Hey everyone!! This is my first fanfic (is it spelled like that cuz I'm new here?) so please go easy on me.

I don't own POT

First Day

Ryuzaki Sakuno is a new student in Seishun Gakuen. She's much like an ordinary girl with too long hair which are braided into two. That's what everybody else thinks. She's actually a good singer but nobody knows because she's not confident enough.

Sakuno was just going to her new school with her grandmother, Ryuzaki Sumire, who's the coach of the tennis team of her new school, in her car when they almost bumped a girl, around Sakuno's age, in pigtails.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING OLD HAG!!" the girl said then Sakuno and Sumire went down the car.

Sumire said "WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD HAG?! AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S NOT WATCHING!!". "Umm…Obaa-san calm down and we're going to be late." Sakuno said while a huge sweat drop well drops of course.

"Oh ya! You better be lucky young girl." Sumire said.

"Uh… Okay?" the girl said while noticing Sakuno's uniform which is the same as hers, "Umm… Do you study in Seishun Gakuen?".

Sakuno said "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"It's because I also go there. If you want I can be the one to show you around. By the way I'm Osakada Tomoka!"

"Sure…I think. I'm Ryuzaki Sakuno"

+Later in front of the gates of Seishun Gakuen+

"See you later Sakuno!" shouted Sumire

"Bye Obaa-san!" Sakuno said

"Ne, ne, ne… can I call you Saku-chan?" Tomoka said

"Sure?" said Sakuno

"GREAT! Then call me Tomo-chan" Tomoka said

Sakuno and Tomoka heard a huge crowd of fan girls beside the tennis' courts shouting "RYOMA-SAMA, RYOMA-SAMA, RYOMA-SAMA…" Tomoka then joined the crowd while dragging the poor Sakuno.

"RYOMA-SAMA, RYOMA-SAMA, RYOMA-SAMA…" goes Tomoka like the other fan girls since she's the president of the fan club.

"Umm…Osa – I mean Tomo-chan, what are you doing?" Sakuno said which is barely heard because of the loud shouting.

"Huh? Where obviously cheering Ryoma-sama in his practice." Tomoka said shouting so Sakuno can hear


"Um…who's this Ryoma-sama you're saying?"

"You're kidding right Saku-chan?" Tomoka said while laughing

"Kidding with what?"

"WHAT!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO'S RYOMA-SAMA??" Tomoka shouted which everybody heard and I mean everybody. Sakuno quickly covered her mouth while blushing because of embarrassment.

"What did you do that for?" Tomoka said after Sakuno released her.

"Umm…sorry Tomo-chan."

"Okay, okay, okay put that aside… But seriously you don't know Ryoma-sama?"

"Yes. Why?"



"He's the prince of our school! Every girl in our school adores him!"

"Okay? That's too much for me to believe."

"If you don't believe me then believe your eyes." Tomoka told her while pushing through the crowd with her to the tennis courts. So Tomoka showed the tennis prince, Ryoma Echizen, herself.

"Wait Tomo-ch-cha-chan?"

Hey everyone! I know it's short but like I said I'm not the kind of person who writes stories. I just wanted to try it. Please review and give some suggestions cuz I'm getting writer's block. Please, pretty please give some suggestions. Thanks for reading my fanfic even though it's very very short.

