"Now don't you forget about my history project," Nathan snarled. "Mr. Talbot's already on my case about doing better in school."

Nathan was holding Simon by the collar against a wall in an alley.

"Right," Simon panted, gasping for breath. "I'll get right on that."

"If you don't show up with it here tomorrow at 5 o'clock, I swear I'll make your life miserable from here until High School."

"Fine. Now let go of me, I cant breath."

Nathan looked at him in disgust, then dropped him, and walked away without a second glance.

Simon got up, straightened his glasses, and walked home. Just thinking about Nathan beating the bloody heck out of him until he got what he wanted. It just wasnt right.

Before going into his house, he took a good look at the damage Nathan had done. His shoes were muddy, his left sleeve was torn there was a large scratch on his right cheek, and scrapes on both elbows and knees.

'This is going to be hard to explain to Dave,' he thought.

Simon opened the door a dashed up to the room he and his brothers were sharing before anyone could ask questions. Too bad Alvin was already in there.

Alvin looked at Simon up and down at him and took a guess. "Nathan?"

Simon nodded.

"Dont you dare tell Dave," said Simon.

"Arent you at least going to try to stand up to him?"

"Not now, Alvin," said Simon. "I now have a history report to finish by 5 o'clock tomorrow."

Alvin tried again. "Arent you always telling me to stand up for myself? Arent you the one that always says to do the right thing? Arent you the one-"

"OK! I GET IT!" Simon yelled.

"All I'm saying is to take your own advice," said Alvin.

"I cant believe I'm saying this, but you're right," he admitted. "I have enough to do as it is. But what am I going to do about Nathan? Knowing him, he's going to rearrange my face."

"I would go with you, but I'm meeting someone at 5 tomorrow." Alvin shifted uncomfortabely; he had his guilty face on.

"Alvin, if you're doing some sort of prank, I swear I'll-"

"No. I'm not getting into trouble. Stop worrying, will you?" Alvin twiddled his thumbs as if he had something to hide.

"Then what are you doing thats so important that you cant help your own brother?" Simon asked suspiciously.

"Well, if you must know," said Alvin,"I'm meeting up with a girl at 5 tomorrow."

Simon was furious. "Oh, so now your ditching your own brother for a girl? I dont even know why I'm so surprised; this is so like you."

"It's not as bad as it sounds," Alvin defended. "She came here all the way from Australia, shes lost, and cant find her sisters. I promised her that I would help her find them."

"Thats very mature of you, Alvin," said Simon. "You dont act like that unless theres something in it for you. Tell me, how good-looking is she?"

Alvin put on a hurt face, and said, "That really hurts, Simon. You actually think that I wouldnt help a girl unless she was good-looking?"

Simon crossed his arms and stared.

"Okay fine," said Alvin, defeated. "Shes also a chipmunk who has an amazing voice. Happy?"

"Yes I am," said Simon. "Looks like I'm facing Nathan alone tomorrow."

The Next Day 5:00

Nathan was waiting for Simon to show up. 'Hes probably going to wear some disguise or something so I wont recognize him,' he thought.

Just then, a female chipmunk wearing a blue shirt and a purple skirt and pink glasses just like Simon's walked by Nathan. He had to admit that 'she' was about 2 inches shorter, then again, he could be wrong.

Nathan stepped out in front of her and glared. "So, Seville," he said, "wheres that report?"

The chipmunk looked around, and saw no one. "Who me?"

"Dont play games with me," he spat. "I know its you, Simon Seville."

"You must be mistaking me with someone else. My name is Jeanette. Just Jeanette."

"Right," he said sarcastically. Nathan grabbed Jeanette by the collar of her shirt, and slammed her against the wall. "Maybe this will teach you."

His fist swung forward...

Simon was walking toward the alley, dragging his feet, trying to slow everything down. He heard a squeal of pain when he rushed forward.

He saw Nathan holding a girl up the same way that he was being held yesterday. The figure he was holding was most likely a girls.

Whoever it was, was squealing, "Please, I've never heard the name Simon Seville."

Simon stepped forward, and something crunched under his foot. It was a pair of glasses just like his, only pink; they were shattered. He pocketed them, and called out to Nathan.

"What are you doing you giant jerk?!"

Nathan turned around, startled he dropped the limp figure and said, "OMG! They're multiplying! I'm getting out of here!" With that, he ran down the alley, not turning back.

Simon walked over to the body and saw that it was a girl. She was unconcious; he really couldnt blame her. He shook her gently, and startled, she woke up. Jeanette couldnt see, her glasses had been knocked off her face. All she saw was a flash of blue in front of her.

"Please, I dont know anyone named Simon Seville. Please leave me alone." With that she fainted.

Thinking of nothing better to do, Simon picked her up in a fireman's carry, and took her home. She wasnt heavy at all, it was just like carrying a couple of his books, only she was a lot more delicate.

He examined her features as he walked. She had long, beautiful brown hair, a really pretty face, and a thin figure that Alvin liked to look at.

When Simon finally got to the front of his house, he figured that the only way that he could open the door himself, was to put the girl down. That was something that he really didnt want to do. All he could do was slam against the wall until he finally hit the doorbell.

Theodore answered the door. He took one look at the girl in Simon's arms, and pointed at her, open-mouthed.

"I'll tell you later," said Simon. With that, he marched upstairs to his room, careful not to disturb the misterious girl; though half-way up the steps, she began to stir, she was about to wake up.