This is a pathetic attempt at a request fill! I shall do better…later…not now… *ahem cough*

Title: Finger Guns

Rating: T

Pairings: Usopp/Nami

"That's amazing, Usopp! How'd you do it?" Chopper yelled, completely enthralled by yet another of their sniper's stories. He was busy telling the little doctor about his many adventures on West island, where everyone was a master sniper—though none as great as he—and the gunners were always challenging each other to showdowns at high noon.

They'd docked on a very dry, obviously uninhabited island a few hours ago. Their captain had charged off to explore a few minutes after they dropped anchor, only to find that the entire island consisted of nothing but rocks, dust, and a few tumbleweeds. Needless to say, they were all disappointed, though some more than others.

Even the island itself was boring, as it was hardly a ten minute walk to get from one side to the other. It wasn't very long before the Straw hats had combed through every inch of the island. After growing bored of exploring the essentially bare landscape, the crew had retired to the ship to wait for the log to set.

Robin watched them with an amused smile. With one finger holding the place in her book, she casually stood to get a better view. Not of the marksman—there was no need for a good view to listen to his stories, regardless of the gesticulation that went with it. No, she wanted a good view of what was conspiring behind the marksman, unbeknownst to all but her.

"I was undefeated! Even the ones who tried to get me while I was sleeping were no match!" Usopp boasted, throwing his arms into the air. Behind him, their captain slowly crawled over to where the two were sitting. With one hand, he held his hat, forming a finger-gun with the other. The grin on his face was filled with mischief.

"They were so impressed that they offered to make me their king! I had to decline, of course, because—"

"BANG!" Luffy screamed, causing both Usopp and Chopper to leap into the air. Luffy erupted into laughter as the two proceeded to scream at him in unison for sneaking up on them. "I got you!" He cheered. Robin chuckled.

"Undefeated until now eh, Marksman-san?" She taunted. Usopp looked indignant, puffing out his chest defiantly.

"I'm still undefeated! My senses just don't register Luffy as a threat, so of course he snuck up on me!"

"I got you." Luffy insisted, sticking his little finger into his ear and pretending not to hear to Usopp's outrage.

"I could take you anytime!" Usopp said. "I am the marksman, after all."

"Sounds like a challenge." Zoro commented, smirking when the sniper's head snapped up in alarm. He turned to Luffy. "You gonna let that slide?"

"Hell no!" Luffy yelled, pointing both index fingers at Usopp and flipping his thumbs into the air.

"Luffy, come on. We can't duel with finger guns; we won't know who wins…" He caught one glimpse of Luffy's expressions before quickly adding: "and there's no way in hell we're dueling with real guns, so don't even bring it up."

"Why not use paintballs?" Nami asked, sauntering over to loop an arm through Usopp's. "You have some in your workshop, and you have extra slingshots, too!" Then she added: "We might as well do something while we wait for the log to set… It'll be fun."

"I don't know…" Usopp protested, but Luffy looked like he was ready to explode with excitement, and the mischievous grin Nami wore told him that there was no way he would win this one. He sighed, "Fine."

At this, Luffy ran away cheering and disappeared into Usopp's workshop. After a few seconds of thumps, clangs, and the sound of something shattering, Luffy returned with an armload of colorful beads and slingshots.

"Sorry about the lamp." He said offhandedly as he passed the slingshots around. "Who's playing?" Luffy asked.

"I'll be on Usopp's team." Nami volunteered cheerily, and scooped up a handful of orange paintballs.

"Great Zoro's on my team!" Luffy said, and then grabbed a handful of paintballs as well.

"I don't really want to… Ugh, fine." Zoro said, realizing that Luffy wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Anyone else?"

Robin chuckled, "I think we'd rather watch."

"It's decided then!" With that, Luffy immediately aimed a paintball at Usopp's forehead and let it loose. The marksman dove out of the way and began to run, grabbing a handful of paintballs as he did so. He dropped off the side of the ship, and Nami followed suit, giggling as she did so.

Usopp turned to look up at Luffy just as he reached the railing. His slingshot was poised and ready—aimed directly at Nami. "Look out!" He shouted, and pushed her out of the way. There was a pause in which Usopp waited for the paintball to hit him, but nothing came. He turned to see that it had flown several feet from its target. Luffy was staring confusedly at his slingshot.

"How noble, marksman-san." Robin commented. Usopp face was bright red as he turned to apologize to Nami. She smiled instead and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"My hero."