So, this is my first time at a crossover fanfic. I like to think of myself as a well rounded geek...and every well rounded geek likes Star Wars. I recently went to the new Star Wars cartoon, just to see what the fuss was about, and even though it wasn't all sure kicked me back into Star Wars mood. But I can't leave Avatar behind. So, in my warped mind, I decided to try this. Hopefully there's someone out there that'll like it as well.

Obi-wan woke with a start. He had been in a deeper sleep than he wanted to be, but the last skirmish on some remote moon had left him extremely tired. He focused quickly and concentrated on what woke him. Groggly, he heard…music.

Obi-wan stood up and stretched. He checked the time piece on the wall of his stateroom. They had been in lightspeed for about a Coruscant day. He opened his door and walked out. The music was suddenly louder, and he heard singing. It was coming from the mess hall. As Obi-wan walked towards it, a smell of cooking food accompanied the music and his stomach grumbled. Before getting closer, he clocked himself with the Force so Anakin wouldn't feel him, then peeked around the corner.

Anakin was slowly stirring a big pot on a stove while his Padawan, Ahsoka, was cutting a mix of vegetables and meats. Music was coming from a small set of speakers on the table behind them. The current song ended and a new one started. Ahsoka sang:

Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world.

She took the midnight train going an-ny where!

Ahsoka stopped and Anakin continued:

Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit.

He took the midnight train going an-ny where!

They both faced each other and belted out in unison:

A singer in a smokey room,

The smell of wine and cheap perfume!

For a smile they can share the night,

It goes on and on and on and on!

Obi-wan couldn't hold back anymore. He started to laugh. Anakin didn't react but Ahsoka squeeked and dropped her knife.

"Master Obi-wan, we didn't know you were up!" she said.

Anakin smiled at Obi-wan and went back to the pot. "He likes to think he's sneaky like that. I knew you were there, Master."

Obi-wan shrugged. "Yet you still gave me a show. Thank you." He walked over to the pot. "And why are you cooking? Are we out of supplement pills?"

Ahsoka plopped potato like things into the pot. "No, we have plenty. I was bored."

Obi-wan frowned and glanced at Anakin. "Usually a Master instructs his Padawan the art of meditation and quiet watchfulness while bored and waiting."

"He did that already," Ahsoka said. "So now I'm teaching him the art of stew. I used to hang out in the kitchen at the Temple. I love to cook. Food is just wonderful."

Obi-wan looked at Anakin again but Anakin just smiled and shook his head. "Hey, at least this way we'll have fresh food for a few days."

Obi-wan was about to protest but decided better of it. He too was hungry for real food, and a few hours of fun couldn't hurt the girl. He rolled up his sleeves and Ahsoka put him to work on making fat dumplings. In a short half hour, the stew was ready. The three sat down to eat in the huge mess hall. The ship they were on was supposed to hold many more than the three, but they were the only three going back to Coruscant, and this was the only free ship.

After eating a hearty and well deserved meal, Ahsoka and Obi-wan cleaned up while Anakin went to check on the ships auto-pilot. Ahsoka turned on her music again.

Bartender I really did it this time,

Broke my parole to have a good time…

Obi-wan listened to her sing.

...I'm at a bar on the inside, waiting for my ride on the outside.

She broke my heart in a trailer park.

So I jacked the keys to her fucking car

Crashed that piece of shit and stepped away…

Obi-wan wiped his hands and shut it off. Ahsoka turned.


"Did you just swear?" He demanded.

She looked confused. "What? I mean, yes, Master…but it's in the song. It's just music…"

"Jedi should always watch the way they present themselves. Swearing, even just in a song, is not permitted."

Ahsoka bowed her head in obedience. "Yes, Master."

Obi-wan got that feeling he gets when he knows he was the party killer. He groaned inwardly. That happened to him a lot.

"Besides, you have such a pretty voice." He wasn't lying there. She did have a nice voice. "Isn't there something you like to sing that you can show off with?"

Ahsoka thought for a moment, then turned on a new song. It was a slow, sad folk tune of a solder from a long ago war. Obi-wan had heard it before, but he had an eerie feeling that as Ahsoka sang the song, millions across the Galaxy were singing along.

…There is nothing here but war, where the murdering cannons roar.

And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin.

General Meagher to us he said, if you get shot or lose your head,

Every mother's son of youse will get a pension.

Well in the war I lost me leg, and all I've now's a wooden peg.

By my soul it is the truth to you I mention…

As she finished, Anakin walked back in the room.

"Wow, Obi-Wan…I always knew you were a mood killer. But, geeze.. I'm gone for ten minutes and already you have the girl lamenting…"

Ahsoka burst out in laughter as Obi-Wan frowned again. "Well, the trash you let her sing wasn't suiting her. Jedi usually don't cultivate talents of the arts, but her voice could do wonders. The medics at the Temple are researching the use of music to heal. If she could learn to sing properly…"

Anakin laughed. "Because you, the King of Tone Deafness, would know of proper singing."

Ahsoka was sent into another fit of laughter as she watched the two old friends bicker. Obi-Wan was about to retort when the ship suddenly bucked to the side and sirens blared. All thoughts of singing were forgotten as the three ran to the cockpit.

"What was that?" Ahsoka asked. She strapped herself in and turned to the nav-computer. Obi-Wan was checking the source of the sirens as Anakin took the ship off auto-pilot.

"Something is wrong, but the computer is showing nothing…" Obi-Wan mumbled. Anakin groaned.

"Bucket of bolts…" he breathed. The ship was very, very old. Another siren went off.

"We're losing oxygen now," Obi-Wan said quietly. The three looked at each other. Anakin took a deep breath.

"Ok. I think I know what happened. But we need to land for me to fix it. Coming out of light speed…"

The stars sprung back into formation. Ahsoka checked the star maps.

"We're at least half a day away from anything on this chart…" They had taken a short cut through a sparsely populated part of space to cut time.

Anakin frowned. "Really? Then what's that to the right?"

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka looked to were Anakin was pointing. Sure enough, their space trained eyes could pick out a planet amongst the stars. Ahsoka looked on the chart again.

"Well, it's not on the chart. But it's close. I vote we go."

Anakin looked to Obi-Wan, who nodded in agreement.

"Ok. Setting course for Mystery Planet."

"WATER-BENDING BALL!!" Katara screeched. She came flying down the cliff with a larger than life splash. Mai, Ty Lee, and Toph laughed as they got soaked. Aang shouted down behind her.

"Mine will be bigger!!" He splashed down too, soaking the girls again.

"AAHHH-EEEE!!" Sokka yelled as he swung in on a vine and dove into the lake, Zuko close behind. It had been half a year since the war ended. Things between the nations were unstable, but peaceful. The kids were taking a well deserved vacation. They had not all been in the same place together for over a month.

Mai, Ty Lee, and Toph, who were sunning themselves in the setting sun, were talking about the recent developments of the new idea to have a sporting even every four years between the nations in honor of peace.

"I think it's a good idea," Ty Lee was saying. "The problem is to consider what is a sport and what isn't. And how to make rules that prevent bending."

Suki walked from where she was getting the girls all drinks and sat down.

"Maybe there can be two categories: sports for the non-benders, and martial arts for the benders."

Mai shook her head. "But what about us that use martial arts and don't bend?"

The others in the water came out and dried off. The sun was nearly gone as Zuko started a fire. They started to casually converse in small groups. Sokka and Suki were snuggled on the sand; Toph, Ty Lee, and Mai were making fun of Aang's smaller water splashes than Katara's. Zuko was taking everything in happily when he noticed Katara set off for the forest surrounding the lake. He stood up and walked to her.

"Want company?"

She shrugged. "Ok." He was surprised at her lack luster answer. She had been having fun all day, but this brooding version of Katara quickly brought him back to the old days just a year ago.

They walked for a few moments when he asked, "What's wrong?"

She shrugged again. "I'm just tired. It's been a very exhausting last few months."

Zuko understood her. He was hanging on to his kingdom by his bare fingernails. While many wanted the war to end, many more still clung onto the old idea that Zuko was a traitor, and that if anyone new needs to take the throne, it should be Iroh. Iroh fully threw his support behind Zuko, but there were still a few elite families that did not like change. They had built themselves up on the war, and they feared their status would drop now that Fire Nation Colonial Governors were not needed.

They walked in silence some until they came to a grassy opening. Katara laid on the grass and looked up to the stars in the new night sky. Zuko walked in a slow circle looking up as well.

Katara sighed and spoke again, "And I think Aang is a little uneasy. Sure, he's a full Avatar now…but I think keeping a peaceful world will be harder on him then trying to get one."

Zuko nodded, still looking up. He knew this too, Aang had wrote to him a few times about it. The two teenagers stayed in silence, contemplating life.

"Do you ever wonder what is up there?" Zuko asked in a rare burst of theological feeling.


"What do you think it is?"

"My mother once told me our passed loved ones watch us from there. What do you think?"

Zuko was about to answer when the forest was shook with a sudden sonic boom. Katara screamed and stood up. Zuko stopped moving and looked around for the source. They heard a roar behind them. Turning to see, what looked like a huge meteor was heading towards them. Zuko and Katara ran. When they got back to the lake, the others were looking too.

"Another space rock?" Toph asked hopefully. She knew how much Sokka wanted a new space sword. Sokka shook his head even though she couldn't see him.

"No…this is new…" he said unsurely.

The kids watched as the not-space-rock free-fell from the sky. Then, it did something odd…it seemed to move in a decided direction.

"It's…it's landing," Ty Lee said in awe. Indeed, gravity clearly did not have control over the thing anymore. It vanished in the trees, and the night became quiet again, hiding it's secret of the phenomenon that the kids witnessed.

Now able to "see" what the others were talking about, Toph gasped.

"That's no rock! It's metal. Pure metal!"

Sokka, Aang, and Zuko looked at each other, then took off towards the thing. The girls followed.

They came upon a hill that they could peer over. What they saw astonished them. Sure, the kids were used to seeing metal contraptions built by the Fire Nation and the Mechanist, but this was nothing they had ever seen.

"What is it?" Mai whispered.

Zuko shrugged. "It's not Fire Nation. I know it's not. We have nothing that does…space travel." He spoke the last words as though he were uttering a sacred thing.

Suki chimed in, "Is it spirit world?"

Aang shook his head. "Spirits can't do that. They don't bend metal. No, it's real. It's defiantly real."

As they silently watched, a side opened up to reveal three beings walking out- two human males, one a young adult and one clearly in his middle years- and another being that looked human, but her skin was a different color and she clearly did not have hair.

"Maybe it's a hat," Ty Lee whispered.

The mystery people looked around for a moment, and then started to talk.

"How is it this planet is not charted? It may be in a rural area...but it's still well in the Republic." The non-human asked. The younger man was using some sort of metal beeping thing that he connected to the big metal transport. He sighed.

"Something in the oxygen tanks blew. It's defiantly fixable, but I'll need a day, and some more metal pieces…and welding tools…oh, stars, just find me a droid."

The older man remained silent, as though he were deeply listening to something. Aang felt something come over him. It was as though the spirits were whispering to him. He shook his head to get the noise out of his ears. Zuko, Katara, and Toph were doing the same.

"What are you doing?" Sokka hissed.

"I feel weird…" Toph said worriedly.

Zuko shuttered. "Me too…it's like, it's like…"

"The Spirits are speaking to us," Aang concluded. Suddenly, the older man turned and looked to where they were hiding. The kids ducked down.

"He saw us!" Ty Lee barely made a sound as she said that, terrified.

The older man spoke loudly. "I saw you there."

Aang gulped. As the others shook their heads at him, he stood and looked at the man.

"I am Avatar Aang. Who are you?"

The man answered. "I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan, Ahsoka."

Aang cocked his head to the side and frowned. "What's a Jedi? Are you a new Spirit I haven't met?"

The man named Anakin stepped forward. Unnerved by the new feeling and wary of the strangers, Toph popped up.

"Don't take a step closer! We have you out numbered eight to three!" Anakin stopped moving. He didn't show any emotion on his face, but Toph, Aang, Zuko, and Katara all felt his mood change from calm to alertness. The others took Toph's speech as a cue to stand. Obi-Wan looked around.

"We mean you no harm. Our ship had a malfunction. It is quiet old, as you can see. There were no air controls, so we landed without clearance. We hope this is ok."

The kids just stared at the three aliens. Sokka asked again. "What are you?"

The not-human spoke up. "Master Obi-Wan already said, we are Jedi. What planet is this?"

The kids looked at each other in shock. Zuko tried to swallow and asked dryly, "Did you ask what…what planet is this?"

Ahsoka nodded. "Yes. Planet. You know, in opposed to stars and moons?"

Anakin was beginning to feel more nervous. He was getting a strange feeling from four of the kids- the bald one, the brown girl, the little girl, and the bigger boy.

Katara gave a nervous laugh. "Uh…I guess the name of the planet is Earth."

"What do you mean you guess?" Anakin asked. He did not like this at all. Obi-Wan was reaching out to him with the Force, but before Anakin could read it, the smallest girl shouted out, "Don't do that!"

For the first time in a long time, Anakin saw Obi-Wan look startled. "Do what?"

"That…that thing you do. You're moving the Spirits or something. We…well, Katara, Aang, Zuko, and me…we can feel that. And we don't like it."

Obi-Wan's feelings were confirmed. The reason this planet was uncharted was because no one knew it was here. In fact, he suspected that the planet was never even discovered. This is big, he thought. Very, very big.

"Ok, I think we are all confused…"

"Think so?" Toph shouted sarcastically.

Obi-Wan frowned. "…and maybe we should all sit down and figure out what is happening."

"We don't negotiate with aliens!" Zuko shouted out firmly.

Ahsoka growled. "Hey! That's a horrible term to accuse someone of! I'm not 'alien', I'm Torguta!"

"There's nothing like that here!" Katara joined in the yelling contest. She felt Aang tense next to her, trying to tell her to calm down, but she was scared…ever so much more scared than she had been during the war.

"Please!" Obi-Wan shouted out. "Please, let's just calmly sit down and…"

"LEAVE!" Zuko shouted as he let go a huge blast of fire. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka took cover.

"Son, put down the flame thrower! We don't want a fight!" Obi-Wan shouted out.

"I have no idea what that is!" Zuko yelled.

"Master," Ahsoka whispered. "He didn't use a flame thrower."

"Well, what did he use then?"

"His…his feet and hands. And I don't see any tanks wired to him. It just…it came from thin air."

While the Jedi conversed, Aang was calming Zuko.

"Attacking them won't help. Maybe we should talk. I'm scared too, but these aliens…people…they have spirit. Or something. I don't know, but I know you three feel it too."

"I agree with Aang," Mai said. "Who knows what they could have hidden if we make them mad. And besides…this is probably a dream." Ty Lee pinched her.

"Ow! Ok…maybe not. But still…"

Aang shouted to the Jedi, "We agree to sit down and talk."

The Jedi came out of hiding and waited for the kids to come down from the rocks. They were all dressed in different sorts of attire. Two, who looked to be brother and sister, were wearing blue. They had the same caramel skin, dark hair, and deep blue eyes. The girl had her hair long with a sort of crown woven into it, and the boy had a top knot. Both wore soft shoes of animal skin.

Two were dressed in green, the small girl and the other with short hair. The small girl looked almost tomboyish, was barefoot, and her hair hung in her eyes. Anakin wondered how she could see with all that hair there, but then he realized she was blind. She moved well for a blind person. The other girl was slender but had the stance of a warrior. Her slight frame could not be underestimated.

The oldest boy and the girl with buns were both in red, crowns in both their hair. The last girl standing next to them was in pink, and was very dainty. Her eyes were narrowed in mistrust, however, and looked out of place in her outstandly beautiful face.

The last boy, the one announced as Avatar Aang, was in orange. He was bald with an arrow tattoo on his head and had a medallion hanging from his neck.

The kids criticized the 'aliens' clothing too. The two men were dressed almost alike- high boots, loose fitting clothes, with belts at their wastes to hold their tunics. The only difference was the younger man had more leather on. The girl had high boots and a belt as well, but her orange skin was very much visible with just a piece of cloth wrapped around her chest. The tattoo's on her face didn't draw as much attention as her tentacles on her head did. She felt their stares and flushed.

Aang cleared his throat. "Well then…tea?"