AN: Okay, so the last chapter turned out a little more…evil than I expected it to come out to….heheh. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me all this way, I'm trying to write chapters as fast as I can. But I'm also grounded, so I can only get on to write chapters at certain times. D:

Disclaimer: Maki Murakami owns Gravitation, I own Keiko, blah blah blah. GOD, disclaimers are boring!

Chapter 8:

The next morning, Ryuichi rolled around in his bed and grumbled for a moment before the sun leaked into his eyes. His dark violet irises seemed to glisten in the light that shone through his window as he looked around. Suddenly, he could hear the doorknob turn and Keiko stepped into his room with a tray of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Ryuichi's favorite breakfast. "Hi, onii-san. Thought you might be hungry." she said, but she as more quiet than usual.

Ryuichi sat up, then yawned with his arms stretched up. As the tray of food was set beside him on a table, he smiled. "You alright? You're not as cheery as usual." Ryuichi asked, grabbing the fork and picked up a piece of the sausage, which was already pre-cut along with the rest of the food.

Keiko was silent for a moment, then pulled up a chair beside Ryuichi and sighed heavily. "I kinda miss…" she paused, afraid of what Ryuichi would say.

"Yes?" Ryuichi leaned forward, becoming more curious. Knowing Keiko and how much she hated people, this was very interesting to him.

"K…" Keiko mumbled, then looked to the side with an embarrassing flush of red that streamed across her cheeks.

Ryuichi almost choked on a piece of pancake, but then he coughed, then swallowed it. "M-my old manager K? Are you on drugs again?!" he almost shouted, but he kept his voice down so that the next-door neighbors wouldn't hear.

Keiko rolled her eyes like she expected a reaction like this. "I know you're probably still pissed at him for taking you to America, but I got a change to know him last night." she said, then re-listened to herself for a moment in her head. "B-but not like you think!" She scratched the back of her head and laughed nervously.

"I'm surprised you even remembered. You were completely wasted and he literally dragged in the front doorway while you were unconscious. Not that nice of a person, if you ask me." Ryuichi said with a chuckle, then took another chunk off of the pancake and shoved it into his mouth.

Keiko bit her lip, but then stood back up with another sigh. She started walking out of Ryuichi's room, but then turned to look at Ryuichi. "At least I didn't have sex with him in your dressing room." she assured him with a wink, letting him know that she knew about his little affair with Shuichi.

Right after she left the room, Ryuichi dropped his fork, and watched the door close as he caught a last glimpse of her sister's evil smirk. Though he knew that Keiko would never spill his little secret, no matter how angry she got at him.


About an hour later, Keiko was in the kitchen taking some aspirin from the major headache she had. "Ugh, I have to start cutting down on drinking…" she told herself, running her pale fingers through her greasy, chestnut hair. She cringed after feeling her hair, getting a sudden urge to take a shower. But before she went back upstairs, she heard someone at the front door. So she walked up and opened the door, shocked to see the pink-haired Shuichi standing before her.

Shuichi looked up at her, out of breath. He had a light bruise on his cheek from Yuki and his tank-top and dungaree shorts combination looked wrinkly and messy, but that was the least of his concerns. "Where's Ryuichi?" he asked, leaning on the doorframe.

Keiko blinked a few times, but then moved aside so he could get through. "Up the stairs, second doorway to the right." she directed, then watched the younger singer fly up the stairs and swing the door open.

Ryuichi didn't bother to look at who was at the door, thinking it was just Keiko. "What do you wanna bitch to me about now, Kei-" But once he turned his head from the TV to Shuichi, his mind went blank. All he could do was stand up from his bed and walk over to his visitor. "Shuichi…what are you doing here?" he asked, sounding confused and worried after noticing the bruise on his cheek.

All Shuichi did was pull Ryuichi into a hug and break down crying. "I need your help…" he managed to say between sobs.

The older vocalist was shocked at the hug, not expecting Shuichi to come back to him. But deep inside, Ryuichi's inner-child was singing and drawing big pictures of Shuichi and Ryuichi together. So he decided to hug Shuichi back, kissing his forehead gently. He looked down into the sad eyes of Shuichi, trying not to cry himself. "What happened to you? Was it Yuki?" he asked, even though he probably right. But there was a chance that it could have been someone else, so he had to make sure.

Shuichi nodded hesitantly. "I just wanna forget him. Please, Ryuichi. You're my last hope!" he cried out, burying his face into Ryuichi's chest. He hoped that the older singer didn't mind getting tears on his soft blue shirt.

Ryuichi was speechless. He never dreamed that anything like this would ever happen to him, and he hoped to God that Shuichi didn't hear his racing heartbeat. Besides the night before, he has never been this close to Shuichi. And boy, did he like it. But he had to focus on the fact that his Shuichi was crying, and he had to help him. Ryuichi got his fingers tangled up in Shuichi's semi-messy hair, then smiled softly. "There there, everything is gonna be alright. I promise you." he whispered into the crying boy's ear, and he could tell that Shuichi was starting to calm down a little bit.

Shuichi looked back up at Ryuichi with a weak smile. "Th-thanks, Sakuma-san." he said with a little sniffle.

Ryuichi chuckled again. "Please, call me Ryuichi." he said, his soft smile turning into a grin.

Not being able to control himself, Shuichi pushed himself into his toes to reach up to Ryuichi's lips, which soon connected with his own. It was a daring move, but Shuichi never thought that Ryuichi would help him out. So he was overwhelmed.

Ryuichi was in complete shock. This morning just kept getting better and better! But as the kiss came to an end, he looked down at Ryuichi like he had just seen an angel, then pulled Shuichi back to his lips, his heart beating faster and faster.

"So, it looks like we have a new person living with us?" Keiko asked, just to make sure. It seemed to her that he had a liking for Ryuichi, which of course she didn't mind.

"Well…if it's alright with you guys…" Shuichi said quietly with a little blush, not really expecting Keiko to walk in on them like that. But once he saw Ryuichi nod, the grin returned to his face.

AN: Okay, just because the corniness is over and Shuichi is gonna switch homes doesn't mean the story is over! So just keep hangin' in there, kiddies! :D