
A/N: This chapter has some swearing in it (me bad!) I wouldn't normally put the word in a fic, but it seemed deserved this time! Just a wee warning.

^_^ Thanks to Dark Fate for the idea! If anyone else has a request for another chapter please let me know. I'll work on it if I like it.
Got your ideas, Dbz Chicka and Vegeta's Stalker. I'll see what I can do ^.^ I love the thought of Trunks and Goten messin with the precious gravity room!
The reviews have been great. Love you guys!
*Vegeta appears looking EVIL and swinging a sledgehammer*
Vegeta: You're not going all mushy on me are you Dark Dragon??
*raises eyebrow questioningly*
DD: eep! No Veggie! I was just chuffed that's all
Vegeta: No more talk of love round here! Got that?
DD: Mhm, em... on with the story!


Trunks in Car Trouble

Trunks and Goten were sat inside Goten's living room, playing scrabble. With a proud grin, Trunks displayed his latest word.


'Trunks, are you sure that's a word?' Goten asked suspiciously.

'Of course it is! Haven't you heard of that word before?' Trunks answered confidently.

Gohan, the designated babysitter, cast an eye over the board as he passed.

'You know that's not a word Trunks!' he said with a tut. 'Wait a minute! Kykax! … Zernozefgen! … Wilqoux!… None of these are words!'

Goten looked shocked and appalled.

'You've been cheating this whole time?'

Trunks looked like the picture of someone who had been well and truly caught in the act.

'Pah, scrabble sucks anyways Goten. Lets do something else.'


They closed the scrabble board sending all the little letters into the centre, before tipping them into the box.

Gohan left the room and came back five minutes later in his Saiyaman costume. Trunks and Goten began to giggle at the ridiculous outfit - the cycling helmet was what really set them off the most.

'Very funny guys! Now are you gonna be OK for half an hour? I gotta go over to Videl's for a while. I won't be long.'

'Why are you going wearing that thing?' asked Trunks.

'Ahm… no reason!' Gohan replied.

'Videl likes it!' Goten sang, betraying the real reason why he was wearing it.

'Goten! Hush! Look, I'll only be gone a little while. Just stay in the house, OK?'

The boys nodded.

'Good, then I'll see you soon. And now! Off to the adventures of the sky and beyond!' With that, he flew out of the window.

Goten shook his head in shame. 'He always comes out with stuff like that when he wears that stupid costume.'

Trunks snickered, but patted his pal's arm in sympathy. 'Lets go check his room out!' he suggested with a cheeky grin.

'I'm not allowed in there,' Goten replied.

'Duh! Nobody's in! Lets go see, lets go see, lets go see!' he jumped up and down, tugging on Goten's arm.

Goten got caught up in the excitement too. 'Lets go see! … OK.'

They scampered off up the stairs and ran along the landing at high speed. Gohan's door had a foreboding sign on the front. KEEP OUT! Underneath the words was a badly drawn picture of a frowning face.

'That's enough to keep anyone out! Not!' Trunks pushed the door open and they entered the forbidden world of Gohan's room.

And what a mess it was!

'I always thought your brother was so organised,' Trunks pondered.

'Huh, me too,' Goten thought in surprise.

They ran over to his bed and began to spring up and down on it. It was much bouncier than Goten's or Trunks' bed, which made it even more fun to jump on.

'Lets see if we can touch the ceiling!' Trunks called out.

'All right!'

They bounced harder and harder, going higher and higher with their hands and fingers stretched skywards.

'Can't… reach…'

No matter how hard Trunks bounced he was too small to reach the ceiling.

'Right! That's it!'

In an instant, he turned super saiyan and came crashing down onto the bed with a tremendous bounce. The impact sent Goten flying into the ceiling headfirst.


Trunks looked up to see Goten's legs and body dangling from the ceiling. His head had gone right through the plaster and was now in the attic!

'Ow! Trunks, get me outta here!'

Trunks took ahold on Goten's ankles and pulled as hard as he could. Goten was ripped through the ceiling quicker than a speeding bullet! The chibis fell onto the bed and a good section of the ceiling followed them. Goten looked up in dismay.

'He's gonna kill me Trunks!'

'Don't worry. Its not important. Its only a ceiling. The most important thing is that you're not hurt.' Trunks gave his best attempt to console Goten and convince him that all was well. It worked.

'Yeah, guess you're right, Trunks.'

Trunks hid his look of astonishment that the crazy reasoning had worked, but Goten was quite gullible sometimes. He looked around the room for something to clean up the damage with when his eyes rested on Gohan's desk. Sitting there, gleaming in the sunlight, was their ticket to ride. Gohan's car keys. Trunks heart leaped for joy.

'Goten!' he snatched the keys. 'I always wanted to drive a car! PLEASE can we drive Gohan's? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?'

Goten had never heard Trunks plead so much for something before.

'Just to the bottom of the lane? It'd be sooooooooo cool!'

Goten knew that he should say 'no'…

'C'mon! You can have a shot too! We can both have a go! Can we? Please?'

He knew it…


... 'OK'

'YAY! You're the best Goten! Lets do it!'

Opening Gohan's window, they flew out to the car. Gohan's car was about ten years old. It was small and black, it was all he could afford. Hercule had said that Videl could not date Gohan at least until he had a car he could bring her home in, so that's why he bought it. It wasn't often used, but he did take pride in it, keeping it washed and polished and MOTd.

Trunks turned the key in the driver's door and hopped in to the driver's seat. Leaning across, he unlocked Goten's door and his friend jumped in next to him. Goten looked across at Trunks who was putting the keys in the ignition.

'Trunks - can you see?'

Trunks looked up at the windscreen, but found himself on eye level with the steering wheel.

'Hmm, I can't see Goten.'

'I got an idea,' Goten grinned. 'Why don't I go the pedals and you can stand up and drive?'

'Great idea!'

'Only if we can swap and I get a shot steering too.'


So Goten slipped down in front of the seat to work the pedals, and Trunks stood up on the seat, holding the steering wheel as if he was the captain of a ship.

'Lets drive!' he smiled, turning the engine on.

Goten pushed down on the pedal with all his worth and the car screeched off, jerking and complaining as Trunks was thrown about on the seat.

'Hey! Steady man!'

'Sorry. Remember to tell me when we get to the bottom of the lane.'

'Right,' Trunks replied, Goten completely missing the sarcasm in his answer.

The car headed down the lane and onto the country road. Trunks steered well, taking the first bend like a pro driver.

'Are we not there yet?' Goten asked from underneath his feet. 'Its cramped down here.'

'Keep going! This is sooooo cool! I'm driving! I'm driving!' Trunks cried out joyfully as the car continued down the hill. 'Oh! Here comes another car!' Trunks said the last bit quietly, to himself.

'What was that?' Goten asked looking up at Trunks.


Trunks focused on making sure the car was completely on his side of the road, giving plenty of space for the other car to pass.


Bulma changed the radio channel. She couldn't find any good driving music. Her face fell - her mouth gaping and her eyes huge - as she passed the other car on the road.

'Fuck! Did I just see…? ... NO WAY! ... I really should have a rest before I drive any more. I'm seeing things.' Bulma slowed down and rubbed her eyes.


Ohmygod! That was MOM! That was toooo close.

Trunks panic caused him to stop concentrating for a minute and when he focused on the road again, he realised they weren't on it! The car had veered off course and was heading for a large lake.

'Aaaaaaaaaaah!' Trunks turned the wheel as rapidly as he could, but it was all too late. The car had chosen its path.

'I'm outta here!' Trunks opened the car door and flew out, leaving a bewildered Goten still at the pedals.

SPLASH! The car plunged into the lake and sank down out of sight.

'GOTEN!' Trunks jumped about on the bank waiting for some sign of his pal. Nothing.

'I'm coming Goten!' Trunks dove into the lake. The water was mirky, but the car was easy enough to find - it was a car after all! Going super saiyan, Trunks swam over to it and picked it up from underneath. He lifted it out of the lake and set it down on land once more. There was still no sign of Goten.

Trunks rushed to the passenger door and opened it. A tidal wave of muddy water swept out, bowling Trunks over as it spilled onto the land. Goten was carried out in the midst of it. He lay on the bank with one eye open one eye closed, and spat a little stream of water out of his mouth.

'Are you OK, Goten?;


Trunks ran over to his buddy and crouched down next to him. 'Goten.'

Goten managed a weak smile. 'I'm OK. But - Gohan's car!!!'

'Lets just fly it back to the garden. He'll never know it went missing!'

'Are you CRAZY? Its soaking wet!'

This time it seemed Goten wasn't that gullible. Trunks shrugged his shoulders.

'What else can we do? We better just put it back.'

'I know. ... I… am… so… dead.'

They flew the car back to the Son family house and plonked it down in its usual parking spot. Then they went inside to get some towels and dry off. Trunks could tell that Goten was feeling blue about wrecking his big brothers car, so he went into the freezer and got the tub of chocolate icecream.

'Have some of this,' he offered.

Goten grabbed a spoon and started shovelling.

Some time later, they heard the inevitable. Gohan had come back from Videl's house. Cringing, they listened to his arrival outside.

'The Great Saiyaman has returned! Fear not! … Gah! MY CAR! What happened?!… GOTEN!!!!'

The door burst open and Gohan stormed into the room, a look of outrage on his face. He saw the two kids sitting quietly on the sofa, watching Pokemon. They sure looked innocent, but what could have happened to his car?

'Did you guys do something to my car?' he asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

They both looked round at the same time, showing big innocent eyes.


'Well, I guess it does seem kinda impossible… I don't know…'

Trunks looked thoughtful. 'Well, there was a freak rainstorm when you were gone.'

Gohan scratched his head in amazement. 'There was? Hmm, I'm gonna go lie down for a bit…' he went off up the stairs.

'Phew! That was close!' Trunks grinned, punching Goten lightly in the arm. 'We got away with -'

