(A/N: Okay. So I know this is incredibly late. I mean, this was written over two years ago. But, I suppose, better late than never, right? Here's the chapter that was requested by three different people. I recently got a review on this story, and that made me remember that I promised another chapter. So, here it is. Inspired by Vampire Loser, blackmoon124, and winterkaguya~.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The plot of this story, however, is mine. The end is cheesy. And there may be occurences of OOCness.


Sasuke sat on his bed in his home, pondering the happenings of the night before. A girl he had never thought much about had seen him. Had actually seen him, and not a figment of her imagination.

Other girls had always proclaimed their love for him simply because of his looks. She, however…

She had actually seen past his façade of anger and sleeplessness. She had seen him. His mind. Tortured as he was by the memories of Itachi, she was tortured worse.

Led to believe she was worthless, to the point where taking her life had made sense. And the worst part was: it had made sense. Her plan was not one she had come up with overnight. She had thought on it for days, maybe even months, to make sure she had no other option.

She honestly couldn't have just left the village. Her eyes were too distinguishable.

She couldn't step down from the heiress' position. She would bring shame on their family and be branded instead of her sister.

She couldn't even postpone the wedding. Her death day was arriving quickly.

What better way could she have chosen? Maybe, with her suicide, Hiashi would feel something.

Hiashi. Sasuke's thought, bordering on a shriek, was threatening, fuming, accusatory. His face twisted into a cruel, demented smirk. I haven't shown him the letter, or her dead body yet. I'll let him suffer.

Uchiha Sasuke did not have deep-cut feelings for the girl who had confessed to him last night. He had felt somewhat attracted to her over the years, seeing as she was the only non-fangirl that existed in the village. He had always assumed that she cared for the dobe of his team, Naruto, so he had never allowed his feelings for her to grow.

Seeing now that this mistake may have cost him a life, a love, a friend, the last Uchiha was peeved. He was indescribably angry at the man who had allowed his daughter to spiral into a state of ill-health, neglect, love-lacking.

More than that, though, he was angry at himself, who could not distinguish the girl's love for himself from love for his loud-mouthed blonde friend. A realization struck him. The dobe never realized her attention because it was never his attention to begin with.

He rolled from his bed. If he didn't do something with himself, he would never be able to face Naruto again without injuring the boy to the point of no return. Why didn't he tell me? The betrayed feeling only lasted until he realized that Naruto had never noticed the consideration at all.

Sasuke strode out of his house, pausing as he passed Hinata's body, which he had retrieved during the night. He had lain her on a crimson blanket on his couch with a sheet draped over her in preperation for the onslaught of questions he knew would come.

Eyes dry, but suspiciously red, he left his house and her body behind. Making sure he had the letter in his pocket, he headed toward the Hyuuga Compound.

The gates, secured by Hyuuga branch members during the night, were empty of guards. He walked below the arching wall into a garden fit for the most prestigious clan in Konoha.

Plant life was scattered about; flowers bloomed out of season in pots around the entrance. The ground, packed dirt, led up to the entrance of a house. The shoji sliding door was cracked slightly, letting a breeze into the house.

The building itself was impressive. Wooden walls, three meters high, towered over his one meter frame, as if to create an intimidating effect which was lost on him. The expensive, imported black walnut wood that was the structure of the building was meant to show off the wealth and power of the Hyuuga Clan.

Somewhere within the compound, nearby, he could hear the sounds of training shinobi. Their gasps for breath and powerful, graceful movements were just flickers of shadow fighters from where he stood.

Announcing his presence to the practicing warriors, he approached as they paused.

Hiashi, never before seen anywhere near the Uchiha boy, was the first to approach. "What is the meaning of this? How dare you interrupt a training session in my home and expect a kind greeting? I think not." His eyes flashed with anger as they fell upon the so called 'Uchiha Avenger.'

Sasuke stared defiantly back at the oppressive, white eyed man before him. He did not speak, but instead lifted the scroll with the broken seal, signed in Hinata's blood.

"Where is my daughter, boy?" The Hyuuga demanded, white eyes narrowing into fierce slits.

The Hyuuga he had been training with, Neji, came near to see what the Uchiha wanted that was taking his uncle so long. Seeing the scroll, his eyes narrowed also. "What have you done with Hinata-sama?"

Sasuke merely tossed the scroll as he would a kunai. Hiashi caught it mere centimeters from his face.

Unrolling the unsealed scroll suspiciously, he began to read. Sasuke watched as his face paled. "What have we done?" Hiashi's entreating whisper met Sasuke's ears.

All previous anger did not vanish at the sound of the man's pain filled voice; it only bubbled up further. "You say that like you care." Sasuke's bitter reply hung in the air for a long moment after it was voiced.

The Hyuuga head faltered. "I do- I did- Kanojo wa watashi no musumedatta." (1) His broken reply started twice before he finished with his relational attatchment to her.

Sasuke's voice was cruelly cold when he answered, " Kanojo ga onore ni nani mo nakatta." (2) His face twisted in a pitiless smirk. "You know exactly what you've done."

Neji, upon hearing the insult directed to the Clan head, fumed silently before emphasizing, "You dare come onto Hyuuga property, interrupt our training session, and insult our leader, Uchiha?"

The younger man was going to continue, but was interrupted by the sanctioned voice of Hiashi. "Soen (3), Neji-kun." Continuing, his voice was empty, "Kare wa tadashii koto o kakunin shimasu." (4)

The boy turned to face his uncle. "Otooji-sama. What happened?" His eyes were drawn to the scroll almost before Hiashi moved to hold it out to him.

"Hinata is dead. There will be no wedding. Hanabi will become heiress." The man's voice was so empty of feeling, it was almost as though his brain had shut down.

The younger Hyuuga took the unsealed scroll from his uncle's hands and rolled it open, desperate for something to indicate otherwise. His hands shook as he read. "I killed her." He was filled with the longing to be told he was incorrect, but got no words from the Uchiha or Hiashi.

After an extensive pause in noise, a reply met him, "We all killed her. If we had paid more attention, maybe she would not have been so alone."

Hiashi took up this train of thought, "If I had not been so stubborn, I would have gotten her the medical help she needed long ago. You are not the only one at fault here."

Neji's eyes widened at the admission from the two people whom he knew were some of the most prideful in the village. He thought for a moment before answering. "How do we tell Hanabi? What will we tell the village?" His questions were given no reply as both Hyuuga men turned to watch the Uchiha walk into their home.

Neither man questioned him as he came back holding the wrist of a smaller Hyuuga girl, who was fighting him every step of the way. Her movements halted as soon as she realized where he was leading her. "What do you think you're doing!" She shouted at him when he stopped in front of the Hyuuga men and let go of her as though she were a poisonous snake.

"Soen, Hanabi-chan." Hiashi whispered.

"Tou-sama? What's going on? Why is there an Uchiha dragging me through my own house?" Her demands – for they were more that than questions – went unheard.

"Hanabi-sama, " Neji bowed deeply, knowing what was to follow.

Hiashi made a split second decision. "Wakai musme (5), your sister has been killed in the line of duty. Sasuke-san has come bearing the news. She was on a mission with Sasuke-san last night, and during an ambush, was pushed off a cliff."

The little girl's eyes widened, "Nee-chan is gone?" Her wail was high pitched and heart breaking. The men from both clans flinched at her despondent words.

"Sumimasen, I tried to stop her fall, but I couldn't get to her in time." Sasuke's pained words told the three Hyuuga how deeply he regretted his inaction. Hanabi, who had been fighting him only moments before, turned to hug him before retreating to her room.

"Sasuke-san, I know this is an awful time to be telling you this, but I loved my daughter. I wanted her to be life to be perfect. The only reason she was to marry Neji was so she could keep her forehead bare, unite the houses, and stay in line as heiress. I know neither of them wanted to be married, but I thought it would be better for her than a life-time of service.

"I should have told her, explained to her, but I couldn't bring myself to lay down my pride." His voice turned bitter and self-mocking, "Now, my pride has cost my my eldest daughter."

Neji and Sasuke were stunned at the admission from the Hyuuga head. They watched him tuck the scroll into his sleeve before turning his back and following his other daughter back into the house.

They met each other's imperceptibly incredulous stares before turning their backs on one another, leaving to mourn privately.


The next day, a funeral was held for the deceased Hyuuga heiress. The story that Hanabi had been told was told to the villagers and other ninja, agreed upon by the hokage.

Her picture was placed in front of the memorial pyre that would hold her body until it was made to ashes.

All that she had told Sasuke would happen after her death occurred. Hanabi took over as heiress, and Neji was left free to marry whomever he pleased.

However, her death left an impact on those who knew the truth.

Hiashi learned to be more open with his feelings to his loved ones.

Neji learned the values of kindness and regret.

Sasuke learned to look beyond the shallow acts of others, move on from the past, and look toward the future with a new hope.

Her influence on the hearts of Konoha shinobi was subtle, but powerful, nonetheless.

(A/N: Ahhh that was hard to write. I tried to keep them as in-character as possible, but I think I may have slipped in a few places. Yes, the ending is extremely cheesy. I think I got this story up to par with the first chapter, but I could be mistaken. Either way, let me know how you like it, please? I think I got the Japanese correct, but I could be wrong… Sorry if I confused anyone…)

(1) Kanojo wa watashi no musumedatta – "She was my daughter"

(2) Kanojo ga onore ni nani mo nakatta – "She was nothing to you" (Onore is the insulting form of the word 'you')

(3) Soen – Silence

(4) Kare wa tadashii koto o kakunin shimasu– "He is correct"

(5) Wakai musme – "Youngest daughter"