Title: Everything Changes

Summary: When The Montez family and the Evans family get together for a long weekend; a thunderstorm, a scared Gabriella and a surprisingly caring Sharpay make the difference.

Author: X0He'sAllThat0X aka Ash

Chapter 1: This is going to be fun

Oh by the way, the little phrases between scenes are something I thought would be cooler than putting GXSXGXS or GABPAYXROCKS and things people put in between the scenes.

… She wants to make love

When I wanna fight,

Now someone understand me …

Gabriella Montez was excited! She was going to spend time with her family and the Evans family. Since the Evans worked for England and Luce Montez worked for Latin American areas, they constantly worked together, figuring out which products to send to each sides of the world, they had little weekends where the kids would play and the adults would work.

That was before Gabriella Montez and the Evans got to high school.

Sharpay Evans was pissed; she hated the little weekends the Montez spend at their house or they spent and the Montez household. Sure, she and Gabriella were best friends since they were born but in high school, everything changes. Sharpay was born in England and lived there for about a year or two then her parents decided America had a lot more to offer than Britain and decided to leave family, friends and everything to come to America which served them to become millionaires. When they got to Albuquerque, Luce Montez was pretty much the one who made all their dreams come true and Gabriella became Sharpay's life in a way. They did everything together but like I said, in high school… everything changes

Sharpay turned cold, she began thinking only about herself and no one understood why but Gabriella was still there, being her best friend, trying to help. Until one day Sharpay randomly snapped at Gabriella and she had enough. She took her things and told Sharpay she couldn't handle it anymore.

And that's how Sharpay Evans lost her only friend, her only love.

Yes, Sharpay Evans was a lesbian, and a dumb one. She lost Gabriella because she decided designer clothes where more important than love.

Sharpay angrily goes into her brother's room and sits on his bed, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom.

"Oh god I needed tha-- oh hello sister, yes please come in" Ryan Evans said sarcastically at his angry sister.

"Why do the Montez have to come? Don't they have somewhere else to be?" Sharpay said ignoring Ryan's remark.

"Shar, you love Gabriella and her mother, what's wrong this time?"

Sharpay crossed her arms and pouted, "I don't love her, and she's a stupid dummy head. Although, I do love her mother, she makes a mean flan" Sharpay thought drooling a little bit. Gabriella's mother was a fantastic cook and so was Gabriella but Sharpay would never admit it.

Ryan smirked and sat next to the blonde, wrapping an arm around her.

"So you don't love her but you say her name in your sleep" he whispered in her ear.

"You're lying!" she exclaimed and he got up and put a hat on, which only meant that he was going to dramatize something.

"Gabriella… Gabriella.. I love you or Gabriella… I miss you or my favorite, Gabriella… right there Gabriella don't stop" he got cut off by a surprisingly strong body tackling him and both landing on the floor as Sharpay slapped his arm repeatedly.

"Don't ever repeat that ever again!"

Ryan simply chuckled, "You do know I'm stronger than you, right?" he said grabbing her arms and getting up, putting her on the bed and smirking at her.

She glared at him, "You're the worst twin brother ever!"

He smiled, "I'm the best because I actually know you lover her Shar, you should just stop being a bitch to her. Your reasons for your dramatic change are pathetic and you know it"

She sighed, "It's been 3 years, what would people think of a new Sharpay"

"It's not new, It's the real you Shar and who gives a shit of what people think? Do people matter more than Gabriella?"

She sighed and shook her head, "I can't do it so just drop it" she walked slowly to her bedroom, and losing herself in the chords of her guitar.

Do you want to come with me?

Don't you want to feel my bones?

On your bones,

It's only natural …

Gabriella Montez was excited to go to Sharpay's house. She barely saw her in school and these little weekends served to be Gabriella's monthly doses of Sharpay. Sure, she was a bitch to her but still… she missed the blonde with all her heart. They had been close since she was in diapers, she was part of Gabriella, no matter how much Sharpay had changed.

"Princess, are you ready?" Gabriella's mother asked walking into Gabriella's room, knocking Gabriella out of her thoughts.

"Si mami" she answered getting up with her bag and jogging down the stairs.

She heard Luce, her mother, laugh loudly and catch up with her after a while.

"Eager much?" her mother smiled getting into the car.

Gabriella smiled a little, "A little"

Luce chuckled as they made their way to the Evan's house.

Right here,

Right now …

"Mother, pass the butter, please?" Sharpay asked grabbing a slice of bread.

They were all having breakfast, waiting for the Montez to come. Yes, they had to drag Sharpay downstairs but those are things the Evans would never say. They would always try to maintain their stigma of being perfect. So now, they were sitting all together in the kitchen stools, eating together as the 'perfect' family would.

One thing the Evans loved about the Montez is that they didn't have to be perfect around them. They could be a normal dysfunctional family and they would be all right with it.

"Darling, butter goes to your thighs" her mother took the butter and threw it in the trashcan.

Sharpay glared at her and took a bite of the bread, "Oh yeah, bread with nothing tastes yummy!" she said sarcastically.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Sharpay" her father insisted and Sharpay rolled her eyes and opened her mouth and showed her munched bread to everyone.

"Disgusting, Shar!" Ryan said looking away.

"Sharpay Evans" her parents said at the same time and they heard a familiar giggle, which caused Sharpay to look behind her parents to find a giggling brunette and a confused Luce holding a plate with flan.

'On one hand, I'm fucking embarrassed because Gabriella saw me doing something ridiculous and laughed, on the other hand… FLAN!' Sharpay thought as she smiled big and ran towards Luce.

"Oh Luce, I've missed you so much" Sharpay hugged Gabriella's mother tightly. She was like a second mother to Sharpay and… she had flan.

"You're just saying that because I brought your favorite dessert" Luce smirked putting the plate on the table.

"Oh c'mon Luce babe, I would never… ok fine, half of the reason but still I've missed you and you look beautiful as always" Sharpay considered Luce her other mother and her best friend, too.

Luce ran her hand through Sharpay's locks tenderly, "You've grown so much"

Sharpay smiled a little, "Thanks"

"Hey Gabby baby" Ryan said smiling warmly at Gabriella as she sighed in contentment when she hugged her friend

"I've missed you so much Ry" she said wrapped around Ryan's comforting embrace.

"The whole day we've been away from each other?" Ryan teased and she gave him a look of, 'you know what I mean'.

"I know, I know" he said breaking the embrace but keeping an arm around her waist.

"So how did the date with Jason go?" she whispered in his ear and he smiled big.

Yes, Ryan Evans was gay and a smart one. He played the best friend game with Jason until he had him eating out of his hand and then… he attacked.

Twin gay kids… wouldn't that make any mother proud?

"That good, huh?" Gabriella smirked and he nodded frantically making Gabriella giggle at his cuteness.

"Hey Rob, hey Mary" Gabriella smiled at Ryan and Sharpay's parents.

"Pleasure to see you as always honey, you look stunning" Mary Evans smiled at her kindly when she saw the brunette blush.

"We've missed your famous brownies" Robert Evans admitted and Ryan agreed.

"Oh yeah"

Gabriella giggled, "Well I'll be sure to make you all some during the weekend"

The Evans boy's faces lit up at her words and the ladies rolled their eyes.

"Sharpay darling, aren't you going to say hi to Gabriella?" Mary asked her annoyed daughter.

Suddenly Gabriella got shy and began playing with her fingers as Ryan's arm went back to his side.

Sharpay glared at her mother for a few moments before walking towards Gabriella until she was face to face with her and with the same face said,

"Hello" Sharpay's fake American accent and mint breath hit Gabriella's nostrils and ears instantly; making Gabriella look up and see Sharpay's expression change for a few seconds, then go back to glaring.

"Hi Pay" she whispered and pecked Sharpay's cheek, a bit closer to the corner of her mouth by accident before looking down again and not being able to see Sharpay's unreadable expression.

"Luce, are you up for a morning swim?" Mary asked and Luce smiled,

"You got a pool, finally?"

"Yes and a Jacuzzi" Mr. Evans said dreamily and the women laughed.

"Let's give it a try then" Luce smiled and the three headed towards the pool.

Gabriella turned to Ryan with a relaxed expression, "So, spill!"

"Oh I thought you would never ask" he said dramatically, grabbing a giggling brunette's hand and running towards his bedroom leaving Sharpay alone in the kitchen.

'This is going to be fun' Sharpay sighed deeply walking rather slowly to her room.

… Hour by Hour,

One day at a time…

"Oh my god he said that?" Gabriella shrieked when Ryan nodded.

"And then he went all, I'm afraid of what people might think but you're worth it and I almost melt Gabby!" he said leaning against the headboard of his bed.

"So, did you ask him?" Gabriella said getting into bed and cuddling next to him.

Ryan ran his hand through her hair, "Ask him what?"

Gabriella turned her head so she would be looking at him, "You know, the big question"

"I can't get married at 17, Gabriella!"

Gabriella poked his nose with her index finger, "Not that, you moron, did you ask him to be your boyfriend?"

"Oh that" he smirked, "Yes, yes I did"

"Oh I know that smile, spill!"

"Well he was leaning against my car, looking all cute and I…" Ryan got cut of by the door of his room opening and an angry (as usual) Sharpay coming in and sitting down on the orange and blue boom ottoman. (It's a cool chair)

"Oh hello Sharpay, please come in" he said sarcastically, as usual.

"Hello brother, Gabriella" her American accent was good, Gabriella thought.

"How's life Pay?" Gabriella said turning to look at the blonde who was playing random chords in her guitar.


Gabriella sighed, "You were saying Ry?"

"Right so he was looking all cute and I kind of leaned in you know, testing the waters and he gave me this little shy smile and I knew he wanted so I kissed him" Ryan said smiling at the memory.

"Aww Ry, that's so cute"

"I wasn't finished"

"Oh" Gabriella said confused.

"Then he kind of started… in my pants and he complimented my… and then on the back of my… jeep"

Gabriella closed her eyes tightly.

"Holy Fuck" She and Sharpay said at the same time.

Gabriella opened her eyes and offered Sharpay a smile and the blonde ignored it and looked at her brother.

"Must you tell us this disgusting things?"

"Well, you were the one that barged in and you were the one who asked" he said looking at Sharpay and then Gabriella.

"Yeah but I didn't ask what your boyfriend thinks of your penis, did I?" Gabriella asked sarcastically

Sharpay let out a small chuckle as Gabriella and Ryan stared at the blonde.

"Did you just laugh at what I said?" Gabriella accused with a small smile playing around her lips.

"No, of course not, I just remembered something funny" Sharpay covered not so smoothly.

Ryan smirked, "Gabriella, I think the beast is becoming human again… that only happens when you're around… you should come live with us"

Gabriella giggled and Sharpay glared at both of them.

"What?" Gabriella said getting up and walking towards the blonde.

"Nothing just shut up, both of you"

Gabriella put her hands on her waist and began giving Sharpay an angry look.

"Sharpay would you please stop using your dumb American accent… you're not American… so just stop it"

"She's right Shar, It's pretty ridiculous, and we all know you're just faking it"

"I'm practicing for a play you ass wipes," Sharpay admitted.

"Please speak like Sharpay just for this weekend, for me Pay" Gabriella said softly and Sharpay looked down at her guitar and let her fingers play a few notes.

"Alright, alright… Happy everyone?" she said with her normal British accent and Gabriella smiled like an idiot, she had always thought Sharpay's accent was so cute and sexy at the same time.

"Thanks Pay" she said walking towards Ryan's piano.

"Don't you dare" Ryan warned; no one can touch Ryan's piano, it's his baby.

"Oh C'mon Ry, please?"

Ryan sighed, "Fine!"

"Hey Pay, play the song you were just playing right now… everything changes" Gabriella said and Sharpay looked at her shocked.

"You know that song?"

"Of course Pay, I introduced you to the band, didn't I?"

Sharpay looked down, "True"

"Now come on, let's hear it"

"I don't want to" she glared and Gabriella shrugged.

"Ryan, want to help me make brownies?"

Ryan looked at her apologetically, "I invited Jason over to dinner and I'm going to pick him up right now"

Gabriella looked down a little disappointed, "Oh ok"

Ryan hated seeing Gabriella sad, "But I bet Sharpay would love to help, right Shar?"

"Not really" she said putting her guitar down.

"C'mon Pay… for me" Gabriella gave her a small smile.

Sharpay stared at Gabriella and simply got up and left the room.

"This is going to be fun" Gabriella said and Ryan smiled.

"Just keep treating her like your doing, she's really missed you, she's just pissed at herself"

Gabriella nodded and hugged Ryan, "Have fun with your lover boy"

Ryan smirked, "Oh, I will"

She closed her eyes again, "Ew"

Ryan laughed, "Love you, be patient, trust me, she's missed you a lot"

"So have I," she whispered biting her bottom lip.

"I know babe, you tell me only every single day" he winked and walked towards the door with his car keys in hand.

"Love you too Ry"

He smiled and closed the door behind him.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be fun…" Gabriella said to no one in particular and laughed at herself for talking to herself. Then walked towards the door and headed down the stairs, ready for a whole lot of 'fun'.

(A/N: I'm actually quite pleased with this. Do tell me what you thought and next chapter will come out soon if you well, review because I kind of already finished it. So sorry for taking so much updating my other stories).