Disclaimer: TWEWY belongs to Square Enix. I'm just borrowing.

A/N: Written for the new twewy weekly100 drabble community on LJ. This week's prompt was "unconventional".

For Your Troubles

It's an unconventional way to say thank you, but after everything that's happened, what else is there? Neku doesn't know it but he needs this, needs to find out where the two of them really stand, or he'll always wonder. One way or another, eventually they'll end up here; best do it now, and then everyone can move on.

Neku learned, during the Game, how much they were alike. Now... he needs to learn how much they're not. And this is the only way Joshua knows how to show him.

"Neku?" And Joshua smiles. "You'd better pick up that gun..."

A/N: First drabble ever; it feels weird posting something so short, but it wasn't easy limiting this to 100 words. So let me know how it turned out. :)