Summary: Sequel to Sakura and Syaoran's first kiss. The night after their first kiss, Sakura wakes up in a cloud nine state. Touya notices this and goes to Kero for answers. And Tomoyo doesn't seem to help. Uh- oh, Syaoran's in big trouble. R&R! 3 shot!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Cardcaptor Sakura. CLAMP does!

Note: Unlike the first one, this is original. This is my own story and my own plot. Enjoy! And I hope you read Sakura and Syaoran's first kiss before this one!

A talk with the terrible Touya

By: rondallagurl

-Somewhere in Sakura's dreams-

'So this is what a kiss is like…It's my first kiss…with the person I love the most…I'm glad I was able to share it with my one and only love..Syaoran Li..'

After 5 full minutes of the passionate kiss, the two love birds separated for breath. Both panting like they had run a whole mile without resting. When Syaoran regained his breath, he smiled and pulled Sakura into a tight embrace.

"That was the best kiss ever Sakura!" He whispered into her ear.

"I know Syaoran, this is our very FIRST kiss!" Sakura whispered back still regaining her breath.

"That dress fits you very well cherry blossom! I wonder how Daidouji made it like that!" He complimented while she blushed.

"She measures me every week Syao. You know how obsessed she is with dressing me up right?"

"Of course I do! Now let's eat before the food gets really cold."

"Oh right!"

-At the table-

Syaoran led and helped Sakura to her seat before going to his own. The table was full of Sakura's favorite dishes.

"Oh Syaoran, these are all my favorite food! How did you make them all in one short day?" She asked as she picked up her fork to get a piece of roasted chicken. (a/n: sorry, I don't know her favorite food! Hehe!)

"Daidouji helped me Sakura. She actually made most of the dishes!" Syaoran said before getting his own piece of roasted chicken.

They happily ate the food that was prepared in front of them. Sometimes they would feed each other or entwine their arms while eating. When they were finished Syaoran led Sakura near the fountains where they could talk romantically.

"Do you like my surprise Sakura?" Syaoran asked sitting on the bench behind him. He held Sakura's hand and kissed it. Sakura blushed.

"Yes Syaoran, I really do! Thank you so much!"

Syaoran chuckled. "I LOVE YOU Ying Fa! I promise I will never leave you again." He kissed her forehead.

Sakura loved the names she was being called by Syaoran. "I LOVE YOU too Syao!" She decided to call him by his nickname again.

Syaoran didn't mind pulling Sakura to his lap and kiss her passionately again. The encircled his arms around her waist pulling her closer while Sakura encircle her arms around his neck.

Niether of them minded about the time that was passing by quickly. All they thought was bbeing in each other's arms.


-Outside Sakura's dreams-


"Alright, alright, I'm awake!" Sakura murmured while pressing the alarm clocks off button.She swung her legs to the side of her bed and started stretching.

She happily stood up remembering the moments from last night. She was still in cloud nine. She looked at herself in the mirror and touched her swollen lips. 'I wonder what happened to the plates and utensils we left last night at the Penguin Park." She thought. She shrugged the feeling off and went to take shower. She then wore dark jeans, a green blouse and green ballet flats to go with it. When she was ready, she went to the kitchen.

-At the kitchen-

"Good morning onii-chan, Otou-san." She greeted Touya and Fujitaka cheerfully.

"Good morning Sakura." The both replied in unison. Sakura then took hold of the picture of her mother and greeted her good morning as well.

Touya noticed the extra- cheerfulness Sakura was today but decided to ask Kero instead. He also decided not to call her kaijuu as well because he didn't want to ruin her mood. He then sat across her and waited for Fujitaka to serve the food.

"Wow! All pancakes, bacon and orange juice, what's the occasion today otou-san?" Sakura asked her father before eating her food.

"Oh nothing Sakura, I just thought I'd make my family a really nice breakfast today!" Fujitaka answered before seating down.

The small family ate their breakfast happily and all three left in different directions.


Ring a ding ding. I decided to make a sequel to Sakura and Syaoran's first kiss because I couldn't leave at peace. Hehe.

This will be a three shot and I just want some reviews before posting the second chapter. Thanks for reading my friends, I hope you enjoyed!

In the next chapter:

Touya makes an appointment with Kero. Wwll, not an appointment but yeah I hope you get it!

Bye bye!
