Title: P.S. I Love You

Chapter 4: Problems Arise

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea of the story and things you don't recognize.

Summary: Eight people finding friendship and love through writing letters to each other.

Something to remember: I will be only working on eight people no more no less. The more you review the faster I will try and get the next chapter out.


Paul was walking down the street. He was walking by the sister school of his own high school. Greenwich All Girls high School. As he did he closed his eyes. He hated his life. As he walked with his eyes closed he thinks of the life he has and the life he wished he had.

"Ow" A mad voice yelped. Paul opened his eyes to find himself on the ground across from a beautiful girl. He stared at her. Her beautiful brown eyes with matching hair and her tanned skin. Paul thought it was a dream. The girl didn't even noticed him. Paul quickly got up to help her up.

"Get off of me I don't need your help." The girl pushed Paul away. Paul was a little taken back by this.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." Paul apologized.

"Damn right you sorry. Open your eyes next time." The girl grabbed her stuff and got up.

"Hey Steph come on" A red hair girl called.

"Coming Amy," The girl replied and left.

Paul watched as the girl he now knows as Steph walked into Greenwich High with her friend. Probably to talk about what just happened between him and her. But Paul was memorized by her, and now would be all he thought about. He looked down and found a notebook. He picked up when he herd the bell ring. He looked at his watch. It read 7:20, and Paul was about 20 minutes away from his own school. Paul simply put the notebook in his backpack and high tailed to school. It was 7:45 when Paul arrived outside of his classroom door. He quietly tried to sneak in. Mr. Roberts had his back turned and was writing on the black board as the rest of the class was working on their letters.

"Nice enough for you to join us Levesque." Mr. Roberts said with out turning around. Paul knew he was busted o he decided to make a moment out of it.

"Well that's no problem Mr. Roberts. Its nice to know my percents is welcomed." Paul smiled.

Mr. Roberts rolled his eyes, "Detention. Now come get your letter."

Paul smirked as he knew he was going to receive detention. He went and got his letter. He turned around to be greeted by the weird stares of his friends. They always knew why he was late or not in class. Paul ignored the stare and left for his desk. He looked at his letter and in hopes that maybe he was writing to the girl he bumped into this morning. He opened the letter and took out a picture. It was of a red girl. Paul thought back to the girl calling to Steph. Paul was confused. The girl named Steph called her Amy but if this was Steph. Paul quickly wrote down his letter.

Dear Stephanie

Maybe you could help me with this little problem I have. You see I bumped into this girl today and she goes by the name of Steph or that's what her friend Amy called her. You sent me a picture of a girl who looks like the girl that called the girl Steph, this morning. So I guess I'm asking did I see you this morning? Oh by the way happy birthday.


Paul then referring back to his bad self and enclosed a picture with the letter. He thought he was thinking to hard about this and shook it off. Paul was the last to turn in his letter. Once he did the class went on with its lesson. It was lunch and Paul knew his friends would be all over him. So he stood outside the cafeteria for a second to prepare. He took a breath and pushed the door open and got his food and sat down with his friends.

"Dude what was with this morning?" Randy asked.

Paul knew it, "My alarm didn't go off. I didn't have time to text you guys. Swear." Paul gave them one of his believable smirk.

"Oh. Cool. So what does your girl look like?" Matt said remembering that he asked for a picture of her.

"Yeah did the snotty girl give you one?" Chris asked a little annoyed because they were talking about the stupid project.

"Yeah see for your self." Paul showed the picture off.

"Wow she's beautiful." Matt looked.

"She's alright. I prefer blondes" Randy laughed.

Chris rolled his eyes. Got up from the table and left as the bell rang.

"Someone seriously needs to talk to him." Paul got up and left for class also. As did they rest or them. Chris thought back to what his letter said. Then to what he wrote back

Dear loser

Your offending me by talking to me and no I wont tell u my first name. What didn't you get when I said I don't care about you or this assignment. I thought you were smart apparently your not. You sound like some dumb blond.


Jericho walked to his class which was conditioning. He changed and took out his I-pod. He put on the song Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park. He got on the treadmill. Jericho was know for being the fastest in the school. He was on the track team. They always placed first with Chris on the team. Chris thought of his life. That's what made him run faster and faster. His family kept him going. His mom, dad, even his baby sister. He listen to the music and how it described him as the song changed to In The End by Linkin Park. He wished he had the power to change everything. Chris's favorite class soon came to an end as he got off the treadmill. He took his shower and got dressed. Chris went through the rest of his classes. He didn't want to see the guys so he just went off toward his house.

Randy got to the tree first like usual. He waited there for one of the guys. He thought of the letter he got, and what he wrote Stacy.

Dear, Stacy

I like hanging with friends too. I listen to music. I deeply care for my little sister Shawna. The only thing I love more is riding my motorcycle. I couldn't live with out it. So tell me more about you


Randy smiled as Matt walked up to him.

"Hey man," Matt greeted his friend.

"Hey so is Jeff better?" Randy asked

"Yeah and boy am I'm glad. I don't have to do his chores anymore." Matt smiled

"That's cool I guess yeah." Randy trailed off.

"What's up man?" Matt was concerned.

"Nothing just bored as hell." Randy laughed

"Oh well yeah so you seen Paul or Chris?" Matt asked.

"Nah." Randy answered. Then Paul wander up to the tree.

"Hey," Paul spoke

"Hey man we were just talking about you." Matt said

"What about me?" Paul asked confused.

"Where you were," Randy stated

"Oh. Any of you talk to Chris?" Paul asked

"Nope," Randy told

"Me either didn't get a chance." Matt also replied.

"Well I'm going to go. I got to take Shawn to her dance lesson." Randy referred to his sister.

"See you later man." Matt called out. Paul nodded. Randy left leaving Matt and Paul.

"Hey man I'm going to go too. Go see Shawn or something." Paul said and left.

"See ya man." Matt approved.

Matt knew something was wrong when Paul went to see Shawn. Shawn Michaels is like Paul's brother. It was always Paul and Shawn pulling pranks together. They even formed a little group called DX. It was Paul, Shawn, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Joanie, and Tori. But most of the time it was Shawn and Paul. It was junior year and Shawn had moved. Not to another state but just a couple hours away. So when Paul went to Shawn's it was mainly because there was something wrong. So Matt knew it was best if he didn't ask questions. Matt got into his car and remembered his day. The letter he received from his supposed pen pal. He also thought of what he wrote her.

Dear, Amy

I don't get it. Why don't you like me I didn't do any thing to you. I just want to get to know you. I mean is writing to me that bad. I'm seriously a nice guy. I swear. Please.

Matt Hardy.

Matt shook his head. Now thinking about his letter he thought he was a little harsh. He didn't want to upset her even more than he already seeming had. Matt drove home wondering what she would reply.