Runaway Baby

James's Point of View

The day was final upon us, Harry was leaving. I sat with my brother and sister watch Harry and Ginny talk in a corner. We were all in the Gryffindor common room waiting for Harry to leave. My mum and dad we here talking to each other in hushed voices.

I was starting to get bored so I headed over to my mum. She turned to look at me as I walked over.

"Hey mum, when are we leaving?" I asked in my I'm so sweet voice.

"Well the portal should be opening in three…Two…One." At the end of my mother's sentence the cabinet flashed a bright blue and opened wide. My younger father headed over to the doors and looked inside. He turned back to us, "Well thank you very much."

"It was no problem Harry," My dad said.

The young Harry looked around at all of us kids giving us a weak smile. He then turned to Ginny giving her a hug and whispering something in her ear. She blushed and smiled at him.

Harry then head into the cabinet closing the doors behind him.

George's Point of View

We were all standing in the kitchen waiting for Harry. Mum was pacing, dad was sitting talking to bill in a hushed voice Ron was still on the floor rocking back and forth. Ever seen this morning he had been rocking. We still have no clue why. Fred and I were both looking at the yard. There was a gnome running around the yard making faces at us.

There was a blinding flash and Harry appeared. Mum rushed forward but Fred beat her.

"Harry old boy," Fred yelled while hugging the boy who lived, "Oh how we missed you." Mum grabbed Fred and pulled him away, and I saw my chance I rushed in,

"Harry," I chanted, "lovely to see you." Mum pulled me just as quick as she did Fred. She then gave Harry her famous bone crushing hug.

"Harry, how are you my dear?" she asked pulling slightly away.

"Fine Mrs. Weasley." Our time traveling boys who lived said. Harry looked around the room and seeing Ron went over to him. He whispered something in his ear and Ron actually laughed and stood up. I was in shock. We could move Ron even when Fred and I threaten to put him on fire. What did Harry say?

Dumbledore's Point of View

(His office)

'Harry should be back by now,' I thought, 'now would be the perfect time to send the letter.' I grab a piece of parchment and a quill. I addressed it to the Weasley family and Harry at the Burrow.

Dear Molly and family,

The day that Ginny returns from the future I must request that you all visit me. We have important matters to discus.

Sincerely Albus Dumbledore

So sorry it took so long but I finally have another chapter for you! I've planned out the rest of the story there should be around 3 more chapters. Celtics534