne started, stammering. Liz gave her a slap on the back, trying to make her spit out whatever she wants to say. "Yes?" Liz's slap worked.

How did he know their names? … Wait, he probably read their names on their name tag. But, then again… If he did, he would call them Anneliese and Elizabeth instead… What's going on here? May thought, deciding to just wait and watch.

"What are you doing here in Hoenn High? You're suppose to be at La Rousse High!" Drew asked, slight anger in his voice.

"Uh, w-w-well…" Anne started. "You tell him!" The blonde pushed her twin in front of her, hiding behind Liz.

Liz kept silent as she looked at Drew. A long sigh escaped her lips. "Fine, fine, I'll tell ya. Just promise not to get mad, 'kay?"

Drew rolled his eyes. "Spit it out already."

"Uh, well… I sort of, um," She raised her hands, her index fingers poking each other. "sneaked through the air vents again and dragged Anne with me. Then our principal found out and called Dad… Then…" Liz hesitated, pausing.

"Then what?" The green haired boy cocked his eyebrow.

"Then that woman told Dad to send us here, with you. So here we are." Anne said, hatred evident in her voice when she said "that woman."

"That woman…" Liz bit her lip, hatred and anger evident in her voice as well, though she tried to make it not so obvious.

"…Who?" May cocked her eyebrow.

"I'll get back to you later, May. You go on ahead." Drew replied, sighing. He put his arms around the twins, forcing them to go where he's going.

What…in the world is going on here? May thought as she watched them leave.

May walked by the music room, drinking a cup of soft drink. She looked through the window, looking around the music room. It was a simple room with four white walls and a white ceiling. Quite boring colors in May's opinion. There were all sorts of instruments in the music room; Violins, Guitars, Drums, Horns, Trumpets, and so on. What caught the brunette's attention, however, were the Grand Piano, which stood in the middle, and the Electric Piano, which stood far off in a corner.

Hm, I wonder what how Drew knew Anne and Liz… May thought as she drank the rest of her drink, being her usual dense self. She threw the cup in a trash can nearby, and entered the music room.

She sat on the chair by the Electric Piano, tucking her chestnut-brown hair behind her ear. The brunette gently pressed the Piano keys, stepping on the pedal at some points.

"I really wonder…" May whispered quietly, her voice soft yet clear.

"What's going on…
Why can't he tell me?
But why should I care
Why should I care, oh

It's none of my business,
Oh, but why do I care?
Why should I care?
Don't know"

May stopped for a second before coming up with another set of lyrics. She had a hobby of making up her own songs, with her own lyrics and music(AN: Yeah, yeah. It's actually MY hobby. But wouldn't it be cute if May actually sang about him? XD Just some crazy idea that popped in my crazy mind. xD I just thought of the lyrics as I wrote. THIS SONG IS COPYRIGHTED BY ME!! XD LOL).

"But I still really wonder
What is he hiding?
Why should he hide it?
I have no idea, no, no"

The music and May's singing started to get louder by each word. She was quite satisfied with the lyrics so far, as seen on the wide grin on her face.

Is getting the better of me
That, I know, woah!"

The brunette stopped again, trying to come up with more lyrics. Man, I'm getting better at this! She smiled brightly to herself.


But, I wonder
Is he hiding something?
Are they hiding somethiiing, yea-eah…"

"Don't know
What secrets does he have?
That conceited arrogant brat
Conceited brat, yeah-eah

The way he acts so arrogant
Always telling me how ignorant
I am…

The way he flicks his hair
The way he looks at me
The way he smirks at me
It just so annoys me

But yet, I still wonder
Is he hiding something, yeah…

Is getting the better of me

The way I look at him
The way I scowl at him
The way I think of him
I still don't get it

Is he hiding something?
Are they hiding something?
That conceited arrogant brat
Conceited arrogant brat

I still really wonder
Why do I even care?

The way I look at him
The way I scowl at him
The way I think of him
Why do I even care?

The way he flicks his hair
The way he looks at me
The way he smirks at me

Why do I even…"

Just when she was going to reach the last word, May stopped singing. She sensed someone watching her and turned her attention to the door, noticing a certain boy leaning against the door frame with a goofy grin on.

"Oh, hey Brendan," May smiled softly.

He walked in, "Hey, you're really good at this, y'know?"

"Thanks, but maybe you shouldn't spy on people like that." May grinned as he walked towards her. She took a little notebook from her pocket and started writing the lyrics down.

"Say, who's that "conceited arrogant brat" in your song?" Brendan asked with a questioning look on.

Is getting the better of me
That, I know, woah…" May read out each word as she wrote it down, oblivious to Brendan's question.

Brendan sweat dropped. "Hellooo?! Earth to musician May! Hey!" He waved his fists in the air, annoyed that she ignored him.

"Huh…?" May looked up at him. "Oh, what?"

"I asked-"

"It's drew…" May looked back down on her notebook.

"…Uh, I thought you weren't listening?" Brendan asked, confused.

"Huh? Oh, what was your question again? I was writing another set of lyrics. Hey, what do you think of this:

It's drew an impression-"

"I asked, who's that conceited brat in your song?!" Brendan yelled, waving his arms in the air as he cut her off, both angry and annoyed that what she previously said was actually part of the song.

"Oh, it's that Drew guy. Or, as I call him, Draw!" May began giggling as Brendan twitched his eye.

"Not funny."

"Man, and you call me a party pooper!" May rolled her eyes.

Brendan rolled his eyes, "Anyway, what was that song about?"

"Oh, uh, see… Drew seems to know Anne and Liz… They were talking about something about…uh, Anne and Liz's Dad, and a woman they seem to hate."

"Isn't it obvious?" Brendan rolled his eyes again at her ignorance.

"Huh?" May blinked her sapphire eyes twice.

Brendan, instead, twitched his eye. She's so dense that I could call her dumb… But I suppose I can't call my childhood friend that. Though…that's a fact… "Drew and the twins…" Brendan paused, his eyes closed. Yet, his right eye was still twitching in annoyance. "Probably are siblings." He finished, opening his eyes.

"What?!" The brunette yelled, almost falling off of the seat. "What do you mean?!"

"No need to overreact. I only said "probably." Brendan turned his head away, his eyes closed. "If not that, then maybe really closed friends."

May ignored Brendan, brooding over something. Come to think of it, I received a rose from Drew before… And Anne had a white rose earlier while Liz had a blue one… And they all have green eyes… And at gym class(Or PE, whatever you want to call it), Liz was smirking a lot when Anne failed in everything Mister Brawly told us do, that familiar smirk that I always see on Drew's face… Anne's smirk to Liz during Chemistry class looked no different… So, I guess it's possible… Smirking habit, roses… Runs in the family, I guess… Maybe they really are-

"You know I'm still standing here, right?!" Brendan yelled, snapping the brunette out of her thoughts.

"H-huh? Oh, yeah, uh, anyway, what are you here for? Wanna fool Ash again that you're in "love with me?" She quoted with her fingers.

"Ohh! How did you know?" Brendan asked in exaggeration. He was obviously trying to annoy her. "Anyway, nope. Came here to tell ya lunch tme's gonna end soon." He pointed at the clock on the wall.

"Oh, darn…" May quickly stuff her notebook in her pocket, jumping out of the seat. "Thanks, Bren! See you later!" She ran out, the question of how Brendan knew she was there not even crossing her little ignorant mind.

Brendan grin, an amused look on his face. Maybe she already likes Drew without even knowing. Brendan chuckled.

A certain blond girl skipped her way through the hallways, eventually reaching her temporary dorm room. Her twin, Liz, walked behind her with a pondering look on.

"Hey, do you think May figured out that we're Drew's sisters?" Anne suddenly asked, snapping Liz out of her thoughts.

"Probably. But Drew says she's quite dense, so..."

"Hey, there's May over there!" Liz looked up, spotting May some distance away. The brunette didn't seem to notice them just yet, though.

"The way he flicks his hair
The way he looks at me
The way he smirks at me
It really does annoy me

The way I look at him
The way I scowl at him
The way I think of him
I sill don't get it…
" May softly sang as she skipped down another hallway, walking towards her dorm room.

"Aw, ain't that cute! She really does like Drew, to actually compose a song about him!" Anne clasped her hands with a grin.

"Hey, May!" Liz completely ignored her sister, yelling out to May before she actually finished singing.

May looked at them. "Oh, hi."

Liz grabbed a Guitar case that was leaning against a wall, while her twin grabbed a Violin case leaning on another wall. Obviously, they had instruments in them, judging by the mass.

May didn't know what to say, so she kept quiet. The three were as if playing the "Silence" game. Anne turned to May and looked at her, unbeknownest to the brunette. She opened her mouth, wanting to break the awkward silence, "Um, so, May..."

May turned to her with a confused look, as did their other blondie roommate.

"I guess you figure it out? About Drew and...us two?" May paused upon hearing what Anne said, then gave a slight nod. "Well, y-yeah. Siblings, right?"

"Uh-huh!" Liz threw her arms in the air before Anne could breathe a word. "You know, you two make a really great pair!" She grinned. She was the type who likes to speak up after someone else clears the problem away. One sentence to describe her? Utterly unpredictable, but quite typical of her if you knew her like the back of your hand. She always liked sitting on the fence and wait for things to happen rather than to take action.

A crimson color ran across May's cheeks, reddening at the blond's comment. "Oh, um, since you're Drew's sisters, you should know that, uh..." May stopped, not knowing how to put it of if she should say it.

"You and Drew are not dating?" A sly grin made its way to Liz's face. "You know, love can be nurtured just simply by play-dating!" She clasped her hands together.

May resisted the urge to yell and scream the moment she heard that sentence. "Eh? W-w-what...?"

"You know, our dad's friend had a same love life history as you!" Liz squealed. "She met this guy, they were on bad terms, and everybody thinks they're soul mates, couple, dating, E.T.C."

"Yeah, then they went all "let's play-date and break-up in front of a huge audience!" Anne decided to play a part in Liz's little let's-play-cupid game.

At that moment, May really hated herself for letting them see her turn redder than a ripen tomato. "Uh, what? That's crazy. I don't see how anyone in the right mind would actually want to date "The Great" Drew!" She tried to keep her cool, giving a sarcastic remark.

"Hm, probably. But apparently, people aren't in the right mind if they're in love!!" Liz grin, leaning closer to the brunette.

May lean back, away from the pair of crazy matchmaker twins as they leaning closer to her. "N-nah! Why would I like him?!" She quickly laughed it off. Though in her head, she was really wondering if she liked Drew, but immediately deny in her head. Yet, she wondered why her cheeks were heating up. They were burning, in fact.

"Tee hee, oh really, hm? Well, let's list the reasons why you could fall for him..." Liz started.

"He's cute," Anne started.

"Nuh-uh..." May mumbled.

"and smart," Anne ignored May and continued.

"Funny and strong," It was Liz's turn to list good things about her brother.

"Not funny, no. Strong, I don't know about that..." May mumbled softly again.

"Intelligent and adorable," Anne said softly, leaning closer to May mischievously.

"Nope, nope, nope. Definitely not." May muttered to herself, deliberately saying the words slightly loud, for the twins to hear her. Despite what she said, her cheeks turned a crimson red at the word "adorable."

"Kind, considerate," Liz said, though she was half-lying.

Upon hearing those words, the brunette burst out laughing as the twins stared at her with a has-she-lost-it look. They looked at each other, then turn to the chuckling May.

"Ha! Kind? Considerate? Yeah, right! Let's just say, he's just plain stuck-up and conceited!" May laughed.

The twins sweat dropped. Okay, so they were lying about the "considerate" part, but in their eyes, everything else were true. This doesn't apply to May's eyes, however.

"Oh, mm, really? That means he likes you too! 'Cuz he acts the opposite to the real him when he's around someone he has feelings towards...!" Liz grin. She was better at talking than Anne, that's for sure.

"Aw, really?" May asked with a fake look of sympathy. "Hm, so he has feelings of hate towards me as well, huh? Figures, since I hate him too." May said in a fake tone. She was lying though. She disliked Drew, but didn't exactly hate him. Now she know why all her friends said she was such a kind-hearted girl, and that she could easily forgive anyone.

Liz stopped. She couldn't come up with anything to counter with.

"Think you've met your match, Liz?" A familiar male voice asked from the opened door. There stood the green haired coordinator, leaning against the door frame. "You do know that you're all late for class, right?"

Me: Yay-ya! My own song! It's cheesy, I know. Go ahead, kill me(passing remark, not literally, kay?).
May: Brendan knows?
Me: Uh-huh!
Drew: Anne and Liz? My sisters?
Me: Um, pretty much!
Brendan: I know that they're not a couple?
Me: Uh-huh! Hey, wait, who let you in the house?!
May: Oops, sorry. I invited him over!
Drew: -glares at Brendan from the corner of his eye-
Me: Ooooh, someone's getting jeeeaaalous!
Drew: -blushes- What gave you that crazy idea?!
Me: Um, me? -grins-
Drew: -groans-
Anne: Hey, the song's pretty good!
Me: Why, thank you! I actually got a crush on a boy who acts like Drew. You know, arrogant, stuck-up...
May: Irksome, conceited...
Me: Annoying, idiotic in my eyes...
May: The whole I'm-the-coolest attitude...
Me: Acts like he owns the world...
May: Irri-
Drew: Okay, we get it! May hates me, and Steph hates that boy! We-Get-It!
Me: -hit Drew with a mallet for revealing my name- -innocent sweet face- Aw, excuse me, but... I THOUGHT I SAID NOT TO REVEAL MY NAME?!
Drew: Ow...
May: I didn't say I hate you! You're just annoying, stuck-up, conceited, irksome, irritating-
Anne: WE GET IT!
Me: -ignores Anne and Liz- And you love him for that, riiiight?? -smirks at May-
May and Drew: -blushes-
Anne: May and Drew!
Liz: Sitting in a tree!
Me: K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
May and Drew: STOP!
Me: Aw, isn't that cuuute?!
Anne: Totally agree!
Liz: They even yell and blush TOGETHER!
Me: YAY!
May: -runs off-
Me: Aw! They're gonna play hide-and-seek!
Liz: -hits me in the head with the mallet- Excuse me, but you're getting too crazy! Have you dropped some IQ points?!
Anne: Seems so. Just like you when you kept insisting that I like...uh, you-know-who...
Me: Who?
Anne: Uh... Hey, where's Drew?
Me: Ooh, so cute! They really are playin' hide-and-seek!
Liz: Idiot.
Me: Shut it.
Anne: A-anyways, REVIEW!