Faye Parson, black heels clicking along the tile floor of Gotham City Highschool

Well for those of you who are reading me other story in the Harry Potter section I will still finish it and update regularly. I just had this idea and I wanted to share it with other people. FYI people this story will be a BruceOC as much as I love our good friend the Joker ( I mean who couldn't Health did an amazing job) I felt there were too many stories with him in it and not enough just focusing on Batman. So here it is my story I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Batman except my Batman T-Shirt which is bought and paid for everything else belong to WB and DC.

Faye Parson, black heels clicking along the tile floor of Gotham City Highschool made her way to the principle's office. In her one hand she clutched a small pink slip of paper that was now slightly wrinkled after she had crumpled it up in rage. Her other hand was balled into a fist as she tired not to yell in anger like she so desperately wanted to. She continued down the hall, until she finally reached her destination. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to control her temper she turned the handle of the door leading to the principle's office.

Her colleague, Sophie Mathews sat at her desk, a large stack of paperwork spread out over the surface. Faye watched as Sophie let out a sign of annoyance grabbing a pink slip just like the one in Faye's hand, scribbling down the name of yet another teacher who would not have a job this year.

"Sophie, I can't believe you fired me!" Said Faye regarding her friend with a hard glare. The deep breath had not helped her temper at all.

"Faye, you know I didn't want to. The board cut our budget even more and I can't be expecting any donations this year. The mob is to busy trying to fix itself after what happened a few months ago, because of the Joker everyone is Gotham is paying a price, even its criminals." Said Sophie. Faye noticed that her friend looked rather tired and had dark circles under her pale blue eyes.

"You never told me you took money from the mob." Said Faye still glaring a look of disgust on her face.

"Don't give me that look. I did what I had to do. Where do you think I got that money for those crappy second hand books? From the city? Hell no! They have to use all of there money to try and make our streets safe. No one cares about the education department." Said Sophie in a frustrated tone.

"Well they should! How many students will there be in one class now?" Said Faye her temper dying down, as she tucked a lock of her long black hair behind her ear.

"About 60 and we don't have nearly enough books." Said Sophie looking rather weary.

"Jesus, there must be something we could do."

"There's nothing I can do. You however can start looking in the want ads for a job, or are you thinking of going through the academy again?"

"Join the police force? I don't think so, the reason I quit last time is because there were more people who worked for the mob in the force than there are in an Italian restaurant!"

"Well you may have lost you job but I see it hasn't effected you sense of humor." Sophie said with a small smile.

"Probably because I still think I have a job. God what am I going to do for work, all I have is a bachelors in history and a masters in education."

"And ¾ of the way through police training. I'm sure it's better there now, that new Commissioner, Gordon I think his name is, he seems like a good guy."

"Yeah, but it's a little hard to figure out who's the good guy and who's the bad guy nowadays, I mean take Batman for instance. The man was the closest think to a superhero I have ever heard of and now the police are after him for the murder of Harvey Dent."

"Do you know who you should work for?" Said Sophie excitedly

"Who?" Said Faye not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.

"Bruce Wayne, the man owns half the city I'm sure you could get a job working for him, maybe like a receptionist or something."

"Sophie that's a great idea!" Faye said also looking excited but for a different reason.

"You really think so?"

"Bruce Wayne could make a donation to the school. It would help us cause we need the money! Plus it would look good for him taking on a charity like us. Rich guys love to make the 'I'm not just a playboy I also like to help out my community' sort of impression."

"Which would mean you would get your job back! Though I was secretly hoping you would work at Wayne Tower, because then I could visit you and maybe spot Bruce Wayne, that man is defiantly easy on the eyes if you catch my drift."

"Oh quit drooling you have a fiancé. Besides men like Bruce Wayne are so shallow, I bet the man has never had to work for anything his entire life. He just drives around in his fancy little sports care and parties all night. I bet if he just spent one night on the city on his own he'd realize what a mess it is and really help it rather than blowing his cash speedboats or whatever it is he spends it on."

"Alright, already I forgot how much you hate the man. Jesus you certainly have a chip on you shoulder when it comes to him."

"I just don't like the fact that he had so much power and he doesn't use it properly. I have next to nothing and every day I have taught here I have provided ways out for the students here by showing them were to get real jobs and not the ones the mob offers. Hell even Batman does something to help the city, but Bruce Wayne not really, his company yes, but him, no."

"Well you better learn to be at least civil around him, that is if you want that plan of your to work." Said Sophie.

"I know. I'll call his company tonight and see if I can schedule an appointment with Mr. Wayne. I'll find a way to help this school." Said Faye with determination. Realizing her mission she headed to the door and head out into the hallway. She heard Sophie yell to her from inside her office.

"You better hurry school starts in a week! And still look at those want ads!"

Faye just smiled, she knew she didn't need to look in the want ads. She was going to make an impact on this city one way on another. If it meant she needed a little help from Bruce Wayne so be it.

Yes I know it's short but this is the first chapter so it's sort of a trial one. I except constructive criticism and other forms of reviews, except flames cause they make me angry and you don't want to see me when I'm…oh wait wrong movie…just review and don't say you hate the story because that doesn't help me make it better now does it?

Well that's all for my rambling today folks so ta ta for now!

Captain Turlow