Title: Buy Me With Your Love


In this world, there are only three types of people: the rich, the middle-class, and the poor. In my years, I've always been part of the less privileged group. I am friends with some of my middle-class classmates, but none of them would want to be seen with me once we leave the campus. Ever since I have entered high school, I have been working since my late uncle died of lung cancer and left me with a huge debt. Even as a college student, I am still paying the debt that was never mine to pay.

"Sakura!" a loud voice boomed outside the kitchen. "Get yo ass in here and start serving the customers!"

I took the last tray of bun rolls from the oven and placed three of them on the plate. I ran out of the kitchen doors and served them at Table 23. "I apologize for the delay." I said as I put every plate from the tray to the table.

"Is this non-fat?" asked a skinny girl who looks like she needs to learn that she's eating in a fast food restaurant.

I mustered a smile. "Nope."

She pushed the plate away from her with her slender fingers. She leaned closer to her boyfriend (I assumed he's the boyfriend, especially the way he displays his hand on her thighs. Eek!) and played with the curls of his hair. "Tweenie-beanie, I can't believe I'm eating this kind of food." she groaned in a childish manner.

The muscular guy turned to her and pouted, "Don't worry, munchkin. I'll tell the stupid waitress to fix your meal." He turned to me this time and pounded his fists against the table. "You heard my girlfriend. Go FIX this meal."

I couldn't help but grind my teeth in fury. He's selfish and he's in a relationship with a stupid woman who doesn't have any idea that this restaurant does not serve any fat-free food or drinks, unless she counts water! He could have asked in a nice manner, but he's an arrogant man. And he messed with the wrong girl.

So I added new ingredients in the girl's sandwich. It took her up to the last bite to notice that she's eating chicken drenched in spit and dust. And that is the story of how I lost my job.

While taking the longer road on the way home, I could not help but compute the numbers I have to pay in my head. So far, I already paid fifty grand of the debt and it's still not enough. I still have to count my tuition and my daily expenses. Sometimes I feel that God is mocking me. For God's sake, I just turned nineteen! I want to live how girls my age usually live. There are a lot of times I thought about dying, but I never had the courage to do it. I'm scared of dying. I'm scared of not waking up to see tomorrow.

As I continue to walk, I find a can lying on the ground. Its body is all wrinkled and the rust has been accumulating for about some time now. Out of frustration, I kick it.

Little did I know about the things that are about to happen because of that rusty junk.