Sixteen Years After Star Crossed Lovers

Chapter 1: Letter

Gabrielle's POV

Every teenage girl in existence thinks that there family is weird, well if you look weird up in the dictionary you would find my family's picture next to it, although I'm not exactly normal either. My twin brother, Jacob and I are what I guess you can call hybrids, our mother was a werewolf and our father was a vampire. We have traits of both, although we don't share the exact same traits.

Jacob is more like a werewolf except for his gold eyes, his cold skin and the fact that he barley sleeps. (Much to my annoyance.) I take after Dad with my porcelain pale skin, but I have blue eyes, and my body runs on a temperature of 110 easily. Another strange thing about us is that we have this telepathic connection. Mom said that when she was a wolf her pack could communicate telepathically when in wolf form.

As if living with a family of vampires was not enough, Jacob and I have to go to high school with our parents, aunts and uncles, and I don't mean they are teachers. I mean we actually go to class with them.

"Quit complainin Gabby" Jacob thought over our link, disturbing me form my writing.

"The whole point of keeping a diary is to write down private thoughts Jake" I hated it when he did that.

"The whole point of having a big brother is to not have any private thoughts." Jacob retorted. Okay he was older than me by like a minute

"I'm not your kid sister, Jake, I'm your twin." I reminded him; I couldn't help, but crack a smile. Even though we sound like were fighting we usually aren't, its just how we are, I can't explain it.

"I know, but still." He replied, I closed my diary and stuck it behind my pillow. "You do realize that I know where you keep your diary right?" Jacob asked.

"Yes and if you try to take it and post it on the internet, not only will I kill you, but so will everyone else." I replied rolling my eyes. I grabbed my book bag and walked downstairs. The first person I see every morning is Esme, my grandma, although she has to be the youngest looking grandmother in history.

"Morning Gabrielle." Esme smiled while putting some pancakes in front of me.

"Morning Esme." I smiled back, for a person who can't eat she sure can cook. The soft notes of a piano could be heard in the kitchen that could only mean one thing; Edward was in the dinning room. I loved it when he played piano, and on occasion he and I would play together. I taught myself how to play guitar when I was fourteen, I wouldn't except any help because I wanted to figure it out for myself.

"Hey Esme!" Jacob said as he walked into the room and kissed her cheek.

"Good Morning Jacob" Esme replied, gently jabbing him in the side with her spatula. "Sit down and eat your going to be late for school."

Jacob gave her a salute and shouted "Sir Yes Sir"

"Hey tonight how about you let me sleep rather than waking me up every two hours?" I thought, still eating, he runs on only three hours of sleep and I need my whole eight hours.

"Fine, and I didn't do it on purpose Emmett and I were watching a game." He replied, as much as we try to control our own thoughts on occasion when we get really excited or upset the walls we put up to keep from thinking like one person can dissolve. We can turn our communication by telepathy on and off, and if we try really hard we can shut the other out of our mind completely for a time. The rest of the time it feels like no matter what I'm not alone, it can be very comforting sometimes.

"Good Morning Kids." Mom said, giving me a hug.

"Mom, you are the same age we are, I don't think we qualify as kinds anymore." Jacob pointed out.

"Be quiet and eat your pancakes, ya'll are going to be going to school today alone. It's a sunny day." Mom said

"Aw mom can't we stay home too?" Jacob asked, I decided to stay out of this one.

"You only go through high school for the first time once, it important that your there everyday. You're going and that's that." Mom said in her decisive voice.

"You had to ask." I thought at him. He stuck his tongue out at me "And you wonder why people think I am older." I took my plate to the sink and washed it off. "Hey mom where's dad?" I asked, he had gone on hunting trip with Jasper and Alice a few days ago, they were supposed to be back.

"He called last night and said they would be back tonight, have a good day at school." Mom said as she handed me my book bag. "Keep your bother out of trouble please." She always said that when we had to go to school alone.

Carlisle's POV

I really disliked sunny days; I wanted to be at the hospital helping people. I was busing myself by sifting through the mail, although most of it is junk mail. I saw a letter that was addressed from Volterra.

Dear Carlisle

My friend, I was thinking about you and your family the other day and it occurred to me how long it had been since you last visited. You and your family simply must come soon.


Bold is someone's handwriting. Italic is Gabrille and Jacob's telepathy. :) What do you think?