Ok, here's a piece I had stuck in my head, couldn't get rid of, had to start. This will probably be a long fic, if you only want it too. I promise you, I'm not abandoning my other Jam story. Really. I just needed to get this down and I think you'll like the future chapters. Sorry for how short this one is.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Office, the characters, or the police line prank. I do, however, own Ellie.

"Aren't you extra bouncy this morning? Aren't you? Extra happy to see mommy?" Pam giggled and loving tickled the little girl sitting in the high chair, bringing up a yellow spoon holding some baby peaches, gently guiding it toward the waiting mouth. The little girl clapped her hands with glee.

"Yaaahhnah! Gah!" She babbled over and over, a few baby teeth poking out of her lopsided smile. That familiar lopsided smile.

Pam smiled, placing a little kiss on her nose, making Ellie giggle.

"You look so much like . . . " Pam trailed off, unable to finish that sentence. The curly auburn hair covering Ellie's head was identical to Pam's, but the green eyes and sweet smiles were all his.

She ate more of the baby food, kicking and squealing, then finally becoming squirmy as the high chair grew less comfortable. She was pulled out when the fist-pounding began. Tiny, pudgy baby fists were bumping the plastic on her high tray. Her eyebrows were bent down, looking so, so familiar.

"Let's get you cleaned up!" Pam picked her up and swung her through the air, unable to hold back a smile as the little girl let loose some uncontrollable giggles. Pam laughed with her, finally coming to the nursery and setting her on the soft carpet.

"What should we wear today, Ellie?" Pam rooted through her array of clothes, stopping at a pink dress covered in ruffles. Ellie's favorite. "This one?"

The little girl's eyes widened when she saw the bright dress that was only worn every once in awhile. A high-pitched "Ahh!" left her lips. His lips.

Pam found herself distracted yet again by how much she resembled him. It was almost shocking, but Pam felt a tiny tug when she saw that. It was hard, being a mother alone. Really hard.

"OK, let's wear this one today. The day-care lady will love it." As Pam wrapped her arms around her, she let her eyes grow misty. He would love to be here right now.

The splashing was a lost cause. Ellie loved the bath too much to stop. Pam couldn't stop the water that flew everywhere, landing in her hair and grazing her cheeks as she picked up the Johnson's baby shampoo. She couldn't wait until she was done with work, and then she could pick Ellie up from day-care and come home with her, make supper and giggle as she scooped up baby-peas and stare in wonder at her beautiful daughter while she sang "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star" to make her sleep. Ellie's favorite song that Pam sang.

God, Pam thought. He would be surprised to know what was going on with me right about now.


Jim gave his famous lopsided smile while Dwight discovered the police tape surrounding his desk.

"It's probably just someone playing a prank on you." He wanted to laugh while Dwight doubted him, so he did. That's how far the prank went, even though he wished he could have told the receptionist to tell Dwight that the Sheriff was calling. Janice didn't partake in those activities, though.

She didn't partake in any, come to think of it. Michael acted normally toward her, as did Dwight. They were secretly scared of her, as she didn't put up with and of Michael's crap and was always arguing with her husband over the phone, not caring about the line of curses that she let loose in the office. It was annoying, though. Since Michael was always up to something, she was either yelling at her husband or yelling at Michael, and Jim was ready to yell at her.

He wanted the old receptionist back.

Ok, I know the beginning was really short, and a little hazy. Like, who is Ellie? And why isn't Pam the receptionist anymore? Well, You'll just have to tune in and find out. So, R&R, people!