Sakura Nightheart: Here's fanfic about Sakura & Syaoran. I thought of this when I found a bruise on my hand …." lame yeah I know but I think it is funny cause you don't find bruises on your hand that appears outta nowhere, now do you? D well enjoy!! They are all 16 here. I'm sorry if it is the wrong age for middle schoolers ." i don't really know the right age

Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors. It is owned by CLAMP


First bruise

It was another ordinary day at Tomoeda Middle School. And Sakura and her gang were eating and chattering together under their favourite spot under the blossoming cherry blossom tree. "Tomoyo, what do you think we are going to play for P.E?" Tomoyo looked up to her best friend " I have no idea…why ask?"

"Well because I want to get prepared for the possibilities like um…for basketball, getting your head hit by the ball or maybe…umm… slipping when dribbling the ball?"

Tomoyo couldn't help but giggle at her guesses "But there is no need for you to get or be prepared Sakura because you are a very athletic person and is very good at almost every sport we play at school so don't worry about it."

Sakura sighed "Yeah, you're right but I'm clumsy as well…and besides you can't see into the future Tomoyo…"

"Sakura, trust me don't worry about it and finish your lunch…" Sakura heaved another sigh "Hai…"

When the bell rang ending lunch, Sakura and her friends went to the girls' change rooms and got changed into their sport uniform for PE. They walked towards the gym and met up with the rest of their class. A few moments later, Mr Terada arrived and announced that they will be playing soccer, some students cheered while some heaved big sighs or mumbled things about how they can't play soccer very well, they walked over to the soccer field and laid their bags on the grass and did some pair warm ups.

Mr Terada split the class into teams of girls and boys. Tomoyo wasn't playing and instead she was recording Sakura play soccer. And then the teacher blew his whistle to start the game.

In the first half, Sakura was calling out to Naoko so she could to kick the ball to her. Naoko heard Sakura's offer and kicked the ball towards her. Sakura had trapped the ball perfectly and was going to kick into the goal when Syaoran suddenly appears and accidentally trips her while he was attempting to take the ball off her causing her to topple on top of him.

When she fell on top of him, she accidentally elbowed him in the thigh. Syaoran winced at the pain that had just hit him, everyone gasped at the little clash and ran quickly to their side. Sakura sat up "Ow…that hurts…" and when she noticed that she was sitting on top of Syaoran, she quickly go off him and apologized. "Gomen ne Syaoran-kun…gomen ne gomen ne…" Syaoran sat up and replied "I'm alright."

Sakura pulled Syaoran up, Syaoran winced again at the pain he had felt awhile ago. He saw a purplish spot on his left thigh. Mr Terada asked him if he was alright to carry on playing the second half of the game and Syaoran nodded.

And the class proceeded playing their soccer game. In the end, they finished with a tie. And then the school bell rang for the end of school. Luckily, Sakura did not have cheerleading practice and she was in charge of dinner. After she changed back into her school uniform, she went to her shoe locker and was coming up with options for dinner. She finally decided on making roast for dinner and ran down the grocery store to buy the ingredients for the roast that night. When she got home "I'm home!" and Kero flew around the corner "Sakura, what took you so long!?"

"I went to the grocery store after school to buy the ingredients for dinner tonight…why ask?" Sakura tilted her head to one side "Okays…hurry up and make dinner, I am STARVING here!!" Sakura sweat-dropped "Hai Hai…"

And walked into the kitchen and placed the ingredients into the cupboard and fridge. Afterwards, she ran into her room and grabbed her clothes so she can take a shower. She finished showering and went downstairs and only to be whined to by Kero.

"Sakura…! Hurry up…! I think I'm going to die without DINNER!!" Sakura sort of lost her temper and shouted "Kero!! I will done with dinner in half an hour!! Don't be so IMPATIENT!"


I know that this chapter is short but I will try to make the next one a bit longer!! Thanks for reading and pls review!!

Sakura Nightheart