Bachelorette. The Twilight Way.
Summary: There was no Twilight Saga. Bella Swan, a spunky 20 year old, can NOT find love. Edward Cullen, (still a vampy) can't either. Edward signs up for Bachelorette, hoping he can find a girl there. Little does he know about all the other males participating! Vamps and werewolves. Normal pairings. Rated T just in case. Warning: Not at all like the really show.
Chapter 1/Prologue: It's time
I checked my watch. OH GOODY! TIME FOR THE BACHELORETTE! I quickly flipped on the television to catch the final 5 minutes of my favorite show. It was the finale, my favorite. The show had started out with 10 guys to pick from! That was a big choice…
As always, the cutest guy got the rose. Oh, how I longed for my own boyfriend.
I realized I was daydreaming, so I turned my attention back to the TV, just in time to catch the credits. A guy who looked like he was in his mid –thirties was talking now.
"Do you need some love?"
"Yes. Yes I do!" I shouted at the TV. Wait. What? Now I was talking to my television? I really was going crazy...Oh well.
"Then sign up for the bachelorette at your local community center!"
Hearing that, I flicked off the television, and smiled. I knew exactly how I would find my perfect guy.
I jumped into my old truck that I had since high school, (I really need a new car…) and drove to the community center. I had been there plenty of times, mostly for the gym.
As soon as I walked in, I saw the makeshift booth that advertised the show.
10 minutes later
I practically skipped out of that musty building, I was so excited. Of course, this didn't mean that I was the one doing the show for sure, but I could only hope. They had said that the letter would be coming in the mail in the next 3 weeks if I was accepted. If I wasn't accepted, I would get nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Back at the apartment, I didn't know what to do. I was so excited, even TV and music couldn't calm me down. I decided to take a jog around the neighborhood, that always helped me.
I nearly ran 5 miles, and when I got back to the room, I feel asleep on the couch, dreaming of the lovely men that I would meet.
Little did I know, I had been watching Bachelorette on The Supernatural channel.