Thanks everyone for reading the last chapter! I'm sorry for the delay but here's the next chapter. & I do not own any of the character's or plots you recognize.

I had no idea where George could be, I mean the castle isn't exactly small. There could be a variety of places where he could be like the Astronomy Tower, the Lake, the Quidditch Pitch. …..the Quidditch Pitch. Whenever I'm upset I go to the Quidditch Pitch and everything seems 10 times better. He could quite possibly be there. Well, I suppose there is no harm in looking.

As I walked towards the Quidditch Pitch, I realized I didn't know what I was going to say to George. I mean, he overheard me confess my feelings and ran away, not really a good sign. I guess I would just have to face this head-on, after all there really can't be any turning back now.

I got down to the Quidditch Pitch and looked for George. He wasn't riding his broom and I couldn't see him in the stands, so I decided to look in the locker room, which now I know I should not have done. When I got to the locker room, I saw no other than George Weasley snogging Alicia Spinnet! Unfortunately, my natural reaction was screaming "George Weasley, I hate you! Don't ever talk to me again!" Then, I proceeded to throw various hexes at the "cozy couple" and somehow managed to get out of there so there would be no immediate confrontation. Looking at the scenario now, I probably should not have done that. But then again, George should not have been snogging Alicia after he overhead how I felt about him. That's low, even for a Weasley twin.

I locked myself up in my room for two whole days. I did not speak to a single soul, not even to Fred who, between classes and before and after meals would beg me to tell him what happened, though I figured George probably told him his side of the story. I admit, maybe I was being a bit melodramatic, but really I think I was more scared; scared that Fred would disapprove of what I had done, scared that everyone would be calling me psycho behind my back (not that they already hadn't), but mostly, scared to hear that George really didn't love me back. I guess common sense knocked me back in the head, or maybe it was the extreme hunger that I had that finally made me get out of the room. Ofcourse, it was 12 midnight and I was sneaking down to the kitchens for some late dinner and maybe milk & cookies. I took the usual route that the twins and I take whenever we sneak down to the kitchens. In our own defense, we're growing kids and need to be fed more than 3 times a day!

I got down to the kitchens and talked to Dobby, oh what a charming little fellow he is. He always liked me since I'm Harry's god sister and well, I'm just a likable person in general (kidding, I get that from my dad). Well, I ate my dinner quite hurriedly considering I had not eating in days and was about to go on to dessert when I heard someone coming. I didn't bother to move because I was still hungry, and whether I got detention or not, I was going to sit right here and eat my dessert.

I should have ran off. The person who was coming to the kitchens was George. Can you say awkward?

"Err, hi, err George. How, err are you?" smooth, real smooth, I thought.

"Ohh I thought you weren't going to speak to me again, or are you distracting me so you can throw more hexes at me?" he angrily replied. This obviously wasn't going to be a good conversation.

"Look George, I was wrong to tell you I hate you and to throw those hexes at you but you have to see it from my perspective" I said.

That just made him even angrier, "YOUR perspective?! What in the bloody hell is that supposed to mean huh? It wasn't like I was doing anything to you that would justify----"

"You weren't doing anything to me? Are you serious right now? You overheard a conversation that I had with Fred and being the good friend I am went to clear things up for you and then you went and snogged Alicia Spinnet! How could you even-----"

"How could I what? Been shocked of what I overheard? You know it's not everyday you hear your best friend admit to your twin brother that she loves you." he said looking down.

"I don't understand why you ran though. Yeah, sure you don't love me the way I love you but that doesn't-----" I got cut off by George saying "Who said I didn't love you the way you love me?"

Well, there we have it, chapter 6. I am terribly, terribly sorry that I made you wait but I did appreciate the reviews so keep it up and hopefully chapter 7 won't take as long!