Kagome was at home geatting ready for her date with inuyasha. Inuyasha didnt exactly know it was a Date, He just thought of it as two friends going to a show. Inuyasha was forced to wear a black T-Shirt with blue skinny jeans. Kagome thought he looked hot in them since it was showing his muscualr figure. He was sitting on the couch playing with the shoes Kagome gave him to wear. Inuyasha has never worn shoes with socks in his life. He thought he was gonna suffucate since his feet couldnt breathe.

Kagome came down stairs with a camera, a small tote bag. She had her hair kind of messed up on purpose and she was wearing skin tight black jeans, eyeliner, a studded belt and a gray tank top with a checkered jacket.

"Ok. Inuyasha, I got the tickets ready to go and we should get there before the lines get really long." Kagome walked out the door and Inuyasha followed her out.

"Kagome where are we going? And why do you look like that? Why do I look like this? Why did I have to wear this? My feet cant breath, my legs already fell asleep from no blood circulation since these trousers are really tight and this shirt is so thin and breezy. Why?" Inuyasha was non stop complaining.

"Inuyasha. Sheesh. Cant you just enjoy the excitement of the suprise. Well itll be no fun telling you now but if itll keep you from shutting up then Ill say, We are going to a Tokio Hotel concert!" Jumped up happily

"Tokio Hotel? Why are we going to some Hotel in Tokyo?"

"We arnt going to Hotel. Its this really awesome band from germany. I was watching TV and I saw them in this music video and I just fell in love!"

IN love? INuyasha was back in jealous mode.

"And we have to get there with front row seats. The whole place is gonna be packed! I mean this is their very first time performing here."

"Oh. So we are gonna be watching these guys play music." Inuyasha finally understood.

"Yes. So get ready cause you are gonna take us there." Kagome got on Inuyashas back.

"Um..Kagome, I dont think this is such a good Idea. I cant even feel my legs." Inuyasha kept poking his thighs and it was completley numb.

"Well...lets get a cab. COME ON!! We gotta hurry!" Kagome called a cab and pulled Inuyasha with her.

Finally they made it to the concert. Kagome and Inuyasha got out and the whole place was packed with thousands of screaming girls.

"Oh my god! Wow this place is packed up tight!" Kagome looked around. She and Inuyasha were able to fight there way into the crowd to get into the first row.

"Kagome, this place looks dangerous." Inuyasha warned her.

"Inuyasha, this is a concert. The only dangerous thing is if girls start attacking eachother over a towel or waterbottle." Kagome giggled. " Just behave ok. This is your first concert. So get ready."

All of a sudden the lights were dim and the curtain dropped. Tokio Hotel appeared.


Girls began screaming even louder.

"WE ARE TOKIO HOTEL!!" Bill kaulitz, the lead singer announced. Bill Kaulitz is a tall skinny germanvery freakin sexy, fine ass, hot guy with an amazing voice. His identical twin brother is the guitarist. Bill has black, big lion hair and heavy black eyeliner. All the girls screamed and cried just looking at him in person.

Tom Kaulitz is twins with Bill but they look nothing alike. Tom has brown/blonde dread locks with a cap tilted to the side. He wore extra large clothing and is very dedicated to the German hip hop style.

Georg Listing is the bassist of the band. He has long dark, straight hair and big biceps.

Gustav Shafersorry if I spell wrong is the drummer. He has short hair covered by a baseball cap.

Kagome was smiling and screaming along with the crowd.

Inuyasha looked up at the lead singer.


Inuyasha thought Bill was a demon because of his hair and eyes. " Kagome Its a demon!" He jumped up on stage confronting the sexy lead singer.

"Uhh..." Bill stared at the dog demon. He looked at Georg who was behind him and said something in german. Georg replyed.

Inuyasha didnt understand. He must be speaking some unusual demon language even I dont understand! He must be a demon!!

" Are you ready to die demon!?" Inuyasha yelled. Kagome was so embarrassed. All the girls were still screaming in fright and in excitement.

"Demon?...umm..are you ready to rock!?" Bill smiled his cute smile and faced the crowd throwing his hands in the air making them scream louder.

Hes doing some demon spell!

"IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!!" Inuyasha yelled and was ready to attack the german god until Kagome climbed up on stage.

"SIT BOY!!" Inuyasha slammed through the stage. " Stupid Inuyasha." kagome sighed but then felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and it was Bill.

"OH MY GOD!! YOURE BILL!!" She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Haha, Yes I am. Thanks for saving me from that crazy guy. Ill thankyou later but may we please get on with the show?" Bill asked politley.

"Um..Um...YEAH!! YES!! OF COURSE!!" Kagome squealed and returned to her spot.


And the crowd replied, " YEAH!"




The song began and Bill began to sing Ready Set Go. The fans sang along and screaming in the process.

Ready Set Go! Its time to run! The sky is changing We are one!

Together we can make it while the world is crashing down!

Dont you turn aroudnd!!

The screamed and Bill danced around.

Inuyasha got up and shook his head. Then he thought,

Damn demon brain washed kagome!..HUH! Of course! They brought all these girls and brain washed them to...to do what...well whatever it is I will kill this Lion Demon!!

Inuyasha got up and was ready to give one hell of a show.