Chapter 4
"Hinata, you're late, again."
"Sorry Shino-kun." She lightly blushed, barely noticeable to a normal person but her teammate was very attentive. He said nothing and let his silence take place.
"Where is Kiba-kun, is he still sick?" Hinata asked lightly as she continued to the center of their training grounds.
"He has a mission with your cousin, so it'll be the two of us for the week. It turns out Akumaru's stomach flu was contagious to the family's dogs and Kiba and Neji went off to get the medicine in a far off village the Inuzuka clan inhabits."
"Oh, that's great." Hinata sighed relieved. She was 'unofficially' Neji's maid for the next two weeks, and that was part of the reason she was late this morning, Neji needed her to pack his lunch and to clean his bathroom. It had been somewhat torture for the last part, she never realized how much hair Neji had. She decided she was counting his mission as part of her servitude. That'll teach him a lesson.
Shino quirked a brow are Hinata's sudden relief, he was going to question why the girl was acting such a way, but waited for her to explain herself. She turned bright red shortly and opened her mouth in haste to explain herself.
Hinata looked at Shino, noticing the questioning air around him, and blushed realizing she sounded weird, "Neji heard me sleep talking and now is blackmailing me for two weeks. Also I'm glad there is a cure to that stomach flu. I hope Kiba's family gets well soon."
Shino nodded his head in understanding. He was curious as to what Hinata had said to have such blackmail, but once more he let it slip to the back of his mind. He took off his jacket, the sun was already high and there was no sense in getting heat stroke.
Hinata fell into a defensive stance as Shino prepped himself for their friendly spar. "I would tell you what it was that I said..." She trailed, how did he get her to spill everything on her mind without even trying.
Shino attacked first, his quick movement waking Hinata from her thoughts. She dodged his blows carefully. "You do not need to tell me everything." He quietly stated as he launched more attacks.
"I know," She dodged once more and then swiped out at his feet, "but you seem to have amazing interrogating skills on me." She giggled moving away from him as more attacks were unleashed.
'I do?' Shino questioned himself. "I do not mean to make you uncomfortable."
Hinata laughed and almost landed a hit on his shoulder, "That's the problem, you make me too comfortable. I swear," she trailed trying to dodge his attacks, but found herself falling back towards a tree, she had to be careful not to trap herself in, "you know my entire life story and it seems all I know is your name."
He landed a kick on her attacking punch causing her to spin back and a small 'ow' escape her lips. "I would bore you with my stories."
"How do I not bore you with mine?" She asked and landed a kick to his right leg and quickly jumped away to recover her own injury, hoping he would take time on his. He ignored the shot of pain, and tackled Hinata, she had expected him to stop or slow, and he caught her off guard, pinning her to the ground.
"You're always interesting to me."
Hinata blushed. She couldn't hold it in, Shino was on top of her and telling her that she interested him. Though, it was not in the way her crazy mind wanted him to be interested. Her throat was dry and no response came from her to his words.
His glasses began to slip and he stood up correcting them and held out a hand to help Hinata up. She gladly took it and stared at her handsome teammate. She wanted to know everything about him.
Hinata then noticed the placement of the sun, "Oh! I'm going to be late all day today." She mumbled packing up her gear.
Shino lifted an eyebrow, silently questioning her.
"Oh! Shino-kun, I forgot to ask. My sister and I are having a small date today between the two of us, but it seems she has this deadly fear of any insect because of Neji-nii-san." She looked up, hopeful eyes turning into a sad puppy dog beg. Shino wanted to look away but was caught in the trap of her cuteness. "Would you mind joining us for the rest of the day, until dinner time I mean?"
How was he suppose to say no? He found himself on the right side of Hinata, while a mini-female Hiashi clung to Hinata's left arm. They were heading off to the lake. Hanabi wanted to swim.
Hinata had found that her sister had much more simple needs than she expected. All Hanabi wanted to do was go swimming. She had feared the girl would want to do everything in the village and then some. But Hinata found that this may be a very relaxing day off after all.
He looked down at the petite girl, "Hai?"
"Do you like swimming?"
He paused, he didn't hate swimming, just his bugs found it annoying. And he had come to find the water annoying as well.
"I don't hate it." He stated, not wanting to worry his Hinata. His?
"Sorry, we can play in the sand while Hanabi swims then. I'm sure you'll enjoy building a sand castle."
He quirked an eyebrow, would he enjoy building a sand castle? He doubted it. But his thoughts wondered to the idea that he would enjoy it, as long as Hinata did.
Hanabi ran to the water the moment she saw it and jumped in. Hinata smiled. Shino found himself smiling because Hinata was. He wouldn't mind soaking in the sun he figured, and Hinata always had a calming air about her. Hanabi quickly met up with some of her academy friends and began playing with them. The way Hanabi kept teasing a boy her age made Hinata figure this swimming date was no accident.
"I think your sister planned this."A voice confirmed Hinata's thoughts.
"Hai." She laughed watching her sister and then turning to Shino, "Well, that's lucky for us, we can do anything we want now."
That came out more provocative than it sounded in her head. Hinata blushed at her own dirty thoughts. 'Yesterday's morning episode with Neji and now this?' She was turning into a closet pervert.
Shino choked on his air. He had thought something completely wrong by Hinata's innocent suggestion.
"Let's build that sand castle." He quickly offered saving them from the awkwardness, as he noticed Hinata blushing at her own words.
Shino did enjoy building the castle. He actually had told Hinata much about his embarrassing father and his loving mother. Most of his childhood was revealed. She had shared her own past, but he new quite a lot more about her than she told. She easily told her feelings and thoughts. She told him about her first meeting with 'Neji-kun' or the destruction bug his father used for tracking. He told her how after the mission was done with the bug, they spent more time tracking the bug itself. She laughed. He was in love with making her laugh.
The sun was fading and Hanabi's 'boyfriend' had to go home. She quickly returned to where Shino and Hinata had set up at.
"Seems you were busy, you missed eating with us." Hinata mentioned lightly, she was in no way scolding the girl, but nonchalantly teasing her.
Hanabi blushed, "Hiorku-kun gave me some of his lunch."
"Ah. Did you say thank you?" Hinata said, in that knowing motherly tone. Shino smiled to himself, she would be an amazing mother.
Hanabi paled. She had not. Hinata turned to her sister, a bit shock. Hanabi was one of the most polite, if not cold, child. "Well, tomorrow you better go see him and make sure you say a proper thank you. I'll be telling father of this." She sounded like she was scowling the girl but Hanabi only grew more excited, she was going to see her friend again, maybe for the whole day if she played her cards right. Shino watched on with amusement.
"I think you might have to make him lunch to make up for it. I would say that's an appropriate punishment, don't you Shino-kun?"
"Hai, but she would have to surely spend the rest of the noon with him, to really make up for it." He smirked, the playfulness in his voice making Hanabi smile. Hanabi hugged Shino and gleefully shouted, "Thank you Nii-san!"
Hinata laughed, "Thanks Shino, Hanabi and I had a nice time with you today."
"Oh and thank you Shino-nii-san! You kept Nee-chan company for me."
Hinata blushed. Shino smiled, "I enjoyed myself today. I'll see you at training tomorrow Hinata."
"Bye!" Hanabi waved as he went off to his home and Hinata bowed thanking him once more. They stood where Shino had left them for a while and Hinata felt herself sigh. She was missing the company she had with Shino already.
Hanabi smirked at her sister. "You like him."
"Hanabi!" Hinata shouted as a whisper, not quite believing the words herself. Sure, she had a crush on Shino, but how could Hanabi tell?
"Nee-chan likes Nii-san!" Hanabi began to chant, giving Shino the new title of Nii-san.
"Shh! Don't make me punish you." Hinata laughed blushing madly at her sister's perceptiveness.
The girl ran off home, chanting "Nee-chan likes Nii-san." The entire way.
Neji was coming back, they had luckily finished their mission in the day as it turned out, the Hokage found she had the medicine for that particular stomach flu and sent a retrieval team for Kiba and Neji. To say the least they were piss. He stopped, seeing Hanabi running towards him with a laughing Hinata on her tail.
"Nee-chan loves Nii-san! Nee-chan loves Nii-san!" She ran pass Neji ignoring him completely.
Hinata slowed as she reached the house, and spotted Neji. To say the least she was blushing.
"Nii-san! I thought you were on a mission." Hinata aspirated, she had chased her sister trying to make her stop her silly chant to no avail.
"I'm not now." He said keeping up his cold attitude. His mind going into overload by what Hanabi had said. Hinata loved him? Well like a sister does a brother, but then again how did they get on the topic of her loving him? He was curious to what Hanabi had meant.
"Umm...Did it go well?" Hinata asked, trying to recuperate from the jog, and gain control over her blazing blush.
"Hokage found she had the medicine for Kiba's mutt. It was a waste of a day."
"Oh." She paused. Finally she felt her heart rate go back to normal and her blush was managed.
"Hinata-sama?" Neji asked, a slight smirk in his tone.
"What was Hanabi chanting about?"
She blushed. She was completely red. Her fingers began to poke together. "Nothing..."
"Well then would you mind helping me unpack?" He smirked, remembering their deal.
Hinata pouted. "Or you could tell me what she was going on about?"
Hinata sighed in defeat and walked towards Neji's room. "I guess I need to ask your advice on it anyways..."
Neji was slightly surprised by her willingness and followed her, soon they found themselves in the privacy of Neji's room.
"I think I'm in love." Hinata blurted out. Dropping her head to look down at her feet. Silence reigned the room for several minutes, until Hinata couldn't take it anymore, "Nii-san?"
"Hn." Neji said, unsure how to approach the matter. He remembered when he convinced her that she wasn't in love with Naruto. Would he have to do the same thing for this new love? "Who is it?"
"Um..." She stumbled on her choice of words and realized she didn't know how to say it. Would Neji just tell her it was a teammate crush like Kiba had on her a while ago? She felt herself regretting bringing it up. She wanted to keep her new love for Shino a secret.
"Hinata-sama." Neji started, using the title for her in agitation. "Please do go on, I do not have all night."
"It's... it's Shino."
Neji almost felt himself growl as soon as he heard the name. While he was on the wild goose chase with Kiba, the boy had mentioned how close Hinata and Shino were. He chatted on about how he used to have a crush on Hinata and almost asked her out, until he realized he really only saw her as a close friend. Neji had almost ripped the boys head off from all his yapping. Now he was scrambling to remember was Kiba had said about Shino.
"Before you say it- it's not a crush!" Hinata immediately sought to correct as she saw Neji frown.
Neji sat down on his bed rubbing his temples, he had no idea what to say. Why did Hinata keep falling for everyone but him?
"Hinata-sama, tell me what has made you think this?"
Hinata took a deep breath and got ready to explain everything over the years.
Shino had gotten home safely and stood by the entrance to his house for a moment. Something seemed off. He hadn't noticed it until now, he was too preoccupied with his thoughts on his moon eyed princess, but now he sensed someone following him.
"Who's there?"
A chuckled sounded around him and in another second his father came out of the shadows and smirked, "My boy, it took you long enough."
Shino was silent, wary to give any information away to his father. The man was as crazy as the giant destruction beetle who he controlled.
"Ah, the silence treatment... I see. I see." The man circled his son and stopped in front of the door to the house. "So, you were out late today, your training doesn't take so long... Where were you? Your mother was worried."
His father new was to say, Shino disliked to make other worry for him. His rational side told him to keep silent, else his father would start getting involved with his long time love for his friend who only thought of him as a brother.
"Come on my boy, I saw pretty much everything. The long training sessions, the lingering touches, the unanswered love you've been after for the last decade or so." He father continued on, "Your mother was excited to hear that you went out on a date."
"It wasn't a date." Shino immediately corrected his father. He realized he fell for the first trap, as his father practically danced around him in glee.
"Not a date? What would you call it then?"
Shino felt himself sigh, "An outing. I was with her sister as well. It was not a date."
"Oh? She still doesn't like you that way?"
Shino's hands fisted, was his father trying to upset him? "Father, why were you following me?"
"I'm the one in charge here," His father was gleaming with mirth. "I'm the only question asker."
"She doesn't know how I feel." Shino stated, "I haven't told her."
"You need to make yourself more clear, son." His father patted his shoulder. "I think she has more than just sibling love for you."
Shino felt a jolt of energy, and he felt himself hopeful once more. Like the time he was going to beat up the evil bug hater so many, many years ago. "You think so?"
"I know so. Here is how you do it." Shino's father wrapped an arm around his son and led him inside the house. He continued on with the ways of how he swooned Shino's mother, the fairest princess in the universe.