{"Harry thought talk"}
The small group reappeared with little noise in an open field. Off in the distance stood a beautiful; large
grey and black manor. It was a dark grey on the walls with black trim and shutters. The doors were large
and made of dark wood. A silver knocker adorned both doors; as the group drew closer you could make
out the shape of a griffin.
Remus kept an arm around Harry's waist to keep him upright as the group moved slowly through the rain.
Severus moved ahead of the group and opened the elegant doors after knocking twice. The small group
moved down the hall and came to a stop once they entered what appeared to be a living room.
"Potter, do you feel up to seeing who's here, or do you want to go to bed?" Lucius asked softly looking at Harry.
Harry held up one finger then shook his head and motioned as if he were sleeping.
"He wants to see who's here; otherwise once they know he is here he'll never get to sleep." Remus translated with a grin.
Lucius nodded and walked through the living room and turned left through the entrance at the other end. The group followed at a slower pace so not to rush Harry, realizing this Harry waved them on with his hand.
Remus shook his head, "No Cub, we are not going to leave you here in the hall by yourself. We don't mind this pace either." Remus replied softly then after a moment he added, "I could carry you there if you are so worried about it."
Harry stopped and then after a moment of chewing on his lip in frustration, finally nodded and then lifted his arms up to Remus.
Remus turned to Harry and gently lifted him, careful of where he placed his arms, due to his still healing state.
The group walked the rest of the way at a normal pace, only to see Lucius at the end of the hall at the head of a flight of stairs that led down.
Upon reaching him, the group made their way down and into a massive kitchen and dining room.
The noise inside went silent the moment Remus stepped in with Harry in his arms.
Upon seeing this, Molly and Hermione rushed over only for Severus to step into their way at the last moment. "Gently ladies, he still has a ways to go before he is fully healed. We don't want to open anything back up by being too rough."
Both women nodded and Severus stepped aside. Hermione and Molly walked slowly to Harry; Molly held up a hand and upon seeing him flinch, smiled sadly smf dropped her hand by her side.
"Hello Harry. I'm glad to see you. I was just about to start lunch, what would you like?" she asked in a teary voice.
Lucius stepped up to Molly and spoke softly, yet kindly, "Molly, Harry can't use his voice for a
little while. Why don't you make his favorite dish, I'm sure you know what that is. Is that alright, Harry"
Lucius asked softly as he turned to check Harry's reply.
A small smile graced Harry's mouth as he nodded his head yes. Molly smiled and rushed into the kitchen area while Hermione stepped closer to Harry. She didn't say anything at first. Finally she reached up towards Harry's face and dispite his flinch, placed her hand gently on his cheek and seemed to be reading something in his facial expression.
Finally she smiled softly, "I'm glad to see you made it home, Harry...You're late." she said affectionately.
"S-ry." Harry tried to say.
"He said sorry." Remus translated without thinking.
Hermione looked concerned but smiled softly at both of them, "Why don't you two come over and sit down, we were just getting ready to discuss a few things."
Remus followed Hermione over to the table and instead of sitting with everyone else he walked to one end of the table away from everyone else and transfigured a few chairs into a booth like seat and sat down with Harry lying against his chest.
Nobody made a comment and continued with the start of the meeting.
Albuse rose from his seat, "I call this meeting to order. It has come to our attention that there are several children of known Death Eaters that do not wish to follow in their parents' footsteps. Instead, they wish to join the 'Light'. Now I have looked into every child and their families, I know they speak truth, I'm also sure Lucius and Severus will vouch for them."
A woman with mousey brown hair stood up and glared at Dumbledore, "I think we have a right to know which children, before we decide whether to let them near us or our own children." she snapped and slammed her fist against the table.
Severus glared at them, "You would condemn children to death just because of which Death Eater they are related to?" He asked in a silky voice, (students knew this voice as 'Oh shit, I'm in for it now.')
It seemed the woman was rather dense as she continued with an angry look at Snape, "If they're parents are part of the inner circle they deserve to be condemned! They are more than likely just wanting to get in good with us so that they can report information to You-Know-Who! They are just Mini-Death Eaters! MY children will NOT affiliate their selves with the monsters that they are!"
Several adults rose from their seats and were about to start World War III on her when an unseen force held them apart.
Everyone looked around to see what caused it when Harry stepped out of the shadows with Remus walking directly behind him.
Magic seemed to roll off Harry in waves and his eyes glowed a brilliant, vibrant green.
He came to a stop next to the woman that was bitching.
Harry hissed at her making her gasp in shock, "You! You must be one of their beasts! Well you can rot in hell with your bastard parents!"
The temperature in the room dropped several degrees and the windows shattered in a brilliant display.
He walked threateningly forward until he was right beside her.
{'YOU are the MONSTER! You have no RIGHT to condemn a CHILD for the sins of the father, if you do YOU'RE no better than VOLDEMORT! You may want to watch that TRAP of yours' and make sure you know to whom you speak. I am Harry Potter, and my parents were far from BASTARDS. Now you shall keep YOUR opinion to yourself. The only people that matter in this choice are those of us that will be in direct contact with them everyday. Now you, Madame, may LEAVE."}
With the last word the woman disappeared from her chair.
Everyone stared in shock at Harry. He hadn't moved his lips, but he has spoken clear as day.
Remus stepped right behind Harry and spoke softly as he ignored the waves of magic, "It's alright now,
Harry. You can rest now."
Slowly the magic started to calm until Harry collapsed in Remus's arms. He gently lifted Harry up and headed back to their corner only to stop next to Albus when Harry tugged on his shirt.
"Du-ble-or. Le- th-m co-m." Harry tried to say.
Remus easily translated, "He said let them come. I believe he is referring to the children you spoke of."
Harry nodded slowly then rested his head on Remus' shoulder.
Dumbledore smiled proudly at the green-eyed young man, "I'll bring them here once the meeting is over. I do apologise for Bertha. I will remove her from the Order. There is no room for people with those types of views."
Harry nodded and Remus continued back to their corner. Bill, Hermione and Arthur rose and quickly made simple work of repairing the windows and cups that broke when Harry was pissed off.
Albus looked at the rest of the people still seated as the table, "Are there any reports that should be addressed at the present time?"
Nobody commented so Albus rose from his chair at the head of the table, "Then this meeting is closed." He said simply and stepped back from his seat.
Severus, Hermione, Adrian and Lucius walked over to where Harry and Remus were seated.
They came to a stop several feet away when Harry flinched and started to pull away.
"Harry, Lucius needs to check you over again, then I'm going to take you up to your room. Is that alright?" Remus asked softly as he stroked Harry's hair down his back.
Harry nodded with his eyes closed and seemed to be trying to sleep.
Lucius shot off a few spells and scans in no time, then he shot of a charm that wrote everything on a magical piece of parchment.
"Readings are the same except you used a bit too much magic earlier. A few hours rest and a Pepper-Up should fix that. You are also due for your next dose as well."
Severus stepped forward with several potions, "The Pepper-Up. a Pain Reliever, an Anti-Potion,
Modified Skelo-Grow, Nerve Restorer, and the salves."
Lucius passed the potions to Remus whom helped Harry to drink the fowl concoctions.
Adrian chickled and Hermione giggled. Snape raised a brow at them and the others just looked at.
"I'm sorry, Harry, but even after all the times Poppy poured potions down your throat, you still make that squished-up-green-face after taking them." Hermione said with an apologetic smile.
Harry smiled softly at her and nodded in understanding. Remus rose from his seat, gently lifting Harry in his arms. "We will be back down for lunch. We're going to change his bandages and get Harry some rest." He said gently to Hermione and Adrian.
"Alright, we will see you then." Hermione replied, stepping aside to let Remus pass.
Remus walked easily down the long hallway and turned down another hall Harry didn't notice on the way in. He climbed several flights of stairs and walked down yet another hall.
The walls were a soft cream with slightly darker trim. Portraits were hung everywhere, some were magical other were not. Small, dark wooded tables were placed every so often along the halls with vases or statues were arranged on them. From what Harry could tell, the carpet was thick and soft as Remus, Severus and Lucius didn't make a sound as thy walked.
They finally came to a stop at the end of the hall.
Remus quickly walked through and set Harry down on the huge bed in the center of the far wall.
"Alright, Harry, it's going to be a lot like this morning. Remus is going to sit with you again if you if that will make you feel more comfortable." Lucius offered softly.
Remus didn't wait for Harry's reply, he went ahead and climbed behind Harry;leaning him against his chest.
Hermione and Adrian sat down at the table. Hermione opened a huge book;after a few minutes of reading, Hermione looked up at Adrian when she got an odd feeling.
He was just staring at her.
Is there something you wanted? Or are you having fun staring at me?" Hermione asked with a frown and raised brow.
Adrian grinned, "Do I only get one answer?"
Hermione glared at him causing his smile to grow.
Dumbledore arrived in his office only to see Pansy, Draco and Blaise.
"I see you're all here. Good, if you will please gather all of your belongings, we will be going to Headquarters."
Pansy jumped up with a small squee, "You mean to tell us they accepted us?"
Dumbledore smiled, "Yes, they did."
Draco and Blaise rose as well and followed Dumbledore back over to the fireplace.
"You will have to step in with me or you won't be able to get there." Dumbledore explained when he just stood inside the fireplace instead of Flooing to their destination.
The trio stepped in.
Dumbledore threw the Floo powder and called out "Marauders Manor" and in a quick flash of green they were gone.
They reappeared in a flash of green smoke only to see several plates fly by, followed by a rather LARGE book.
"Leave me alone!" An angery Hermione screamed at the laughing Adrian.
Draco shook his head and stepped out of the fireplace, "Adrian, I told you NOT the annoy Granger."
Adrian turned and grinned at Draco, "But it's so much FUN!" he said then ducked as another plate flew at his head.
"Alright Hermione, that's enough." Molly said as she stepped into the dining area.
Dumbledore smiled as he stepped out of the fireplace with the other two students, "That's quite alright,Molly. It's good to express yourself every once in a while."
Molly shook her head with a small smile as she stepped back into the kitchen.
Draco looked over at Hermione, "Granger, do you know where my father is?"
"He is upstairs right now. He will be back down soon." Hermione replied easily.
"Is Harry doing alright, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked with concern.
"Yes, Professor, they were going to use a salve, and then Remus is going to stay with him while he sleeps until lunch." Hermione replied softly.
"You found Potter?" Draco asked in shock.
"Actually he found us." Adrian said as he walked over when he was sure Hermione was done throwing things at him.
"He just showed up at Remus's safe house. I found him outside unconcious." He added.
"Does anyone know what happened to him? Is he ok?" Pansy asked with an odd bit of concern in her voice.
"He was captured and tortured by the Dark Lord." Lucius replied as he walked into the room and hugged his son.
"The rest he will tell you when he is ready or tells us to tell you." Severus added as he sat in his chair from earlier.
Dumbledore motioned for everyone to sit, "I would like to discuss a few things before Harry comes back down."
Everyone sat down and waited for Dumbledore to begin.
"I don't wish to affend anyone, but I want to make this clear. Harry has been through alot. He is in no physical shape to fight or argue. He needs to heal."
Draco glared, "We know this. Why accuse us?"
Severus raised a brow at Draco, "You and Harry don't have the best of history together."
Lucius smiled softly at Draco, "We're just trying to prevent anything right now. We also need to warn you.
If you touch him, do so slowly." he explained.
"Remus is the only one that can touch Harry without ill effect. He also translates for Harry too." Hermione added.
"Translates?" Pansy asked confused
Lucius nodded, "He can't talk good. His throat is too damaged."
Harry woke up fighting back a scream. His heart pounding, tears pouring down his face.
"It's ok, Cub. I'm here." Remus said gently then shifted Harry so he could sit behind him.
"Ke-ep se-ng." Harry said brokenly, turning his face into Remus's shoulder.
"Don't worry,Cub I'll stay with you." Remus said softly then started to hum softly.
After fifteen minutes Harry was asleep.
The next two days were awkward.
Draco and Harry formed a truce and were calling each other by their first name.
Harry was always with Remus and still flinched when people tried to touch him.
Both Harry and Remus felt a pull towards each other, but were to scared to tell the other.
The rest of the Slytherins were also on first name bases with the Gryffindors.
Harry and Remus were the last ones down for breakfast. They took their usual seats in the corner.
Everyone had started sitting closer to them, but not close enough to crowd him.
Lucius studied Harry a moment, "Harry, are you feeling alright?"
Harry started to nod when Remus softly spoke to him, "Don't lie Harry. He needs to know to be able to treat you."
Finally Harry shook his head no.
Lucius looked at Remus whom had put foods that would be easy on a sick stomach on Harry's plate.
"What's wrong?" Lucius asked simply.
"He's been nausiaued and dizzy." Remus replied.
"I'll do a scan when breakfast is done. It could just be your body needs the extra energy to heal." Lucius replied after a moment.
Harry nodded and slow ate a little bit of food.
Breakfast was almost done when Harry grabbed his head, falling from his chair only for Remus to catch him.
Everyone rushed around the table to kneel by Harry and Remus.
Lucius ran a scan over him,"He's having a vision of sorts." He explained
"The Dark Lord?" Severus asked, concerned.
"No, it looks like a new power has opened up."
Harry came too about ten minutes later, eyes wide, full of hope.
{"Department Of Mysteries"} Harry said, staring at Remus.
"What about it?" Remus asked, trying to cover his hope.
{"Sirius is alive"} Harry said trying to get up.
Everyone stared in shock at Harry for a moment then moved into action.
Remus lifted Harry and held him in his arms."You want to go?" He asked Harry.
{"I'm the only one that can get him"} Harry replied.
"Harry, you're still healing--" Lucius started, only to be interupted by Harry.
{"Please!"} Harry begged, eyes swimming. {"I need to."}
Lucius sighed, "Alright. Let's go. They're closed today, but I have a way in." Lucius said with a Slytherin smirk.
(A.N.: This group has Harry, Remus, Severus, Lucius, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, Adrian and Pansy)
When everyone was ready they all gathered around Lucius. He held out a silver disk.
Everyone touched it, Harry is in Remus's arms, and they ported away.
It was oddly quiet when the group landed.
Looking around to make sure the holiday guard wasn't around, Lucius lead the way to the Elevators.
The the trip from the Main Room to the Veil Room wasn't as long as Harry remembered it, but this time he knew where he was going.
When they were finally at the dias steps Harry motioned for the group to stop.
{"I need to go alone."} Harry said softly, not looking at anyone in the group.
"Are you sure, Cub?" Remus asked, lifting Harry's face to look into his eyes.
Harry nodded.
Remus sighed heavily, "I don't want to, but I trust you know what steps need to be done. If you need me, just let me know." Remus said softly.
When Harry nodded, Remus gently kissed his lips without thinking about it. When he realized what he did, he blushed but refused to bow his eyes as he placed Harry on his feet.
Harry smiled softly at him, kissed him back and headed up the steps.
Several times on the way up, Remus almost ran up to him as Harry stummbled only to breathe easier when he was at the Veil.
Harry closed his eyes and started chanting while constantly moving his hands in odd ways. (Kind of like Rei does in Sailor Moon)
{"Doorway to the darkness,
Keeper of the Damned,
I beg you spare a life
Taken, not by Time's hand!
Free him of this wrong.
Seek his freedom
Seek him life.
So Mote It Be!"}
A glow surrounded Harry and the Veil. It was so bright they had to look away.
When they looked back, Harry was on the ground; next to him was Sirius.
Remus ran straight up the steps to their side, tears streaming down his face.
Sirius looked as he would have if he had never gone to Azkaban.
Sirius turned his grey eyes to ambers ones and smiled.
"Hello, Love. It's been too long." He said thickly as he pulled Remus into a long kiss.
Harry had felt the same pull he had with Remus from Sirius. He felt a painful weight in his chest when they kissed, and so not to be in the way, he tried to rise to give them privacy only for hands to grasp him gently and pull him into a lap.
He didn't fight as he knew it was Remus.
"You're not going anywhere, Cub." He said gently in his ear, then kiss him gently.
Sirius smiled and leaned forward towards Harry, "Hey, Pup. I've missed you as well." He said then leaned closer, only to gently kiss Harry as well.
Harry blushed shyly, but kissed him back real quick.
"We need to go you three, we need to get Harry and Sirius looked over." Lucius called up.
Remus nodded and rose, holding Harry in his arms.
By the time they joined the group at the base, Harry was passed out and Remus and Sirius were terrified.
"Let's go, quickly." Lucius said and held out a gold disk this time.
The group landed in the middle of the living room.
"Remus, will you take Sirius and Harry up stairs please. I'll be right there." Lucius asked
Remus nodded and led the way up stairs. On the way to Harry's room, Remus filled Sirius in on what had happened since he fell.
Lets just say Sirius had to have a Calming Draught when Lucius got there.
Quickly Lucius ran his usual scans over Sirius.
His eyes widened when he read the parchment, "It seems, Sirius, that you are fully healthy and all blocks that were placed on you are gone."
Sirius blinked in shock, "That's good, right?"
Lucius nodded, "Yes. It also means you two can finally mate.
Remus blushed, "About that, it seems Harry is also our mate."
Lucius smiled happily, "Good. Now he can be with people that will care for him." He said as if it was an already done deal.
Lucius ran his scans over Harry and read the list, only to stare in shock.
He re-ran the test and did a few others, and gaped
Harry, whom had woken up at the feel of magic on his body, bit his lip.
Lucius looked at Harry, "I don't know how else to tell you, but Harry.....you're pregnant."
((A.N. I was going to stop it here but I wanted to add this last bit.))
Harry stared at his stomach in shock. He knew wizards could get pregnant because Hermione had told him. He was scared his mates wouldn't want him or the baby now.
Remus and Sirius crawled across the bed on either side of Harry and cuddled him gently.
"We won't turn you away Harry. We will love you and your baby no matter what." Remus told him gently, with Sirius nodding in agreement.
"Exscuse me, but we could do a pre-birth adoption." Lucius said softly to the trio.
Harry blinked in confusion.
"A Pre-Birth Adoption is usually done when a pregnant witch or wizard wants to adopt their spouse's baby. It will remove most of the donor's genes and replace it with the adopter's. It would make the baby's theirs as well. The only genes that would be left are powers. The baby and the "Mother" will have the donor's gifts. You would have gotten them anyways once the baby was farther along." Lucius explained.
Harry looked at the men on either side of him.
"I would love too, but only if it's what you want." Sirius said gently.
"Me too." Remus added with a smile.
Harry looked at Lucius and nodded.
Lucius smiled, "Alright, I'll get Severus started on the potion. You three get some rest." he ordered then left.
The two older men cuddled Harry, then all three fell asleep.
A.N. HEY! Tell me what ya'll think!
Sorry it took so long but here's your Christman present from me!
Happy Christmas!