Chapter 4

Disclaimer i own nothing

Cody sat on the dock of shame, his head resting on his hands. His thoughts were elsewhere, on a certain plump pink clad elsewhere.

"Sadie" he muttered dreamily to himself. It was true Cody liked Sadie. He remembered it like it were yesterday, well it was this morning but that's beside the point.


He'd once again tried to woo Gwen and once again he failed and gained a slap upside his head for his trouble, knocking him backwards over a log and into a large mud puddle.

"Ew not good" he said to himself as he stood and admired the coats of mud covering him completely. He picked himself up and walked back to camp and a long hot shower. His clothes were strewn across the floor and steam was filling the room, as Cody scrubbed his head and sang to himself.

"I don't care how you do it just stay!" he sang.

"Stay come on!" a voice sang. "Want me to get your back?"

"Yeah sure" he replied, before he opened his eyes and looked at his two hands, and felt someone scrubbing his back. His first thought was.

'I'm not that limber' followed by 'I don't have 3 hands'. he looked over his shoulder to see a naked Sadie scrubbing his back, smiling as she did. Cody fought for the words to say without screaming.

"What are you doing?"

"Scrubbing your back like you said to".

"No I meant why are you in the shower with me" Cody said.

"Oh well I saw what happened and thought you could use a pick-me-up" Sadie replied and started scrubbing lower and lower until Cody shrieked and jumped out of the shower and ran for the cabin. He ran quickly past some of the other campers and ran inside the cabin and shut the door.

"Few safe at last" he said and turned around to see the female members of his team, shocked looks on their faces.

"Wow" they all said, their eyes looking down south. Cody quickly ran out the door and over to the guys side of the cabin and got dressed.

"Glad that's over" he said, a knock at the door caught his attention. He walked over and opened the door to see Sadie, holding his clothes, that were so clean they were sparkling.

"Here Cody I washed and pressed your clothes for you" she said, handing them over to him.

"Thanks, you didn't have to".

"I wanted to, to show I care" she said and kissed him on the cheek and ran off to be with Katie.


Cody sat on the dock for several minutes and finally stood up and walked to the cabin. He got a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write. His mind on the way he wanted the words to come out.

Sadie walked up to the door to the cabin and saw a note taped to it with her name on it. It read.

Dear Sadie, I want to get my feeling out. The way I feel for you burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns. My arms long to hold you in them and never let go, to caress you and pull you close to kiss you.

I dream of you and cry in the morning because I never wanted to wake up. I hope that you'll read this and feel the same about me and love me as I love you.

Love always


The letter was ripped from her hand by Katie.

"What's this a love letter?" she asked and scanned over it, her smile faded and she began ripping it up into tiny pieces.

"Why'd you do that!" Sadie exclaimed, as Katie tossed the pieces in the trash can in the cabin.

"It was all a joke, I don't wanna see you hurt" Katie replied. Sadie watched her thin friend climb in her bunk and go to sleep. She turned in also, if she'd have looked in the trash can she would have seen.

Love always Cody Walker.

End chapter 4

if you can guess the song they were singing you can pick the next girl.

End chapter 4

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