August 13, 2008.
Time: 2:30 pm.

Okay, my name is Sakura Haruno, and if you're reading this, it probably means that I was killed/raped/bashed in by the man sitting across from me at the moment. If not, then, well, whatever. I don't even know his name; it looks like the back of his head was attacked by birds and nested by parasites. And by the expression on his face it looked like something crawled up his ass and died, and he can't get it out. Or maybe he has a wedgie. Either one.

Now, don't get me wrong, hes cute, and I'm not a mean girl. But maybe the fact that I'm stuck in the elevator with the king of doom and hatred himself is the reason I'm so nasty right now. I swear, it's so hot in here I think my face is going to melt off. And why the Hell hasn't help come yet? It's been like, half an hour already, and I'm already late for my meeting.

I am so fired.

And, whoever is reading this, I shall explain how I ended up in this mess. Well, it began this morning when I was getting ready for work. I had to get up extra early, since my boyfriend refused to wake up on his own, and it took at least ten minutes just to wake him up, then another ten to get his ass out of bed.

So after that, I showered and ate and was ready to go, suitcase and all, when Naruto had the nerve to try to lure me back to bed. Not that I didn't enjoy his attempts at looking seductive, but I was in a hurry and didn't have time for this, so I let him French me with his ramen-tasting morning breath and ran out the door.

So, when I got to the office I was a little late, and my boss, of course, noticed this. Because he noticed every little thing, which was ridiculously annoying. I mean, doesn't he have other things to do than wait for someone to slip up then come down on them? Like work, maybe? Really.

After his 'stern lecture on being a good employee' he gave me news that changed my mind about putting month-old cheese in his drawer. He gave me the presentation job! I was able to go the building over and present to them our new chart and try to persuade their backup, which was a huge job because this would help the company immensely.

So of course I rushed over as quickly as possible, chugging down coffee to help me be extra perky, and I was so excited with glee that even when mister death here shoved me away to get into the elevator, I only glared at him for one moment before I burhsed it off.

And then, well, it happened. The elevator just…stopped. Died. Seriously. It scared the shit out of me. I thought I was going to die, but luckily it just kind of sputtered and stopped mid-fall, creaking once before silence washed over us. No annoying elevator music, even, which probably would have helped. Probably.

But now I'm huddled in a little corner praying help would come, writing in my tiny little diary I enjoy carrying everywhere with me, (I mean, Naruto, being a musician, is usually at home all day, and I wouldn't want him to read it…) which was probably a good thing. It's like my last statement, because I'm almost positive this man is going to kill me. I mean, even now as I write this hes glaring at me as if I were the most annoying thing in the world. And I haven't even said more than…at least five words to him.

So, reader, this will be my notes on the agonizing wait for help with a man who is probably already planning my demise.

My hand hurts. I'll stop writing for now, but I'll be back to writing every little thing (to help the murder investigation move along.) soon.