To Live Is To Die, To Die Is To Live

Ok, well I'm writing this one because FithDayOfMay wanted a one shot with Shigen. So let's say this takes place some time in the future, one of the times I'm just to lazy to type about Ok?

Shigen stared at the scene before him, a smirk on his face. He and Kai had gone into the kitchen to make popcorn for the movie they were about to watch. It seemed Link trusted Shigen with the task of making it, but Kai wouldn't be much help if he needed his help anyways, since he was currently in awe of the microwave.

"Isn't it supposed to pop? It's called popcorn right?" He had his face pressed against the front of it, his eyes wide.

"Have you been living under a rock your whole life shadow...?" Or maybe it's because he's not allowed in the kitchen...

"Not exactly a rock... " He pressed his face closer to the machine.

"You know... if you keep doing that... your eyes will go bad..."

"Shut up and stop being so smart! Stupid emo..."

The popcorn bag wiggled.

Kai glared at it. Is it transforming? "Shigen? Is i-


Kai jumped back and skited a crossed the tiled floor. "Ah! It's alive!"

Shigen watched blankly as the shadow picked up the nearest object, which happened to be a broom, and began attacking the microwave.

"Die demon! Ganondorf's reincarnation! Evil popcorn of doom!" He kept attacking the contraption even tough it was past destroyed.

"Ok shadow... The demon has been vanquished..."

Link ran into the kitchen upon hearing all the commotion. He looked at Kai who was now panting heavily standing over the pile of rubble that could once have been called a microwave, then to Shigen who was seated in the chair looking at Kai like he was an idiot.

"Um... What happened in here?"

Kai quickly hid the broom behind his back, his brain finally registering that he just destroyed one of Link's cooking things. He pointed a finger at Shigen. "He did it!"

Shigen looked at Link and rolled his eyes.

Kai backed away and inched towards the living room. "So... How about that movie?"

Link sighed, brushing his hand through his hair. "I think we should give up on popcorn."


Kai was already in the living room, hiding behind the pillows. "What movie are we watching?"

Link grabbed the remote and pressed play. "White noise, it's some kind of crazy ghost movie."

Shigen snorted. "The movie is going to suck..."

Kai hit him with the pillow. "Well don't ruin it for us." He shook his head. "That ability of yours is really annoying."

Shigen sat in between Link and Kai, he turned and placed his hand on the shadow's head petting him. "Poor shadow... Your going to be crying by the end of it..."

"Bull shit!" He swatted the emo's hand away.

The screen lit up as the movie started.

10 minutes through the movie, Link was already falling asleep.

Shigen elbowed him in the ribs hard. "Wake up sexy... You need to see this..."

Link grumbled massaging his side. "And what could possibly be more satisfying then sleep right now?"

Kai glomped Shigen and nuzzled his neck. "I know! We could go have kinky butt sex in Link's bed!"

"I saw that one coming..."

"Shut the fuck up you emo."

Link hit Kai over the head. "For one... No! And for two... Why my bed?"

"It's because you have the biggest bed in the house." Ouch my head... "Why do you need all that space anyways?"

The hero growled. "I move around a lot when I sleep, nightmares make you do that."

All of their attention went back to the big screen that had suddently filled with static.

Kai yelped and hid behind the pillow again. "What's going on now?"

Shigen smirked. "It's the white noise out to get you... And the ghosts are there too..."

Link laid his head on the back of the couch and sighed. "So what's going to happen Shigen?"

"Just watch..."

The T.V. When black then started to switch channels by its self.

"Ah! Our picture box is possessed!" He threw the pillow and hid his head behind Shigen's back.

After a few seconds, the T.V went quiet.

"Is it over?" Kai poked his over Shigen's shoulder to look at the screen.

It flashed once and then...

"Hi kids! Come play a game with Barney!"

"On no! It's the purple pedophile!" The shadow flipped over the back of the couch and ran up the stairs into Link's room crying.

Link was still on the couch, but he was shivering slightly. "Is this show for real?"

"Yes sexy... And if you think this is bad... You should watch the teletubies..."

"No! I'm fine! ... And I don't think Kai will be coming out of our room for a while."

"No... Not until tomorrow... But be warned... He's going to push you off the bed in his sleep tonight... And you're going to wake up with a sore back..."


"Link! I'm scared! Come up and snuggle with me!"

Link sighed. "Just a sec!" He looked at the emo. "You can sleep on the couch if you want Shigen, I'm going to bed."

"Thanks sexy... Good night... And have sweet dreams..."

Link snorted. "Yeah, right, dreams..."


"Oh shut up shadow! I'm coming!"

Once he was gone, Shigen laid down on the couch. Those two are so weird... But I'm glade I met them... He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.