Chapter Forty Two:
He refused to let her go to work the next day.
She lay in bed.
Grissom had threatened her if she moved from the bedroom.
"How are you feeling?" asked Mary.
"Sore…very sore and nauseous," said Sara. "I hate pain medicine…after effects."
"Can I get you anything?"
"I'm afraid we're out of ginger ale and crackers," she said.
"I could run to the store for you," offered Mary.
"You wouldn't mind?" asked Sara.
"Of course not. I'll be back in just a few minutes," she said. "Is there anything else I can do?"
"Want to do the shopping list?" asked Sara.
"I'll get it from the fridge," smiled Mary. "I'll just get my jacket and then get Scotty."
"He can stay…Mary there's no reason you have to get him up from his nap…go," she said.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Go…there's another thing I need you to pick up," said Sara as she scribbled it on the list.
"Anything else?" smiled Mary.
"Probably don't need it but..."
"Be back soon. Call me on my cell if you need me or think of anything else," said Mary.
"How about ice cream...make it double chocolate," said Sara.
"Going to share?" teased Mary.
"I'll have two spoons waiting," she said.
Bruno barked and wagged his tail.
Sara chuckled. "I think he knows you're going for ice cream."
He barked and Sara hushed him.
"Want me to take him for a ride?" asked Mary.
"Make him stay out of the bags."
"Heard that Bruno?" chided Mary.
Sara closed her eyes.
She jumped when she heard Scotty whimper.
She stood slowly and winced from the sore muscles.
She gasped when she walked into the nursery and found Jenny standing over Scotty.
"What are you doing?" asked Sara.
"He's gotten so big…I've missed so much of his life because of you!" yelled Jenny.
"That was your fault," said Sara.
"Did you think you could just cozy up to David, get my son and the money?" sneered Jenny.
"I never cozied up to David. I never was interested in the money…Scotty needed me," she said.
"He's my son!" Jenny yelled. "I gave birth to him! He's mine!"
"David said you and Brad adopted Scotty….his mother died at childbirth…he's Scotty's father."
Jenny laughed. "When my father found out that my mother cheated on him, he insisted on a paternity test. It proved I wasn't his biological daughter. He divorced my mother…oh he never
publicly disowned me…he didn't want a scandal…he just disinherited me."
Jenny looked at Sara and saw that she was confused.
"I know…David said it was because of Brad…believe me the rift started before Brad appeared in my life. Did you know that David and I had different mothers….and fathers it would seem. He
felt sorry for me when dear daddy disinherited me. He got me the job as a CSI…I met Brad there. We got married. It infuriated daddy more. I worked my ass off night after night…David could
afford anything…oh he was nice…helped me when I needed money…it should have been mine! That's when Brad came up with a plan to force my father to disinherit David…it failed…even
stoned out of his mind David was such a weakling for you. He didn't rape you so I had Brad do it…and yet my father covered for David."
Jenny reached down and patted Scotty's back.
Sara stepped forward.
"I was determined to get back at my father. I came up with another plan…on my own. David was quite upset after you left…he was depressed for years…I took advantage of the situation…
got him drunk..screwed him…after that I became a regular screw for him…it seems I reminded him of you. I got pregnant with Scotty…I knew it wasn't Brad's. I made him wear condoms…told
him I wasn't ready to get pregnant yet…but as soon as I was pregnant by David…well, let's just say Brad never knew Scotty wasn't his. It was my little extra insurance…David paid me hush
money while I, his sister, raised his son…our son."
Jenny glared at Sara. "You should have died that night Brad had to fuck you! You should have O.D….then you survived the cliff…Brad got messy…it cost him his freedom…but not mine. I saw
you leave David's hotel room…I should have killed you then…I smashed my car into you…I intended to walk up and just shoot you point blank but there were too many people around. It
seems you have nine lives…you're not playing house with my son! I'm taking Scotty with me," she said.
"You're not taking Scotty anywhere!" yelled Sara.
Jenny turned and pointed a gun at Sara.
"I plan to make sure you're dead this time," she said. "Scotty is my son…not yours! He should have called me 'momma'…not you," she yelled.
Scotty whimpered.
"You're going to wake him…you don't want to scare him," said Sara.
"Shut up! Don't tell me how to treat my baby!" yelled Jenny.
"Jenny, put the gun down," said David as he entered the room.
"Well, well, look who's come to visit?" sneered Jenny.
"So tell me David. How long did it take you to finally screw Sara? Oh wait. Let me guess. You've still not been able to bed her. The high and mighty David Hollister…the man who could have
anyone and yet he can't even get the girl across the sad."
David stepped in front of Sara.
"How much do you want, Jenny? Name it," said David.
"How did you find me?" asked Jenny.
"Money can buy a lot of investigators…they've been on your trail for weeks," he said. "How much do you want?"
"Ten million…and my son," she said.
"You can have the money…but not Scotty," he said.
"He's mine," she cried. "I carried him. I gave birth to him…he's mine…you said you wouldn't take him from me," she cried.
"Yes, I did but that was before I found out what you did…Scotty deserves better. Look at him Jenny! Look at our son…now look at us…we're pathetic as parents. Scotty deserves a loving
home…Sara and Gil have given him that," he said.
"Come with me," he said as he held out his hand. "We deserve each other. I'll take you anywhere you want to go…just leave here now…just the two of us," he said.
She shook her head. "All I ever wanted was never even saw me...just her...I'm not leaving here without Scotty. I want my baby!"
"You can't have him," said David. "I won't let you twist him like our father did to us."
"You were never like him. I did whatever he wanted…he owed me…instead he took everything away!"
"Jenny, please. Put the gun down," pleaded David.
"She deserves to die," said Jenny.
"Sara never did anything to either of us," said David as he stepped forward.
Jenny pulled back the trigger. "She can go to hell!"
David lurched for the gun as it went off. He stared at Jenny as he fell to his knees. Sara ran forward and held him as he lay on the floor. She grabbed a small blanket and held it against the
"David," Sara cried. "Hold still."
Scotty began to cry as he sat up.
"I'm sorry…I didn't mean to shoot you…I meant to shoot Sara," cried Jenny. She looked back and tried to pat Scotty on the back.
He wailed as he held out his hands and cried, "momma."
"Momma is here," said Jenny. "Momma is here." She tried to pick up Scotty but he scooted away, extending his hands toward Sara's direction.
"Jenny, please…if you love Scotty…don't….do….this," he said. "Look at him…he wants Sara…he needs Sara," said David as he died.
"No…David…hang on," cried Sara.
She looked up at Jenny. "He's dead."
"No…no…no," cried Jenny.
"You killed him!"
"I thought he would tell our father about the pregnancy…force me to divorce Brad and ….marry him…he didn't. He hid Scotty's birth…he hid me…just like my father…I was an embarrassment."
Jenny raised the gun.
Scotty wailed for Sara. "Momma"
"I love you, Scotty," said Sara.
Sara closed her eyes as the gun fired.
She expected to feel pain.
She felt nothing.
She opened her eyes and found Jenny lying on the floor.
She had shot herself.
Scotty wailed.
Sara scrambled to her feet and grabbed Scotty as she ran out of the room.
She could hear sirens already as she made her way to the back deck.
She noticed the glass was broken and she stepped over it as she made her way outside. She rocked Scotty back and forth as she cried.
Police surrounded the house and yet she remained there on the deck, rocking the baby back and forth.
Brass arrived followed by Grissom.
Grissom took one look at the nursery and then ran outside.
He held Sara as she clutched Scotty to her.
"She shot David…he was protecting me…she then killed herself…Scotty saw it happen…Oh God Gil…Scotty saw it happen," she said over and over.
She continued to rock him back and forth.
Brass handed Grissom a blanket and wrapped both of them in it.
"We're going to take you to Jim's…okay?" he asked.
She nodded slightly. He tried to take Scotty from her arms but she refused to let go of him.
"Sara, I've got him," said Grissom quietly.
"I can't let go," she whispered. "I can't…"
"It's okay honey…I've got our son…nothing is going to happen to him," said Grissom. "I promise."
She glanced down at the baby's tear streaked face. She kissed him lightly on the forehead and then handed him to Grissom.
Grissom held him as he whispered softly to Scotty. He whimpered a moment but then clung to Grissom. "Dada…Dada."
"Dada…is here," he whispered. "I'm here."
He sat there on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair. Scotty lay there beside her as he slept.
"Jim set up the portable crib," he said softly. "We should put him in bed."
"Just a few more minutes," she said as she wiped at her eyes.
"You okay?" he asked.
"He did the right thing…in the end…he did the right thing," she said.
"Yes, he did," said Grissom.
"I don't understand…Jenny was…I don't understand," she sniffled.
"It's over," he said. "I can give you something…for the pain," he said.
She shook her head.
He started to get up but she grabbed his hand.
"Don't leave…stay," she begged. "Blood was everywhere...I closed my eyes...I thought she was going to kill me next...Scotty saw...he saw...God, Gil...our baby saw that," she cried.
"He won't remember," said Grissom. "He'll have nothing but happy memories."
She nodded.
He curled up beside her and held his family.
"He called you dada," she whispered.
"He's our son," said Grissom. "Yours and mine."
They celebrated by having a small party for Scotty's first birthday.
Sara snapped photo after photo.
"The adoption becomes final next week," said Catherine.
"Yes, it does. Scotty is officially ours," said Sara smiling.
"So…have you told him yet?" asked Catherine.
"I was going to tell him today…kind of make it our special day as well," whispered Sara.
Catherine smiled.
"Cat…thanks for supporting me these last three months…keeping the pregnancy a secret…I just wanted to get through the first trimester…you know make sure everything is okay," she said.
"Scheduled the ultrasound yet?" asked Catherine.
"Next week," Sara beamed.
"Just make sure we get his reaction on film today…okay?" asked Catherine.
"Yes!" she said.
Sara walked up to Grissom and kissed him.
He pulled her close. "Greg and Nick are spoiling him."
"You've already done that," she said.
"We're going to the amusement park this evening…everyone is going to ride the rollercoaster…together…Mary is going to keep Scotty…he can watch," grinned Grissom.
"I can't," she said.
"Don't tell me you're scared?" asked Greg as he jabbed Nick.
"Warrick has ridden it…remember, Warrick? Grissom made you ride it as part of your evaluation," said Nick.
"Yes, he did. I recall I threw up…but then I rode it again," chuckled Warrick.
"Sorry, but I can't ride it," she said.
Grissom's smiled faded. "Why not?"
"My doctor restricted me from doing such things."
"Restricted you? Why?"
She grinned.
Grissom stared at her.
He grabbed her by the waist. "Your doctor…as in OB?"
"Yes….at least for the next five and half months."
He looked shell shocked.
"How far along are you?"
"Ultrasound is next week…we get to find out if it's a boy or a girl…Scotty is not going to be an only child...I hope you didn't reorder that Kumodo dragon."
He smiled.
He grabbed her and held her tight.
"You get a free pass…but the rest of you…"
They chuckled as he scooped up Scotty. "When you're big enough….you and me…rollercoasters."
Sara smiled…her Sidle smile.
The End.
Note from author:
Thanks so much for reading along. I am typing away now trying to finish another story while pretending to lead a normal life. LOL. Please set your alert so that you will be notified of the next story. I hope I will not disappoint...perhaps in about two weeks...I can't believe I am approaching the one year mark when I began to write fanfiction. I have enjoyed it. I so love GSR and hope that everyone will keep the faith that they will remain intact after this season...or else we can all go to Hollywood and give them a piece of our mind...
Take care,