The past two weeks had been hell for Harry

None of the characters below belong to me. They belong to the Creative JK Rowling as you all know. This was just written for fun and I'm not planning on making a dime from it.

Anyway, on with the story.



The past two weeks had been hell for Harry. The warnings that the Order gave to the Dursley's seemed to have cowed them enough to leave Harry alone. He was given sufficient meals 3 times a day and cooking, cleaning, gardening was all done by the maid that the Dursley's had hired after they realized that their Harry-elf couldn't be forced to do everything around the house. What was it then that made the two weeks hell for Harry? The answer to that would be two people; Voldemort and Sirius Black. But Sirius was innocent, he never betrayed the Potters, how could he make it hell for Harry? Well, firstly it isn't Sirius that was actually causing the trouble but his death was.

Apart from the terrifying and recurring nightmares of Sirius taunting Bellatrix Lestrange before he falls through the veil, the feelings of guilt, anger and loneliness after missing the closest thing to a parent he had ever known is just too much for the teen to handle. Of course, we shouldn't forget He-who-must-be-a-pain-in-the-ass. It seemed that the failed possession of Harry hadn't deterred Voldy but had pushed him into goading Harry with images of Voldy torturing and killing his father on that Halloween night.

The monotony of waking up every morning at 5.30 a.m because of a nightmare was broken by Fawkes appearing in a ball of flames in Harry's room at around 3 a.m. The phoenix well known for its powerful healing tears and its beautiful song just took a glance at the boy, that he had grown a soft spot for, who was now in the throes of a nightmare before doing what it did best. It landed softly on Harry's chest and started crooning a calming song that had immediate effect. The young wizard immediately stopped thrashing about. The tension that was in his muscles quickly oozed out of him and a small content smile replaced the look of horror, guilt and disgust that was on his face. Harry would wake up after a long restorative sleep of almost 72 hours. The beautiful phoenix never left his side even for a second.

The first thing Harry realized when he woke up was a light and comforting weight on his chest. Opening his eyes he saw the blurry image of a red bird that had a few streaks of gold. He was reaching for his glasses when the phoenix gave a sound of disapproval and shook its head as if telling Harry not to reach for them. To say that Harry was surprised would be an understatement. Fawkes just leaned closer to Harry's face and turned its face so that one of its bright eyes was aligned perfectly over Harry's right eye.

If Harry was surprised before he was baffled right now. His mind was furiously trying to figure out what was going on when he felt a warm liquid drop into his eye, before he could react another drop fell on his other eye. His eyes immediately sealed themselves and Harry couldn't open them. The only thing that stopped him from screaming bloody murder was the presence of Fawkes in his room. The only warning Harry had before warmth surrounded his eyes was a small burst of phoenix song. It felt like ages but in actuality after 30 seconds it was over. He could finally open his eyes. He felt the difference immediately, his eyesight was much better than it was, even when he wore his glasses. The awe and wonder he felt was only eclipsed by the immense gratitude he felt for the phoenix that was now looking at him with something akin to amusement.

The boy who lived was about to wake up from his bed when the phoenix once again shook its head. Apparently Fawkes wasn't done yet. Harry looked at him quizzically but all he got was a look that said 'I know what I'm doing, please be patient'. Being sure of the fact that the bird wouldn't harm him, Harry just lay back and waited for what Fawkes had in store for him. Once again the phoenix leaned forward, but this time aimed for Harry's lightning bolt shaped scar. Seven drops of phoenix tears were absorbed by the scar. After another burst of phoenix song a reaction took place. Harry felt a very sharp pain that lasted for less than a second before dark fumes started issuing from the curse scar. It was all over in a minute but the effect it had on Harry was immense.

It wasn't easy to explain using words but all Harry could say was that he felt right. Like something inside of him that was trapped just got its freedom. The constant pain that Harry felt from his scar since fourth year was no longer there and he had the feeling that his temper problems would bother him no more.

Harry just sat there for almost half an hour relishing the new feeling of satisfaction and freedom from Voldemort's mental torture. As if he just remembered that Fawkes was there he looked at the phoenix with eyes full of gratitude and did what he felt was only right. He went down on one knee, bowed his head and in a voice full of respect said, 'I will forever be indebted to you Fawkes. I don't think there is anything that I can do that can relay the gratitude I feel.'

The phoenix gave an amused trill and all of a sudden Harry had the image of a bowl of fruits in his head. His head jerked up sharply and he looked at the bird and amusedly asked, 'Come on Fawkes, is that all you ask for? I mean doesn't Dumbledore feed you the fruits already?' The answer he got had Harry laughing in a way he had never laughed before. It was the laugh of a teenage boy that had no worries of Dark Lords chasing after him. It was a carefree laugh.

He couldn't help but think that Dumbledore had finally lost it. Fawkes had given him the mental picture of Dumbledore offering him a lemon drop. Harry could clearly picture the innocent tone of Dumbledore's voice as he asked 'Lemon drop, Fawkes?'

A few hours later Fawkes was snoozing off on Hedwig's perch giving out bursts of phoenix song once in a while. The boy who lived was just lost in his thoughts when he heard a soft pop of apparition from the right corner of his room. In a flash he was up, in a perfect dueling stance and a few nasty curses on his tongue before he heard the soft and grandfatherly voice of Dumbledore. Harry didn't budge at all. He narrowed his eyes at he intruder and asked,' What did you always hope to receive as a Christmas gift?' Dumbledore chuckled appreciatively before he answered, 'Warm, woolen socks'. The change in Harry was visible. His shoulders sagged in relief as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Dumbledore retrieved his wand from the sleeves of his midnight blue robes that had animations of lemon drops. With a deft flick of his wand two chintz armchairs appeared. With another flick, an intricately carved table appeared and with a final flick, a full English breakfast was on the table. Dumbledore gestured Harry to take a seat and took one himself. 'Help yourself Harry. Let's fill our stomachs before we discuss why I'm here.' Harry just nodded and sat down.

He looked at Fawkes only to find him staring at him with a look of longing in his eyes. The young wizard immediately understood and cleared his throat as he faced Dumbledore. 'Sir, could you please conjure a bowl of fruits for me?' he asked meekly. The aged headmaster didn't bat an eye as he flicked his wand for the fourth time and a bowl of exotic fruits appeared. Harry thanked the headmaster then turned to Fawkes.' Oh, drop the act Fawkes', he intoned dryly.

As if waiting for just that, the bird disappeared and reappeared on the table in a ball of flames. It didn't wait for anymore invitation before it started helping itself to the juicy looking fruits.

After a quiet breakfast the headmaster turned to Harry and started speaking.

'Harry my boy, after a lot of pondering I have come to a decision. Since you are now aware of the prophecy, you can understand how important you are to the war effort, and as much as I would have liked you to have a normal childhood, I am afraid that due to the return of Voldemort I can no longer bask under such delusions. The dark lord has over 50 years of experience in the use of magic and I can tell you with full confidence that very few wizards and witches in history and in present have gained the control that Tom Riddle has over his magic. After a lot of internal debate I have come to the conclusion that time is not on our side and that the normal Hogwarts curriculum is not enough to prepare you to face your destiny. Thus I have decided to personally start instructing you in the use of magic. Of course all of this depends on your approval. If you approve, you will no longer have to do 6th and 7th year. I together with a few other instructors will train and teach you all we can in preparation for your part in this war and of course your future after you defeat Tom, of which I have no doubt you will.'

Harry just sat there stunned trying to process what was going on. He couldn't believe it. Dumbledore was offering to teach him personally. If the only person Voldemort ever feared were to teach him it would surely give him a chance at survival.

He then asked the headmaster who else would be training him.

'Well, a lot of people offered to train you Harry and I didn't have the heart to reject their offers. Among them are: Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, The Flamel's and many more.' On hearing the last name Harry just stared at the headmaster with a dumb look on his face.

'I thought they had died' he blurted out rather inconsiderately. On hearing himself Harry mumbled an apology.

The headmaster chuckled and said, 'My old friend Nicholas was rather crafty. The philosopher's stone that was used in your first year was a replica. It turned metal into fake gold but had no other properties. I never thought that Nicholas would trick me like that but apparently he had his reasons. And yes Harry I did tell you that he died, but once again my old friend showed that the sorting hat put him in Slytherin for a reason. He staged a mock funeral so that he could regain the privacy he lost after the incident in your first year. Harry just nodded dumbly.

'If it's ok with you Harry I would like us to start next week. You will be moved to the residence of the Flamel's where they will start with your training. They will teach you the mind arts, alchemy and magical theory.'

'How will I be able to do magic professor? What with the restrictions on the use of magic by underage wizards and witches.' Harry suddenly asked.

'Ahh, you see Harry, after the ministry announced the return of Voldemort, the wizarding world went into an uproar and Fudge was impeached. He was replaced by former head of the Department of Magical Law enforcement Amelia Bones. I think you remember her from the trial at the Ministry. Anyway, she summoned me to her office two days ago and told me that in no uncertain terms would you remain untrained. She was a good friend of your mother you know. She even offered the use of the Auror training facilities, but I told her that I already had plans for you. So I left her office that day with a decree allowing you to use magic whenever and wherever you want as long as you respect the secrecy laws.'

Dumbledore looked at his odd watch and gave a yelp of surprise. Harry couldn't help but snigger at the old mans actions.

'I have to be at the Wizengamot in 10 minutes Harry so I will live you to ponder over this and prepare for your departure in one week. Oh and if things go according to plan, you will not need to come back to the Dursleys ever again.' Harry couldn't help but smile brightly at that news. 'Thank you professor', he said sincerely.

The old man just winked at him and disappeared with a soft pop. Fawkes who by now had finished his meal flew over to Harry and landed on his shoulder. He rubbed his head against Harry's head affectionately before disappearing in a flash of orange flames.

Harry threw himself on his bed and laughed out loud. Things were finally going well. With a voice full of confidence and resolve Harry said out loud 'watch out Tom, because i'll be ready for you soon!'

Like it? Hate it? Please leave a short review. I don't plan on making it more than a one shot but if you fell that I should add some more chapters' plz say so.