Here's the last chapter of the three-shot.

Disclaimer: Shugo Chara is not mine. Go figure.

Pull the Trigger

Through it all

When I waited those long hours

You came

And no matter how late

In the end

You're still by my side

That's all I ask

Amu woke up, the next day, groggily. Her right hand went up to her face to rub at her eyes. Sunlight had streamed into her room, and she was too sleepy to wake up completely. She kicked off the covers and sat up, propping herself up with her arm. Instinctively, her left hand clenched against a cool object. Awakened by the cold, Amu gazed into her hand to see the necklace nestled snuggly into her palm. She must have slept with it in her hand.

Sighing, she got up and did her morning duties. After dressing, Amu realized that she still hadn't let go of the jewelry. Gazing at its exquisiteness tenderly, she lightly traced the chain and the cross. Was this repentance? Did Ikuto give her this as a form of apology?

The man was a puzzle. One that she wanted to figure out or complete, Amu thought with a slight blush. Plopping down at her dresser, she looked at the mirror and held the necklace against her skin to see if it suited her. A satisfied smile lit up her face when she saw her reflection. Her smile grew when she realized that Ikuto had spent three hundred dollars on it. On her. Maybe, it was possible, that he actually harbored some feelings for her.

A slight rapping at the window interrupted Amu's dreamy state. Her head snapped towards the window and noticed the object of her attention staring at her amusingly. He was dressed in a baggy sweatshirt with jeans. Hair was tussled, form slouched, and she found him looking nothing less than a god.

A bit embarrassed at her train of thought, Amu gently settled the necklace on her dresser and made her way over to the window. Her eyes lingered on the flimsy glass that barely separated her from the smoldering stare he gave.

Allowing herself to give a slight shudder, Amu opened the door to let Ikuto in. Eyes never leaving each other, he made his way next to her.

"Why are you here?" Her voice wavered a bit as she gazed into those dark orbs that she dreamt about at night.

"I wanted to see you." He said it so plainly, as if it was common sense. Amu couldn't help the slight flutter of her heart.

"You shouldn't be here."

"I don't care."

"You should probably leave."

"Do you want me to?" His dark eyes bore into her own. She gulped. Amu knew that she could not utter a lie to him.

"No…" Ikuto gave a satisfied smirk as he left her side and walked over to the dresser on the other side of the room. His hand found the necklace and held it up towards her. Amu knew that he was beckoning her to walk over so she did so. Questioning eyes looked from the jewelry piece to the male holding it.

"Sit." His voice washed over her as Amu found that she, without thinking, had sat in the seat in front of the dresser at once.

Ikuto turned her head towards the mirror. Amu watched him as he leaned closer to her neck. Orbs met hers in the mirror as he gave her a smirk before wrapping his hands around her. The necklace dangled in his hands as he moved it up towards her neck.

"T..thank you." Amu's voice came out a bit breathless. His close form unnerved her and made her excited as well. She could faintly hear the sound of her own labored breathing and the chirping of birds outside. Perhaps it was mating season? A light smile appeared on her face as she thought about the day at the park. Maybe the male finally realized the girl's worth. Amu certainly hoped so.

"It matched you." Ikuto whispered towards in her ear, tickling the sensitive earlobe, as he moved his hands behind her neck to clasp the necklace in place.

"It's beautiful." Her words stopped his ministrations. Amu stared confusingly at Ikuto through the mirror.

"You know what?" There was a light smile on his face as he removed the necklace away from her. He met her gaze and pointed towards the mirror.

"I think that is more beautiful." Amu blushed as she saw him pointing towards her own reflection.


The necklace was immediately wound around her neck, and the next thing she knew, she was against Ikuto's chest. Strong, lean arms wrapped around her small form and she sighed contently into him. This was a fantasy. A dream that she never wanted to end.

Amu felt his mouth move against her hair as he spoke words that made her heart flutter.

"I won't make you wait anymore…"

A/N: I guess I should probably explain the title of this three-shot. Pull the Trigger is referring to the Amu and Ikuto's encounter that triggered their emotions. Hope this clears that up.

Also, the summary of this three-shot is not in the actual story. I'm aware of that. It's more like a snippet of the real feelings of Amu and Ikuto, and therefore is not included.

read and review please.