Author's note: Another alternate childhood for Harry! How many is that I've written now? 4? 5? Something like that lol. Well, I hope you like this one. I am dedicating this to X-Lily-Evans-X because her reviews make me smile and encourage me to write a lot! I have a whole lot of great reviewers and eventually I will get round to dedicating a story to all the main ones. (your up next Alix) Thanks guys, you are the ones which keep me writing!

Happy ever after?

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad" Emerald Black shouted up the stairs.

She was met by silence.


Still silence.


Sirius Black appeared at the top of the stairs, exasperation painted all over his face.

"What is it, Em? I'm trying to work!" Sirius said crossly.

"Harry's annoying me!" Em complained.

"How?" Sirius asked wearily, he had heard this complaint thousands of time these last few days.

He had adopted his godson, Harry a week ago and one thing was for certain, Harry had certainly inherited James's knack for trouble.

"Every time I try and play wizards chess with Molly he knocks over the board" Her eyes darkened just thinking about it.

She had invited her best friend Molly around to try and distract herself from the little whirl wind that was her new brother but it didn't seem to be working.

Sirius rolled his eyes and stomped down the stairs, every time he sat down to write a report for Moody Emerald called him and every time it was because of something his godson had done.

Emerald smiled as her dad stomped past her. She had been a very easy child to raise and her dad was used to just being able to sit and work in peace while she was left to her own devices, that was going to change now.

She followed at a discreet distance and was just in time to see her dad stamp into the living room. She leant against the doorframe as she watched him wave his wand at the fallen chess pieces, nod at Molly, grab hold of Harry's shoulder and steer him expertly out of the room. He led his godson in silence back up the stairs and into his office.

She smiled lightly and stepped back in to finish her chess game.

"So… lets just say I won that one, shall we?" She joked to Molly.


Back in his office Sirius had propelled Harry into a corner and was now sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

"Sirius-" His godson began.

"I am going to sit here and work through this report, I am not going to be interrupted by you or anyone else. You will stay in that corner until I am finished and then you will go down to Emerald and Molly and apologise for ruining their game. Do you understand?" Sirius said testily but not altogether unkindly.

He had put up with a lot from his godson these last few days and his patience was wearing thin. He had to finish this report by the following day or Moody would do something altogether unpleasant to him.

"Do you understand?" Sirius repeated.

Harry nodded glumly and turned to face the wall.

Sirius looked at his back for a minute and sighed. Harry was the most confusing child he had ever met. When he was with him he was completely well behaved and polite but the second Sirius had to do something and left him to his own devices he was disturbed by his daughter complaining that he had done this and he had done that.

He shook his head to clear the confusing thoughts plaguing his mind and focused on his report.

He had written about four lines when a little voice cut right into his line of thought.


He threw down his pen in disgust and snapped "What?" Slightly more harshly than he had intended.

"I need the loo"

Sirius's face softened, maybe he had over reacted slightly.

"Okay" he said gently "Can you remember where it is?" his godson nodded and slipped out of the room silently.


Sirius quickly became absorbed in his report and before he knew it it was finished. He glanced up to tell Harry that he could go and apologise but was met by an empty corner.

Sirius growled and tried to remember if he had heard the door open, his frown became more pronounced as he realised he hadn't heard the door at all not even to indicate the return of Harry from his toilet trip which was, he glanced at his watch, well over an hour ago. Harry had not come back.


Sirius seriously began to feel like pulling his hair out, the rate things were going it was going to fall out soon anyway or at least get very grey.

He slammed his office door hard as he went downstairs to see what mischief his godson had got himself into now.

"What has he done now?" He snapped as his daughter came into view.

"He was throwing these horrible little squiggly things at me and Molly" She snitched.

Sirius had never exactly been famed for his patience but he had certainly never lost his temper with a child which he was frighteningly close to doing with Harry now. Ever since James and Lily had passed away Sirius had fought for custody of Harry and he had visited him in his orphanage at least three times a week, they had gotten very close and Sirius had found Harry to be very well behaved, slightly shy and very softly spoken. A week ago when the adoption order finally came through and Harry had walked across the threshold of Black Manor, clutching Sirius's hand tightly it was as if he had changed into a totally different child. Harry caused trouble everywhere he went while Sirius wasn't around, what was even more curious was the fact that Harry acted just like he had done at the orphanage when Sirius was around.

Sirius found himself throwing the lounge door open again to be greeted by the scared face of his godson.

"You do NOT just disregard everything I tell you to do. You were supposed to come straight back to my office not come and terrorize the girls even further. You are severely trying my patience, young man" Sirius scolded before marching Harry straight back up to his office.

"Now, if you had stayed here until I had finished my report like I told you to you would have been here an hour. As you completely disobeyed me you can stay here for two hours" Sirius said, trying to keep his voice even.

Seven year old Harry Potter whimpered slightly. Sirius forced himself to ignore it and settled back down at his desk. What was he going to do for the next two hours now?


He would have been extremely interested in a conversation happening underneath him on the first floor.

"Don't you think it's a bit mean, Em?" Molly asked uncertainly.

"Mean? Mean? He's the one stealing my father" Emerald retorted.

"Its not his fault though, is it?" Molly argued.

"It has always just been me and dad, we don't need him. I won't have him interfering"

"But what if your plan doesn't work?"

"It will work" Emerald said firmly. "I know my dad, he's getting more and more annoyed with Harry. So long as I keep making sure he thinks Harry does all sorts of bad stuff then eventually he will get sick of him and send him back to the stupid orphanage and we can go back to normal"

"Poor Harry" Molly sighed.

"He'll be fine" Emerald said slightly guiltily "I expect he liked it at the orphanage"

"I bet it would be horrible to finally get out of the place only to be sent back, you would feel so unloved" Molly said slyly, she knew she just had to tug on Emerald heart strings, she was a good person really. She was just very possessive of her father.

"He'll be fine! Just shut up!" Emerald ordered reaching for the chess board again.

"But it was very mean of you to kidnap him on the way back from the toilet so he couldn't go back to the office, and then you said he was throwing things and he wasn't."

"It wasn't mean! I did it for dad's sake! He doesn't want to get tied down by a seven year old, much less the boy-who-lived.

Emerald slammed the chess board onto the table signalling that her plan was no longer up for discussion, if people went on about it too much she would never through with it.

She had to keep going, she had only just started…