Saya First Insallment

A/N: I don't own anything, and this is an AU just to let you know

Saya: The Beginning

Take One: Theatre Troop


"Hagi, lift up those trunks from the back of the carriage." His father called, the boy of about 9 years old hopped up into the farm carriage as his father instructed. The pale boy heaved each of the trunks out of the carriage, his braided black hair sticking to his skin in the hot summer air.

Their troop had stopped somewhere in a rural town in France. The town seemed like any other town in Europe, they hated traveling gypsies. He spotted children his own age, but they were not of the same coloring as he was, and they didn't like him for it. He never had a friend that wasn't a relative in some way.

"Hagi! Are you finished yet? We need you!" Again his father called. They were outside another theatre, his uncle and father talking to its' manager for a performance spot. Few would agree, most would see it shameful to let them perform on their stages.

"I'm coming sir!" Hagi put the last trunk on the ground as one of his cousins picked them up to bring them inside.

Maybe this town would be a bit different, in some small way. He ran up the stone steps into the modest theatre of the town. Two of his cousins were helping his mother with the stage props, and his uncle sand father were making arrangements with the manager.

"We'll guarantee a well played performance, and give you forty percent of the earnings." His uncle, Demetri had said. His uncle was a larger man in size and weight, the darkness of his skin contrasted with most of the family's. His father said that Demetri had been to a Russian prison, and was forced to do outside labor for many years. Of this, his uncle wouldn't comment on his time there. Demetri simply told Hagi and his cousins one time that "It was an experience none should have if they can avoid it."

"I'm sure we'll settle this after tonight's show, your family and yourselves should head up to the Church for food if you are hungry-they are very generous." The manager had said, not knowing how much of an insult his statement was.

"Are we really going to that Church, sir?" Hagi asked his father from the back of the carriage where he sat with his cousins and his mother, the rest traveled in the carriage behind them..

"Why not, we may as well eat them out of house and home. It serves 'em right." Hagi's cousin, Nicholav said. He stood a few inches taller than Hagi and was two years older.

"They always make mean faces at us though." Hagi's younger cousin Gabi replied, she was only four years old and already had a grim way of looking at the world.

"Do not judge an individual of common derogatory, for not all people carry such prejudice." His mother said sagely, hoping that these children wouldn't see the world as a damning place.

"That's right, and besides we will need a place to stay tonight and the manager said the Church would oblige us." His father ended the conversation there.

Hagi must admit, the scenery was beautiful. As they rode up to the church he spotted a beautiful iron gate, engraved atop it was "Zoo"- something about it made Hagi feel, uneasy.

Take Two: Feeding Time

A wine glass shattered to the floor, along with the silver plate that held it. The servant trembled with fear, and scrambled out of the room with a long and loud yell.

"What's the matter my pet?" An aged man asked as he slowly entered the dark room the same one the servant escaped from. Drapes covered the windows, expelling the light of day. Victorian furniture could be seen, grandly carved and polished with the center of the room holding a four poster bed. Silk red covers were pulled up, and it's occupant's face obscured.

"You haven't been taking your daily nourishment, why is that?" His eyes were squinted to peer into room clearly. When no answer came, the man inquired again.

"Is there something else you desire, love?" A pale hand arose from the sheets, and beckoned the man forward. Obliged, he shuffled further into the blackened room. He crept closer to the right side of the bed, and leaned forward to hear clearly.

"I want something…fresh." A feminine voice whispered.

"So, the servants don't satisfy you anymore?" He then chuckled. "Very well, we will fix this. In the mean time, you'll have to bare it-there is no point in starving yourself for a better meal." With this the man crept out of the room and closed the chestnut door behind him.

"Not cooperating, I take it?" A man of darker features asked, waiting outside of the bedroom in the hallway.

"Amshel, we need to find a different source for her meals." The aged man said as they both walked down the luxurious hallway.

" Being a bit demanding isn't she? I don't think you should pamper her so much Joel." The man named Amshel said. The entered a formal study and each took a seat on their own respective sides of the room.

"I very well can't treat her like a toy." Joel turned his chair toward the window, and peered out into the front lawn.

"It can't hurt." Amshel flipped through a book he picked out of the g bookcase nearby. Seemly uninterested it Joel's way of handling things.

Joel leaned back in his leather chair, continuing to look across the grounds he spotted a carriage trotting by the front gates. He put his hand to his chin as he always did when thinking.

"Gypsies? When did they come to town?" He wondered aloud.

"They came the day before yesterday, apparently it's a traveling acting group." Amshel said, though still absorbed in his book.

"That means they are in constant need of money, perhaps we should visit their performance." Joel looked back at Amshel, who was know at complete attention.

"What are you suggesting?"

Take Three: Church hospitality and Explored territory

"Welcome, we are pleased to have you here as our guests." an old woman who seemed ancient in Hagi's eyes had greeted them at the church door. The couple that ran the church were kind and generally caring to everyone. His father stepped forward and shook the old woman's hand.

"Good Morning, my name is Jonas and this is my wife, Ana." He turned toward his wife, and then toward the children behind him," my son Hagi, and the rest of our family." The two carriages were parked out front, a total of twelve people. (I don't want to name all of them, because they are not really of importance)

"We are looking for lodging, and we were told you help travelers?" His father inquired.

"Of course, my husband will set up the rooms in the back we keep them for visiting nuns." She opened the door all the way to let the family inside. "I have food for you, and don't hesitate to ask for anything."

Hagi, along with the rest of the family walked into the church. The stained glass windows casts the pews in reds, blues, and yellows. He was surprised at the church's hospitality thus far. No one had quickly agreed to take them in before. Perhaps the couple were blinded through their years to a degree, and didn't see the tell-tale signs of the group's lineage.

The sat along the pews as the old woman came back with a large pot of stew, pewter bowls were passed out to the family, and each one divulged in a meal they rarely have.

"So, you are going to perform at the town's theatre tonight?" The old woman asked, she finished passing out the rations and sat down in a nearby pew.

"Yes ma'm, it gets us from place to place." Demetri said, making himself known.

"It must be exciting going to different places, my husband Jacques and I used to travel a lot in our younger years." The woman continued to ramble on for what seemed like an hour.

"…and so, we settled down in this town. There isn't much excitement here, although the Goldsmith Zoo up the road always has different kinds of animals on their grounds." She finally stopped speaking, but the mentioning of the zoo caught Hagi's attention.

"I've never been to a zoo before." Gabi said with such jollity.

"Well dear, it's not exactly that kind of Zoo, you see we towns people gave it that name because Mr. Goldsmith is a zoologist, he loves studying rare animals. It isn't a place for the children I'm afraid." She gave another heave of a sigh.

Another two hours had passed, the children played amongst themselves while the adults discussed traveling affairs. Finally his father announced to the group,

"It's almost three, we should get back to the theatre to set up." Of course, this meant the adults only. The children of the family were free to play until the performance tonight. As his father, mother, and aunts and uncles left in their carriages back to the theatre across town, Hagi and his cousins decided to explore.

The couple at the church seemed to mind their own, not really caring where the children went to, but told them to at least be back before their parents came back.

Gabi held Nicholav's hand as they walked down the dirt roads of the French countryside. Hagi and three other cousins were ahead throwing rocks down the road. The summer air clung humidly to their foreheads as the sweat began to form on each of them. They came closer and closer to the front gate Hagi had seen earlier. His eldest cousin, Trever stopped right infront of it. He then began to climb a bit on the bars.

"So, this is that place the old hag was talking about." Trever said, he always had a bit of an attitude.

"She said they had a lot of animals in there," Hagi spoke up.

"Maybe that's why they call it the Zoo." Trever spoke to him, with sarcasm dripping out of his words.

"Let's go inside." Trever commanded.

"NO! We can't go, the lady said that we had to be back before mama and papa." Gabi complained, holding tighter to Nicholav's arm.

"Fine, Nichol, you stay here and watch the baby, we'll go inside." with that Trever squeezed through the iron bars of the gate.

"I'm not a baby." Gabi said with tears forming in her eyes.

"We'll be right back Gabi, just wait here with Nichol." Hagi tried to comfort her, and waved back to Nicholav. The other two of his cousins also stayed at the gate.

Trever sprinted from shrub to shrub and Hagi tried his best to keep up. The only animals that roamed around were sheep and cattle. Nothing extraordinary about that. Trever continued to move further into the grounds, something alarming struck Hagi at that moment. He knew the further they went, the more trouble they would be in if they got caught. Nothing was more suspicious then two Gypsy children wandering around a wealthy estate.

"Trever, I think we should go back." Hagi warned, looking around the grounds. The trees were getting thicker in amount, and he could have sworn he saw a type of wild dog sneek around.

"Don't you be wigging out on me too." Trever seemed irritated.

"Why are you so caught up exploring this place?" Hagi said, following Trever obediently.

"Exploring? Hagi you don't honestly think we are just going to explore this place?" Trever kept walking, and didn't turn to look at him when he spoke.

"Then what are we here for?"

"That hag said that this belonged to a wealthy man, so he must own a…..There it is." They finally saw an exit from the thicket of forest, and low and behold- there stood a very large mansion.

"What are you going to do Trever?" Hagi knew the answer, but couldn't help but ask.

"We are going to peek through the windows for some valuables that's all."

"I don't know about his Trever." Hagi said, though still moving forward with his cousin.

As they moved closer to the mansion's walls, Trever peered through windows, moving from window to window. He then ducked down and yanked Hagi with him.

"OWW!" cried Hagi, "What was that for?"

"Someone was in there."

"We should really get out of here." Hagi whispered, but he then stiffened when he heard a crunch of grass nearby. His fears were relaxed when he saw it was only a wandering dog, but this didn't last long when that dog began to bark.

"We need to go now, Trever!" Hagi all but yelled.

"Fine, we'll come back tonight." He and Trever sprinted toward the trees and made their way out of the large estate known as the Zoo.

Take Three: Theatre Happenings

"Where have you two been?" Hagi's aunt Greta had barked. Trever and himself had arrived an hour later than they were suppose to. And now Aunt Greta, Nicholav and Gabi's mother, was lecturing them for it.

"We were just about to leave you two, you know better than to be late." Hagi's mother joined in. It was near 4 in the afternoon and their performance always began near sunset. Trever stood by, and motioned for his father, Demetri to come closer. They stood off from the group and began whispering. Hagi's father pulled him out of his observation, "Hagi, you know you should always be careful when it comes to Trever." Hagi nodded and followed his mother and the rest of his family into the carriage.

"We'll be back around ten, then allow us to pay you for your hospitality." Hagi's father said. But the woman who had been keeping them simply shook her head.

"No need Mr. Jonas, your family is a pleasure." She bowed in appraisal.

"We shouldn't be too late." Ana said.

The way back to the theatre made Hagi more suspicious of Trever and uncle Demetri's previous conversation. He knew they were up to no good, and decided not to get involved. Too much effort was put into the theater performance, he didn't need to screw up just over this matter.

The theatre was considerably packed, to a point that it almost surprised him, but his aunt Greta had a way of persuasion and was a master at publicity. They stopped behind the theatre towards the servants quarters, they unloaded and headed inside. As Hagi stepped out of the carriage, he seen Trever walk towards him.

"Okay, we can go back tonight. Papa said we can sneek out during the second act." Trever stated, and it scared Hagi in the sense of familiarity of the situation that Trever had.

"Why are you doing this? This is wrong."

"Look Hagi, people like that have too much stuff that sometimes they don't even realize they have have it. So we are just going to swipe a few valuables and be back before anyone misses us."

"What if we're caught?"

"I've done this plenty of times, and Papa agreed that you are old enough to be taken with now. Don't worry Nicholav will be with us too." Trever then left Hagi at the front steps, walking in with the rest of the troop.

"I don't know." With that Hagi followed his cousin.

The play began as rehearsed, the audience were astounded at how well the acting went, given their reputation. Hagi watched in the back stage, handing props to his aunt when they were needed. The ending of the first act was near, and Hagi stood with a jumping nervousness that couldn't be repressed. He knew he shouldn't follow Trever tonight, especially to that place that had given him a weird vibe. But he knew the consequences of saying no to Trever also, it meant that any outings with his cousins would no longer be extended to him. He looked towards Nicholav's direction, and was amazed at how calm he looked, then he remembered Trever had said they'd done this before.

The second act was beginning, and he felt Trever and Nicholav draw near before he seen them.

"Uncle Demetri said we have about an hour before anyone notices, so we should get going now." Nicholav said, holding some tools in his hands.

"Nichol has the equipment, I'm carrying the sacks, so you will carry the lantern Hagi." Trever jutted an unlit lantern into Hagi's unsuspecting hands.

"Let's get going."

He looked back at his father, he was acting out a scene they'd rehearsed a hundred times, and he felt something pull him away--he didn't like this feeling.

Trever led the way through the thicket they visited earlier. Nicholav and Hagi obediently followed, the former holding the tool bag with steady arms and the latter holding the dimly lit lantern with a bit of a shake. He didn't realize how large the estate was, it seemed to have expanded over a matter of hours. As the grass crunched beneath their feet, Hagi felt that previous eeriness return to him.

Take Four: Their eyes saw Evil

"Please eat, my pet." Joel coaxed his beloved ward. She was up and about, as was natural with the setting sun. Her long curly black hair was done up in an intricate style, her face was free of any blemish and her skin was pale as porcelain. She looked like an imported china doll.

"They taste stale to me, I want someone different, Joel." She said calmly, flipping through a book she'd been given.

"We could always feed you the meat if their 'juices' do not satisfy you." Amshel interrupted, with a sense of dead seriousness in his voice.

"If that's what will satisfy you, it can be done my love. They are simple servants afterall." Joel agreed. It was a ritual with her, once the liquid didn't quench, their meat would suffice.

"No, they are much too aged for my taste. I want someone young." She was getting angry again, and showed it by throwing the book across the room. Both men looked at each other and were at a loss of how to please the girl in front of them.

"Why get someone younger, when you are just going to eat them." Amshel said, "The younger they are, the more chances of having a family."

"I don't want to eat them, I just want a pet." the girl said, " and of course my usual feedings."

"If that is what you wish, Saya." Amshel bowed in compliance.

"It is what I wish, and if you don't do as I say, I may just eat you." The girl named Saya said, obvious of her dislike of the man.

"I won't, I haven't forgotten about what you did to your sister."

"As well you shouldn't."

"How about we make amends, I'm sure your manservant will oblige you with a meal." Amshel spoke as he rang a bell that lay on a mahogany desk in the corner of the room. Not but two minutes later, a man of about thirty years came into the room with fear plastered in his eyes as he looked upon his mistress.

"Yes sir?" He croaked.

"Will you await in Saya's quarters?" Amshel said nonchalantly, giviing he manservant a sense of false security.

"As you wish sir." and away he went to Saya's quarters. As the door shut behind him, Joel then spoke.

"So, who shall be the butcher this time?" He looked pointedly at Amshel.

"I always do it, but as it should be--you detest such bloodshed." Amshel stood up and turned toward Saya, who was pulling her hair out of it's design. "What limb shat you want this time?"

"An arm will do perfectly." Her voice horrifically innocent as she pulled a brush through her silk hair.

Trever halted and peered into a darkened window. Nicholav and Hagi were right behind him, scanning around for anyone outside.

"This seems fine, Nichol hand me the crowbar." And on a whim. Nicholav handed the crowbar to Trever. He wedged it in between the window frame and the window sill, with a great heave the window popped out of place and creaked open.

"Alright, In we go." The three of them each pulled themselves up into the room. It was dark, but the four poster bed could be made out from the darkness, along with the deep red satin that lay atop. Hagi peered around and what caught his eye also caught the eyes of his cousins, in the corner of the room was a vanity littered with priceless gems and jewels. The evidence that this was a woman's room was apparent. Trever's greedy eyes matched his greedy hands as they made their way toward the broaches and earrings. But the three of them stiffened as the door pushed open with a thread of light following it. Instinct drove them to nearly dive underneath the four poster bed, hidden from the sudden occupant. Hagi's heart was frantic in his chest, matching that of his two cousins. Regret gripped his throat and he knew they'd be caught.

The sudden intruder lit the lamps that were contained in the room. He didn't look as if he were the owner, and his servant uniform gave relief to the hiding trio beneath the bed. The man did however, give off a very uneasy feeling. He was standing in the room like he was going to be sentenced to death. Hagi looked closely at him through the lamplight and saw the sheen of sweat form at the servant's brow.

"Glad to know you follow orders," Another man stepped in. With authority he stood tall, his black goatee and fine clothes cried out with wealth. His arms were behind his back, seemingly folded to what Hagi could guess.

"Yes sir, it's my job sir." Was stuttered out of the nervous man's mouth.

"And a good job you've been doing, so good the lady has commended it." The wealthy man said.

"I try sir."

"That's why I called you here." The finely clothed man pulled his hands back out in front of him. He was carrying a rather small axe, and a hint of ill intent glistened in his eyes.

"Amshel! Have you prepared my meal yet!" A new voice, feminine. It called from farther away, as if it were down the hall. "You know I hate to wait."

The servant stood in horror, as if he knew what was to befall him. He then dropped to his knees and began to plea for his life.

"Please sir! I've done all I can to serve the Goldsmith house! I don't want to be one of her meals! I'll give you blood if you desire! The fines there ever was! Just please! I beg you!" He was crying in hysterics.

"Don't worry, she's settled with just a hand." with that the man named Amshel held the axe up and swung it down to the begging man at his feet. The three hidden beneath the bed watched in fear stricken horror as the axe cleanly cut off the servant's hand.

"AHH! OH MY LORD, MAKE IT STOP!" The servant was covered in his own crimson liquid, screaming in agony, all three shut their eyes at the sight.

"Oh, a pity, I wanted to see it." The voice was closer, and in an instant a feminine figure appeared by Amshel. "It looks delicious." She stepped into the room and the three boys eyes couldn't have widened further as the girl proceeded to pick up the chopped hand and lick the seeping blood from its opening.

Nicholav made a motion and covered his mouth, trying to hold back the vomit. Trever too, seemed to have a problem with his gagging reflex, but Hagi was still and seemed hypnotized at the girls actions.

"Oh my god." It slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. And in an instant the bed skirt that shrouded them from view was flipped up, and he was looking directly into the face of an alluring macabre girl.

"My my, what have we got here?"

Take Five: Bargaining with Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde

"Well well, gypsies in our house?" Amshel said as he looked upon the three boys on the floor. The manservant wimpering in the corner, and Saya still holding the dismembered hand.

"Gypsies? What are those? Are they delicious?" Saya asked, biting into the hand as if it were a leg of a chicken.

"Wha…wha…what are you doing?" Trever asked in horror as he observed Saya eating the hand with joy.

"I'm eating, what's it look like? You really aren't the ones to be asking questions since you were the ones hiding in my room." she answered with a sing-song voice.

"I…I don't think people will care about a gypsy robbing when you have people who eat other people!" Nicholav coughed out. Hagi however thought it best to stay silent.

"Amshel, can I have one?" Saya said, looking from each boy to the next. "Joel promised me a new pet!"

Amshel didn't give any regard to the young girl next to him, he gave Trever a smirk, "Where are your parent's I wonder?"

Before Trever could answer, another body made it's way into the room. He was old and had trouble getting around with even a cane for aid. "What is all this ruckus?"

"We have intruders, Joel." Amshel said, still holding his gaze at the trio in front of him. The manservant who had been ignored until then, had ran out the door with a loud yell. The masters and mistress looked on with disinterest, Saya was still eating her meal.

"Well, what would three lads like you be doing in a woman's room?" Joel asked, leaning on his cane for support.

"No doubt robbing our dear Saya of her gems." Amshel responded for them.

"Where are your parents?" Joel repeated Amshel's earlier question.

"The…they..they..are at the town…theatre sir." Nicholav answered, refusing to meet their eyes.

"What are your names?" Joel asked again.

Trever stood up from his place on the floor to see if he can gain an advantage of the situation, even though he knew it was obsolete.

"My name is Trever, and we would like to bargain with you."

"Bargain? For what dear boy?" Joel asked with surprise.

"We will keep our mouths shut on what we saw here," Trever's eyes too scared to look at the feasting girl's face, "and you will let us go."

"haha, and on what conditions? A few gems and your satisfied?" Amshel chuckled.

Trever looked at them with determination of not letting his fear get the best of him, especially with a girl eating a human hand standing infront of him. Saya stopped eating and looked a the boys one by one. Her eyes searching their faces, finally after a minute or so, she spoke.

"If I can have him, I'll let you go without a fuss." Saya said as she pointed at Hagi. And Hagi in that instant, forgot his name, his parent's names, his cousin's names--the only thing he did know was pure fear.