Disclaimer: I du nut own teh Pokemanz… x-x… Man, I've had to say that a lot lately lel… XDXDXD

Woot, I've gotta say, it was one long hell of a journey, but we're finally here… The epilogue! I gotta say, revisiting this story and finishing it was hella satisfying… I'm glad I finally got this story done! And I know you guys may have thought the ending was a bit rushed, and I may have sorta pushed the ending a bit too soon, but with 12 chapters, it out-chaptered Cipher's Revenge of all stories… which was my longest story to date… But hopefully, it was still a fun ride for you all and it didn't feel too rushed! XD

Cyrus: Will I ever have a story where I'm the good guy…? T.T

Me: Nope, never… Not gonna happen :PP

Lucas: Will I ever be this badass in a story ever again…? Coz damn that felt good…

Me: Mebe… mebe not… I dunno… XDXDXD

Dawn: Will you ever stop being so clingy and glompy with me…?

Me: NEVAH~! –Glomps and hug-tackles Dawn-

Dawn: -Sighs- I rest my case…

Anyways… enjoy! :PP

Epilogue: Ten Years Later

"Aria, it's time to wake up!" The voice of a young woman says with a smile on her face. "You're going to be late for school!" As the young woman calls out to her, a young, seven year old girl jumps out of bed with her azure, blue eyes widened as she scrambles onto her feet.

"Wack, it's already time for school, mommy? I was having such a good dream!" The small, light purple haired girl says in a bright, energetic voice. The girl scrambles to get out of her bed and comically winds up tripping and falling to the floor. As she trips and falls, a twenty-five year old blue haired woman enters the room and sweat drops at the adorable little girl sprawled on the floor with swirly eyes.

"Are you alright, dear?" She asks the purple haired girl. The girl named Aria scratches the back of her head sheepishly and gets up, nodding her head and smiling brightly as she ties her long, silky light purple hair into pigtails.

"Yep! No need to worry! I'm perfectly fine!" She says cheerfully and in a bubbly manner. The blue haired woman smiles and pets the girls head as she gets dressed and goes down stairs. Sitting in the dining table, was a purple haired man sitting down and reading the newspaper. The purple haired girl glomps the purple haired man cheerfully and in a bubbly manner.

"Daddy!" She squeals cheerfully and adorably. Paul simply looks down at the purple haired girl and pets her on the head. He then picks her up and sets her on his lap.

"Good morning, Aria. Are you ready for school?" He asks, chuckling as he pets the young, energetic little girl on the head. The bubbly purple haired girl nods her head while smiling brightly and cheerfully while cuddling close to her father.

"Tee hee! Yep! Mommy's going to drive me right now!" She says cheerfully and adorably. As she says this, the blue haired woman comes down the stairs takes Aria's hand. She then kisses the purple haired man on the cheeks and smiles.

"I'm going to take Aria to school now, Paul!" The blue haired girl says with a smile. Paul simply nods his head while reading his newspaper as the blue haired woman picks up the small, purple haired girl and smiles at her brightly. "Are you ready?" She asks. Aria has a bright, cheerful smile on her face and nods her head in a bubbly, bright manner as the two head off to Sandgem Town. Paul sees them off as they leave before going back to reading his newspaper. He then comes across an article that makes him chuckle.

"That Barry…" The purple haired man says to himself while amused. "Wait until troublesome hears about this…" He muses, chuckling to himself as he puts the newspaper down and decides to get ready for the day. As he gets up, a picture is shown with Dawn and Paul in their wedding dress during their wedding day, when they had just gotten married.

Dawn and Paul got married and they had a single child. Dawn became a well renowned Pokemon Coordinator while Paul finally settled down. After haven spent all his life working under Cyrus, the purple haired man needed a period of peace. However, he still keeps up with training his Pokemon. Dawn gave birth to a single child named Aria, who seems to retain Dawn's bright, cheerful personality, and yet, she has Paul's skills as a Pokemon Battler. Her Pokemon consists of a Piplup, which was handed down to her by her by her mother, and an Elekid, which was passed to her by her father. Johanna's husband was rescued shortly after Dawn was reunited with Johanna and he currently lives alone with Johanna, the two finally retired and settling down.

Meanwhile, standing in front of Sandleaf Elementary school was a brown haired man wearing a white lab coat. The man had his arms crossed and was welcoming the children as they arrive at the school. As the man stands in front of the school, a young, preppy black haired woman comes over with a bright smile on her face as she comes with some pills and his inhaler.

Lucas realized that even though he couldn't battle or travel anymore, his passion for Pokemon hadn't changed. So, he decided to become a Pokemon Professor, and pass on his knowledge and experience of battling to the next generation. He met with a young, preppy girl named Candice, who revealed to him that she had feelings for him. Although Lucas was never able to get over his feelings for Dawn, he promised he would love and cherish Candice's relationship with him as if he had gotten together with Dawn, and he and Candice have shared a long, loving relationship with each other…

Candice was energetic, cheerful and carefree, just like Dawn was, and it was these qualities that Lucas had grown to love about her in their ten years together. However, with his condition, Lucas' body was simply too weak and he would get too exhausted and weak during sex… So he couldn't have any children with Candice. Lucas did talk to Candice about this issue, however, and they considered adoption. They finally went through with it one rainy day, when Lucas found two twin children, lost and afraid, and left alone on the streets, forced to fend for themselves with no home, only a cardboard box sheltering them. Lucas, much like how Cyrus took in Paul and Reiji, took the two under his care, however, not as weapons or tools of vengeance like Cyrus did, but he raised them with love and care like family, and he loved and cherished his children… Although Lucas didn't get his ideal happy ending, this ending for him was… bittersweet at most…

"I brought you your medicine and your inhaler, Lucas dear!" The preppy, black haired woman says with a smile. Lucas smiles back at her and nods his head, accepting the pills and swallowing them. He then takes a dose of his inhaler and puts it away for now.

"Thank you, Candice!" Lucas says to the black haired woman. "How are the kids?" He asks. As he asks this, two twins peek their heads from behind Candice's leg, a boy and a girl. Both were seven years old, and they were both very shy and timid. They both had brown hair and matching black eyes. The boy was slightly taller than the girl, and had messy brown hair and innocent black eyes. The girl was tiny and adorable with her short brown hair at about shoulder's length. Her black eyes were just as innocent as her brothers. Both of them wore matching school uniforms, with the girl wearing a cute, black skirt rather than pants. Candice giggles at this and pets their heads, hugging them affectionately.

"They're just nervous about their first day of school, that's all! We just took them in and raised them fairly recently after all! They just need some time to adapt and fit in!" Candice says in a preppy, cheerful manner. "Aren't they just the most adorable things…? I can just pinch their cheeks!" She squeals as she hugs them. Lucas smiles at this and kneels to the level of his children and pets them on their heads affectionately to give them advice.

"Don't be shy, and do your best, alright? Also, have fun and try to make new friends, alright? Don't worry! Daddy will be right here, watching you…" Lucas says with a smile on his face. He then looks at Candice and sweat drops. "You… You should be heading back to the gym now, right? Here, I'll lend you Staraptor! It's a long ways away to Snowpoint, after all." He says as he hands her the Pokemon's Pokeball. Candice giggles at this and kisses Lucas on the cheeks.

"Thanks, hun! Good luck with work, and take care of the kiddies!" The preppy, cheerful black haired girl says as she sends out the flying Pokemon and hops on its back, making its way back to Snowpoint City. As Candice leaves, Dawn arrives with Aria and the cheerful adorable purple haired girl has OuO eyes innocently and adorably upon seeing Lucas' children.

"Yay, new friends!" She squeals cheerfully and adorably as she runs up to them. This winds up scaring the two, shy, timid twins as they both hide behind Lucas' legs, causing the brown haired man to sweat drop. Dawn laughs sheepishly and then smiles at Lucas in a small, friendly manner, giving the brown haired man a hug.

"Hi there, Lucas! Dawn says with a smile on her face. "I see you've been busy… How's the family with Candice? You've been taking care of yourself, right?" Lucas smiles at this as he takes some time to sit down for a bit. He then pushes his children gently, encouraging them to go greet and talk with Aria. The two twins have meek, adorable expressions on their faces, but shyly confront the cheerful, purple haired girl.

"Busy… Being a Pokemon Professor isn't easy work…" Lucas says while laughing. "But with my condition, it's the only occupation for me, and I take much pride and joy in doing my job!" The brown haired boy says while smiling brightly and proudly. He then looks at the two twin children, watching as Aria introduces herself to them and holds out her hand to shake hands with them.

"Hee, hee. My name is Aria! I'm seven years old and I like the color purple!" Aria says cheerfully and adorably. "Now you introduce yourselves! Tee hee!" As the preppy purple haired little girl introduces herself, the brother of the two twins looks at her sister for a bit shyly and reluctantly. He then holds out his hand and shakes Aria's hand shyly.

"U-Um… I-I'm Leo, and this is my sister, Rio." Leo says quietly and shyly while twiddling her fingers nervously. "M-My sister doesn't know how to speak properly yet… s-so, uh…Th-That's why I-I'm speaking for her! N-N-Nice to- Eh?!" The timid, brown haired boy pauses and jumps a bit with an adorable cat ripple in unison with her brown haired sister as Aria's eyes glint at them comically and she then chases them adorably and cheerfully.

"Waaaah, you two are so adorable! Come here and give me a huggy~!" Aria squeals cheerfully and energetically. Leo and Rio let out cute, small squeaks and try to run away as Aria glomps them and tackles them to the ground while Lucas and Dawn smile and laugh at how well the three children were getting along. Dawn then gives Lucas a playful, teasing look about the names he gave his children and nudges him with her elbow. Lucas gets - -; eyes and sweat drops at this, scratching the back of his head while a bit red in the cheeks.

"Candice named them, not me… Please don't look at me like that…" He muses matter-of-factly while clearing his throat. Dawn giggles at this and smiles brightly at this.

"I'm just teasing, Lucas!" Dawn says with a bright, friendly smile. "How's Barry doing by the way? We haven't heard from him since he left on his journey!" Lucas grins at this widely as he holds something behind his back

"Oh, you'll be surprised when you see this…" Lucas says with a grin. "Ta-da!" He says as he reveals a postcard that Barry had just sent him. Barry was with the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia. The two had gotten married and they were living together in Cynthia's Villa at the Unova Region. Dawn is a bit taken aback by this and reels back in surprise.

Barry left to go on his Pokemon Journey on his own, since Lucas was retired as a trainer, and Dawn settled in with Paul. He eventually battled and defeated the Sinnoh champion, Cynthia, and much to everyone's surprise, not only did he win, but he scored with her in the very end! Way to go, Barry!The two are currently settled in the Unova region, living together peacefully and living their new life together. However, even now with him living in the lap of luxury, Barry is working on building and earning enough money to pay for Lucas' operation to get his lung replaced. Ash and Gary returned to the Kanto Region together, reunited with their loved ones, Leaf and Misty. The two of them stay in touch with Dawn and Paul once in a while.

"Wow, Barry scored big time… I didn't know he had it in him…" Dawn muses with a chuckle. Lucas grins at this in agreement and the two laugh together and smile as they watch other their children. Dawn then pauses as she waves to Lucas one last time before she had to go back home.

"Well, I should be going now… Paul should be waiting for me to come back!" Dawn says with a friendly smile on her face. "It was nice talking to you again! Come by and visit sometime! I'll be back for Aria once school ends!" The brown haired man smiles and nods his head, giving Dawn a friendly thumbs up.

"Sure thing!" Lucas says to the blue haired woman as she makes her leave. He then turns around, looking at the sunset, recollecting his childhood watching Aria talk and interact with his own children, reminding him of when it was just him, Dawn and Barry. He then closes his eyes and grins at the three children. "Alright, you three, class will be starting soon! Get to your seats!" He says as he guides the three children to their classroom to join the rest of their classmates. And so, with Cyrus arrested and Team Galactic disbanded, peace had returned to Dawn and her friends as they all settle down to start their new life. However, while their adventure had ended, the adventure of their young little ones… has just begun…

The End!

IT'S OVEEEEEEER~! XDXDXD Phew… That was quite the ride, wasn't it!

Dawn: Aw, I'm glad for you, Lucas! You still get somewhat of a happy ending… Even with… what happened last chapter… -Still feels guilty-

Lucas: Ack, Dawn! It's alright! You don't have to feel so bad!


Dawn: -sweat drops- R-Right…

Anyways, as always, review, give me some constructive criticism, and make sure not to flame me, aight?! Until next time, I continue with the Silver Trilogy Remastered!
