Chapter 1:


The blonde-haired novelist rolled his eyes as he looked back to his annoying lover. He was tired of Shuichi's constant whining and just walked back into his dark room, only lighted by the screen on his laptop.

"Yuki, stop ignoring me! I love you!" Shuichi cried out, but Yuki just slammed the door in his face. This was becoming a daily routine; Yuki would sit in his room once he got home and Shuichi would sit outside, leaning on his door and whine for Yuki to come out until he got too tired and fell asleep on the couch. Shuichi was starting to get sick of this routine. He needed some to care for him, to actually love him instead of closing the door in his face every night.

Shuichi finally gave up trying to talk to Yuki. He curled up on the couch and started to cry, wondering why he even loved Yuki. He was so cold, so mean to poor Shuichi that the singer didn't even know why he lived with him. So Shuichi got up, wiped his tears away, and looked over at the clock. 7:38. "Fine, I'm going out." he decided, but got no reply from Yuki, which he expected.

Shuichi left the apartment and walked down the street as the sun was going down. The pink-haired singer sighed heavily and hung his head low, until he bumped into someone. "S-sorry…" he said softly, then kept walking.

"Waaaaaait!" the person yelled, then grabbed Shuichi's wrist to stop him.

Shuichi turned around, remembering that he heard that voice before. That childish, adorable voice. "Sakuma-san? What are you doing down here?" he asked in amazement.

"Shuichi-kuuuun! I told you to call me Ryuichi!" the brown-haired idol demanded.

"Gomen-nasai…" Shuichi said, lowering his head once more.

"Hm? What's wrong, Shuichi-kun?" Ryuichi asked curiously, lifting Shuichi's head back up.

"N-nothing, I have to get going." Shuichi told his idol, then turned around and shook Ryuichi's hand off his wrist.

"SHUIIIICHIIIII! Come baaaaaack!" Ryuichi whined then ran after the depressed singer.

Shuichi had tears in his eyes again, and he tried to hide them from Ryuichi, so he started running faster away from Ryuichi, as much as it hurt him to run away from the person he has kissed the ground that he walked on.

Once Shuichi lost Ryuichi, he stopped to catch his breath. Luckily, he was in front of Hiro's apartment, so he ran inside and knocked on his door.

Hiro answered right away and was surprised to see Shuichi knocking at his door. "Hey, come on in. You look terrible." he noted as he watched Shuichi lay down on his couch. The first thing that came to Hiro's mind was Yuki. "So what happened between you two?" the red-haired guitarist asked as he sat next to Shuichi.

"He hates me…I don't think I want to live with him anymore." Shuichi confessed to his best friend, wiping away a few more tears.

Hiro sighed. It was about time Shuichi said that, he was waiting for it for the longest time. He knew that Yuki was crushing Shuichi inside, and he couldn't stand to look at Shuichi all depressed like this. "Well, you can stay with me as long as you like." Hiro offered.

"B-but, doesn't Ayaka live here now, too?" Shuichi asked, looking around at his apartment for any trace of Yuki's ex, but is now Hiro's girlfriend. All he saw was her jacket hung on a chair a few feet away from them.

"I still have a spare room. You can stay there, if you want." Hiro suggested. Shuichi should have known that, though. Shuichi has known Hiro's place for as long as he lived there, but Hiro figured that Shuichi's depression has made him brain-dead, so he just shrugged.

"You sure? I don't want to be a bother…" Shuichi asked, still curled up in a ball on Hiro's couch.

"Sure, it's fine. And Ayaka surely must not mind you staying here anymore." Hiro said with a big grin beaming across his face.

Shuichi just sighed and closed his eyes. Since he didn't get any sleep in over three days, he was instantly falling into a dream.

Hiro smiled at his new room mate, then grabbed a spare blanket from his closet and tossed it over Shuichi's shivering body, which stopped shivering right away once the blanket embraced him.

AN: Sorry it's a suckish ending, but I just couldn't think of anything better. D: But things will heat up later, I promise!