Disclaimer: DBZ and its characters belong to Walt Disney, ahem, Akira Toriyama. No cash is being made from this lil tale.


This is just going to be a short fic. I'm using it to test my HTML skills (probably crap, so if funny tags or crap text layout show up ignore them). But anyway, just cos its short doesn't mean it will be no good, so go on - read it!

Trunks in Trouble
Trunks ran into the capsule corp family home as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him. Not pausing for breath, he raced to the best hiding place he could think of ... the little cupboard underneath the stairs.


The front door burst open, and Vegeta stood there, scowling with his chest heaving up and down.

'Trunks, come here.'

No chance!

Vegeta was furious, trunks could hear it in his voice. He did his best to stay as still as possible, as he imagined the steam coming out of his father's ears.

Trunks had decided that it was a perfect day to play a trick on his poor old pa. Bulma was away for the weekend and Vegeta had been ignoring him, spending all his time in the gravity room. He had forbidden him from going to see Goten ('Kakarot's brat'), so there was really nothing else he could do except pull a prank to pass the boredom.

He had gone down to the local fish market with an empty skip, and filled it with the catch of the day (and all the leftover fishies too.) Squid, crabs, eels, sea slugs ... you name it, Trunks had put it in his skip. He must have nabbed 100 kilos of seafood. It was no problem for the young super saiyan to lift his catch back to the capsule corp. He flew extra high so that no one would notice the 8 year old boy with a skip full of fish flying through the sky! Although one lucky person down below was perplexed when she was hit on the head by a large trout, which came from above like a gigantic hail stone.

Anyway, he'd got the skip back to the corp, placed it down quietly behind a bush and sneakily opened the sun roof of the gravity room.

What was I thinking?

Flying back down to retrieve his skip, Trunks carefully picked it up, screwing up his face at the smell, and tipped the whole load into the gravity room! As soon as he had done it, barely even having time to chuckle to himself, Trunks ran for the house. He had chanced a glance over his shoulder, and seen the door to the gravity room opening, and a silvery, slimy wave of fish erupt down the steps and into the garden, Vegeta sliding out on top of them.

Man, that was so funny. I wish Goten could have seen that.

'Boy, if you come out now, I'll go easy on you.'

Yeah right, I've heard that one before.

Such promises from Vegeta were not to be trusted. Trunks was going to stay exactly where he was until his father calmed down.

Suddenly something wet and slimy slid into Trunks boxers.


Trunks jumped up in surprise, as a fish slid out of the left leg of his shorts. It must have fallen into his pocket and wriggled out.


Trunks wiped the slimy trail off his leg, and squished the little fish with his boot. When he looked up, Vegeta was standing there, face like thunder.

Can't he take a joke?

He yanked the boy up by his arm, dragging him through to the living room.

'Dad, you stink!'

The vein in Vegeta's forehead began to pulsate ... not a good sign.

'So, brat, you decided to interrupt my training session? Well I'll just have to work out on you then won't I? Yes, I think my arm needs a good workout.'

Trunks found himself pulled over Vegeta's lap, on the receiving end of one hell of a spanking.

Ow! Oh man, this is gonna take forever to work his arm out.

Much later, Trunks was sent off to the gravity room to clean it from top to bottom. The room was still half full of fish, and it stank. It was going to be a long job, not the sort of thing that Trunks would do if he could help it.

I know...

Trunks flew off into the forest, returning with his pal, a huge pterydactol whose favourite food just happened to be fish. Trunks grinned at his ingenious brain.

This isn't gonna take so long after all.


Well, that's it. Actually it turned out better than I thought it would. Just something that came out o my head. Let me know what you think - good, bad or just plain stupid?

And if any of you writers have got tips on how to post plz tell me. Do you save your story as txt, doc, or html, and how do you work out paragraphs, lines, bold and all that stuff? I'm such a computer dunce *^ - ^* LOL