.:Amuto Internet Trouble:.

Sarah: Heyyy!! Omg I suck I have been wanting to write all week but Ive been too lazy having a new kitten and all! XD I hope you enjoy this I'm making it a series. : Please R&R!! Thanks!

Ikuto: Does anything dealing with me happen in this chapter?

Sarah: -still typing- Im working on it.

Amu: There better not be anything AMUTO in this...

Sarah:...but the title says Amuto in it..so there will be amuto...

Amu:...-gives a deadly glare-

Ikuto: aww Amu dont look at her that way you are just so cute when your happy -kisses on cheek-


Ikuto: -takes Amu into the room and locks the door-

Sarah:...O.O...hehehe...good job Ikuto now Im going to finish the story!




Sarah -ignores and types away- .

Date July 1stXXXX

Mood: Happy :)

Title: Schools Done!

Hey everyone! This is Strawberry talking and I just want to tell the world that school is finally over! Yes!! Now I can spend my summer by getting some extra sleep, help out the guardians (which means spend time with a certain someone! T-kun!), and hang out at my balcony more often (only I know what that means haha :.) How are you guys going to spend your summers? Im soo happy Im finally a seventh grader heading off to middle school! Well talk to you all later, Im going to start getting that extra sleep now! -AH

"Its done!" Amu said happily. Lately she had gotten an interest in blogging, since her dad had bought a new computer for the family. Since she was the only one that used it she decided to make a blog. Her blog is titled:PlaidStrawberries

She logged off the computer and jumped onto her bed, with her black and red cross pajamas on, she smiled big. Ever since she had started the blog, people from allover the world had been reading it and sending back comments. She didnt tell the guardians or anyone at school about her blog, this was the only place where she could vent out her feelings about everything going on in her life without anyone she knows getting back at her for it. She looked at her three colored eggs holding Ran Miki and Su in them. They had gone to sleep ten minutes or so before she had finished her blog. Amu couldnt wait for replies the next day, she wanted to know how people were going to spend their summers and how they are doing. She fell asleep and woke up the next day to yelling charas.

"Amu!! Wake up!! Guardian duties with Tadese today!!" Ran said cheerfully

Amu jumped up and got into her clothes as quickly as she could. She was wearing a black and red short sleeve shirt with a big black cross across it. wearing with it a red and black plaid mini skirt with a punk studded belt. She had on black leggings and black boots. She had her signiture hairstyle a messy pony tail pulled back with a red cross clip. She grabbed a red and black plaid bag with black satin trimmed edges and walked out the door with her three charas.

Yes I get to see him today!!

She sighed and flashed back to the only time Tadese blushed when they were together. It was when it was all about Amulet Heart, sure Tadese had feelings for her...but only when she was in her pink frilly form. She wanted, needed, someone that liked her for her. Not just one side of her. She shook her head to get the thoughts away and ran out the door heading off to the new guardian's headquarters at the Seiyo Middle School. The schools were all connected and made by the same team, first there is Seiyo Academy, Seiyo Middle School, and Seiyo Highschool. The elementary school was closed off from the other two schools, which were next to eachother. Amu, her charas, high heels and all walked in cooly into the building. All of the kids looked at her bringing up her name with the words she had heard so often 'Cool and Spicy'. She mentally sighed, another school of students who only saw her looks and not the real Hinamori Amu. She finally found a door with a sign on it that said: 'Room 2302 The Guardians Room'. She opened it to find Tadese and Kukai sitting in the room. Amu shot a questioning look at them and looked around seeing where everyone else was.

"Unfortuanitly," Tadese said telling what she was thinking "Since Rima and Yaya are a year younger then us they will not be attending until next year."

"And I," Kukai said with a disapointed look to his eyes "will only be here for this year because I'm going off to highschool."

"Oh." That was all she could think of to say at that moment. She hadnt realized that she wasnt going to actually see some of her friends in school for another year and even then she would be separated from some. Nadeshiko was still in the U.S. studying her dance, and Utau was doing well with her singing. And there was still the question of where was Ikuto? She hadnt seen him for a few weeks and was starting to get worried.

Lost in her thoughts of all her unaccounted-for friends Kukai put his arm over her shoulder and with a smile and a wink said "Dont worry Amu! Ill still be around the highschool is right next to us so I can see you guys anytime. And for Yaya and Rima you will still see them for the guardian stuff after school and you always have thier cell phone numbers so it should be no problem!"

Amu looked up with a little smile "Yeah it will be!"

I thought maybe I would have been more happy to be with Tadese alone (with Kukai there totally not noticing anything of course) but...I'm just not...

Two weeks of guardian work with less help then usual went by slowly, Amu had not had any time to log on to update her blog lately, or see if anyone had commented so she went to go check her latest blog comments. And there it was her most favorite reader 'BlackKat' had responded:

Dear Strawberry,

My summer has been very boring. I havent been able to see the girl I hold close to me and this is my only way of reaching her. I have been under orders supposed to go with my sister to help with her shows. I hope that you are always smiling Strawberry, Update soon. -BlackKat

Amu held her red strawberry pillow tightly smiling wide. She really liked that BlackKat replied to every blog she put up and how he would also put in bits and parts of himself in it. She would save every message and couldnt wait to get the next one! Although, he did sound similar to someone she knows. (lol gee thats soo hard to figure out xD) Since he had asked her to write again soon she did just that. She used what little energy she had left to write in her blog about her feelings about how summer was going.

Date: July 15th, XXXX

Mood: Tired ;

Title: So Tiring and no fun!

ARGH!! THIS IS NO FUN AT ALL!! I am at middle school during the summer for guardian duties and I thought it would be fun I was totally wrong! The only other people in the group that are are left are K and T-kun! They sure are very enthusiastic to help out but its still a ton of work for three people to handle. Luckily I havent had to go into 'action' yet with any 'eggs' but the paper work really is a overload!! Not only that but I thought that middle school would be a fresh new start where I could rid my self of my former 'cool and spicy' personality. I was so wrong. Not only do all of my seventh grade class and the older sempais the 8th graders think I'm really cool but some of the 9th and 10th graders from highschool are too. Even in the summer rumors spread around fast. I hope that the when the first day of school comes (which is soon) it will be a better time then this. I hope everyone else's summer has been going well, mine has been full of my little sister's singing, my parent's cluelessness, my feelings for T-kun fading more and more, and Neko-kun hasnt came in forever! I...it sucks to say this but...I miss him. I dont know where he is but I hope he comes soon. :( I hate that I'm saying that but its hard for him to not be around! It seems you guys are the only ones that get me. Please reply and telling me how everything is going on with all of you. Thank you!! I will definitely update soon!! Good bye for now, -Strawberry

She yawned, she was really tired. Today's work by carrying all the files back and forth to rooms made her muscles ache. She logged off the computer and snuck into her bed. Although what she didnt know was that 'BlackKat' or as the readers should have figured out Ikuto had already read the blog. He was lying on his small bed in the van he was traveling with Utau in. He looked up from his laptop and smirked. "So my little strawberry isnt happy eh?" He typed in a response closed his laptop and got ready for his way back to soon seeing his blushing Amu up on her balcony once again.

Responses to PlaidStrawberry's Latest Blog Entry "So Tiring and no fun!" :

From BlackKat at 10:13 pm:

Dont worry Strawberry Im sure your summer will be getting much more exciting soon. :)

In the night as the the little strawberry girl sleeps her 'Neko-Kun' is coming to rescue her from her loneliness.

R&R!! Sorry it is soo short I will be updating soon!