Total Drama Island: Happy Tree Friends Edition

Total Drama Island: Happy Tree Friends Edition

Disclaimer: I do not own happy tree friends or total drama island

Episode 1a.

Meeting the Campers

On a dock placed on an island in the middle of nowhere, a light-grey colored wolf was brushing his hair, which obviously had too much hair gel in it. Next to him was a small camera man, apparently getting his equipment ready.

"So how much longer until we're ready?" the wolf asked in a anxious tone.

The camera man seemed to be paying attention to his camera more than the wolf but finally responded, "Okay ready Chris. In 5… 4… 3.. -," the camera man mouthed out the last two numbers before pointing for Chris to begin.

Right on cue, Chris began. "Yo. We're comin' at ya live from Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. I'm your host, Chris McClain. Bringing you the hottest new show on television Right Now!"

Chris then turned to the ocean and began to walk towards it, still talking. "here's the deal 22 people have agreed to spend the next 8 weeks at this crummy summer camp. They will compete in challenges against each other, then they will have to face the judgment of their fellow campers. Ever 3 days one team will either win an award, or watch one of their team members walk down The Dock of Shame," he added pointing the dock he was standing on.

"They will then have to take a ride on the Boat of Losers and leave Total Drama Island for good!"

Chris and the camera man started off to the camp before reaching a small campfire set at the base of a small hill.

Chris sat down on one of the many tree trunks used as chairs and continued his long speech.

"Their fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame. And a small fortune which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week."

For a few moments, the camera man took the camera off Chris and put it onto the surroundings.

To survive, they'll have to battle ferocious grizzly bears, disgusting camp food, and each other. Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated around the camp."

Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now on




Next time, the campers finally arrive