Chapter 3-Memories

Chapter 3-Memories

In between the kisses there were hard pants and moans as both figures were fighting for dominance; Stripes had seemed to had gained an upper hand now and again as his delicate fingers would run through the crush blue velvet of Sorrowful's dark locks, gently yanking them now and again. All Sorrowful ever did was give out airy gasps as he would roll his hips up into Stripes that would have the boy almost moaning or in a better sense, almost gasping out as if he was orgasming over Sorrowful, those sounds would always go to one another's groins, just making them harder as they just wished all this playing around would lead to one of them stark naked, pinned under the under, screaming into a pillow as the other rammed the other, over and over, filling the other's tight hole with the hard on heat, just feeling one another inside of one another. But eventually, their "games" would end in just the players getting one another off without any flesh to flesh contact; it had lasted for so long before they had finally settled to doing what they had only dreamed of doing. And in the end, it had been something that was done when both seemed in agreement to doing it so as to not hurt the other, to hurt the other would have been something only would happen if the world was to come to an end, if the World was to come to an end…so would they.


It had become an unspoken agreement between Stripes and Sorrowful, especially as Stripes lied, tangled up in Sorrowful's arms and legs; their youthful bodies flush against one another. If someone was to walk in, you would not realize there was another body in the bed with Sorrowful, Stripes was buried in close against Sorrowful's frame, but each time Stripes would shift; it seemed to cause a friction against Sorrowful's body, but his soft moaning groans would find themselves buried in Stripes' short, jet black locks. Stripes would eventually settle down and both Stripes and Sorrowful would find themselves in a blissful state of sleep, but come the morning, Stripes would be gone and any memory of what had occurred in their nightly activities would seem more like a dream. No pains, no marks, no signs that anything had come between them, just the simply memory and images scolded into the mental memories upon their minds that only they knew what had happened. It was always the same…Just…memories…

"Okay, we all know what are parts in this Mission tonight right?" Mitsuru looked at the other team members; in their faces there was still a lingering mourning for Shinji, "…But before we do anything tonight, let us take a moment to remember Shinjiro…He will truly be missed among the S.E.E.S."

Those present, their heads were bowed in submission to the memory of Shinjiro; the one that was missing him the most was Koromaru, but in Akihiko's heart, in his own way, he was missing the man. Shinjiro or simply known as Shinji had been a close friend of Akihiko's, but recently he had been condemned into death and it had left many of the Members saddened, but even still, they had a duty to fulfill. The moment of silence was broken by the sounds of Shadows just a couple of floors above them that placed everyone on high alert as Mitsuru set about giving out orders; Minato, Junpei, and Yukari were to head towards the sounds of the noise while Akihiko would remain with Mitsuru down in the Lobby of Tartarus in case things were to get out of hand for the three whom had been sent towards the action. Ryoji had watched them from shadows and had in his own way given his own condolences for the tragic moment in the friend's lives as he moved towards the sound of the Shadow, or in this case, Shadows. Vicious and ugly looking things they were as Ryoji just simply stared them down.

"…Your reign of terror in this place…ends here tonight…"

The trio was halfway up the stairway towards the sounds of where the creatures had been making their noises when sounds that sounded like an animal's neck being wrangled and strangled seemed to gurgle out in a loud shriek. It reached down the stairways into the ears of those approaching the site as it sent a sickening sense of completion through the inner core of their minds. Sickening it was, but the thing that had them on edge was the sound of a set of what sounded like footsteps echoing down the now deathly quiet stairs, the utter silence was unbearable. It registered images of fear through their minds, what if the Shadows had converged on one another in a way of death dance and had managed to take on human forms, was that what was coming down the stairs? Evokers were at the ready in each of their hands, but as the echoing steps stopped a few steps away from the frightened and shaken S.E.E.S. members, their fear was replaced by a mixed sensation of wonder. What was someone doing in here that from the looks of their attire as well as the lack of blood or marks that could not be seen at the moment, that seemed to possess no Evoker doing in Tartarus and how were they able to go through the Dark Hour without going completely insane from the images around them? No one dared move, staring in disbelief at the visitor staring at them with a soft, upturned smile, beaming from corner to corner of the soft face, it was until Junpei started to lower his Evoker as he took the butt of it scratched at the side of his head with it.

"Man…We thought you would be a Shadow," Junpei was truly the idiot to not have said anything else that was more common knowledge then something as stupid as that.

Yukari gruntingly sighed as she replaced her Evoker into its holster, "Junpei, sometimes I wish the Shadows would get to you and give you an actual brain."


"Never mind…"

Minato was the one that seemed to move in close against the stranger while Yukari seemed to get into a fight with Junpei about the apparent lack of common sense when it came to people that just seemed to show up expectantly within Tartarus. The mystery of Shadows was still something either person understood completely and for all they knew it could've been a new form of Shadow that once it was close enough to a human they could rip them to shreds, but Minato seemed to be distant to their words as he stood inches from the strange visitor's face. Minato's seemingly distant and lack of occupancy eyes seemed to look into the vibrant and occupied eyes of the stranger before him; there were several things Minato's mind was suggesting he do. Push the stranger off the edge of the stair way and watch with a devious and sickeningly ideal in his mind to watch him fall to his demise, what good were friends if all they ever did was leave, betray or die? The next idea seemed like a death wish, especially with Yukari and Junpei nearby, the idea was to place his hands around the stranger's face, leaning as his breath hotly tingled over the stranger's lips and capture them and just die in the arms of a shape shifting Shadow if that was what this stranger was. Both ideas sounded delicious, the watching one sounded almost too real to be done to the grieving and non logical part of Minato's mind; why not do it and when he did it, why not fall with the stranger? Death seemed like a far better place then Life. As Minato placed his hands against the stranger's face, an answer was given to him as the stranger placed his forehead against Minato's, his own hands placing themselves delicately over Minato's, the thumbs seemed to soothe the coursing fear through them. The next thing to come was a soft chuckle from those soft lips that were still curled into the upward curved smile as the occupant eyes slowly slid close as the stranger used his mind's eye to focus in on Minato, and when he spoke…

"…I see that you've been…keeping up your end of the Contract…you've been taking responsibility for your actions…I'm glad…Minato…" as the words seemed to slip out slowly, the stranger's eyes slipped open as a new light gained into itself as they shone in the empty lanterns that were Minato's eyes.

The room seemed to spin as Minato fell into Ryoji's arms; Junpei and Yukari seemed to deaf and blind to it all as the hour of Dark Hour seemed to disappearing and in the next morning, Minato was groggy to say the least, but it had been suggested that he take the day off from school. Mitsuru had suggested the order for Minato, but Junpei and Yukari seemed worried; they had told Mitsuru that Minato had been fine, but it had seemed while they had been debating, Minato had slipped into a momentary lapse of unconscious due to lack of proper hours of sleep. Grief had a way of destroying a person's sense of mentality and the ability to cope with things around us or as the case would be, gain back the sleep we were losing over the grief of having to do away with a friend.

Aigis had decided to take on the duty of staying and watching over Minato while the others were at school which left Ryoji without any chances to watch over Minato like he had hoped; he started blaming himself from Minato's reaction. After he had uttered the words to Minato, he had felt the boy go simply limp in his arms which had alerted the formerly squabbling Yukari and Junpei to the fact that something wasn't right. Mitsuru had ordered the others back to the Dorm but she had asked that Akihiko keep Ryoji back even though he had been regarded as a mystery. Akihiko had done so at Mitsuru's command as it was determined that Minato was just exhausted from grief and the fact that they had been on the run with runs to Tartarus one night after another. Ryoji watched on as the simply robotic young woman watched over Minato, brushing hairs out of his face and whispered softly to him in his sleep; it was enough that she had at times shown interest in Minato. That much had been seen through his eyes when he had been only Pharos, but now that he was around once more it was enough to make him cringe to the point that the sound of wood cracking could be heard underneath Ryoji. He knew he should've been in school, but Minato was among his first priorities.

"…Why can't you let it go, Minato…Why do you feel you need to hold onto to the past…or moments of tragedy…?" Aigis softly whispered in her robotic like tone as she seemed to lean over him as to almost kiss Minato; the moments grew tense as Ryoji watched on in horror as she seemed to grow in closer.

Ryoji watched on as the seconds grow closer together until there was a soft hand on his shoulder, "…Master is fine, Ryoji…"

He wanted to believe the voice of Alice, but yet, he couldn't bring himself to believe it, but Aigis could never replace any real sensation of human feeling or emotions towards Minato. And that's just how it was as Ryoji turned his hateful gaze back towards the sight that Aigis had left the room, Minato was alone, alone and confused by the figure he had seen standing there that previous night, alone in wondering why, why this person was here, and confused by the confusing yet all too familiar words he had heard from Pharos. Alone in the ache that Pharos had left in his heart when he had left him and alone in his grief for the lost of Shinji; his hands were stained with Shinji's blood and yet, he was alone in the guilt of knowing, he was Death that had brought a man's death to be so. Ryoji settled back down, but watching Minato just seemed to change him as Ryoji slipped away into Minato's room, keeping a weathered out for Aigis or the others as Ryoji placed himself at Minato's bedside. On the outside, Minato looked as if he was sleeping peacefully, but from what Ryoji could see by touching him, Minato was a storm cloud of confusion, hurt, and anger, most of the anger pointed towards Ryoji. His sleep was like the one in a story he had read with Minato one night when he was Pharos; the story had been about a Princess that had believed she had lost her one true love which had caused her to fall into a deep sleep that could only be broken by her lost love's kiss.

No one ever said that fairy tales could be based into reality, but Ryoji was willing to take that chance, "…Time that the Princess awoke…to the World…"

The bed seemed to creak as Ryoji straddled his arms on either side of Minato's head as Ryoji sat on the bedside; it had been almost too long since Ryoji had been this close to Minato, especially when he was sleeping, the first time he had tried kissing Minato when he was asleep, it had ended in heads knocking together. Ryoji softly chuckled at the old memory; the sight of trying to apologize for knocking into Minato like that had ended in Minato just apologizing in his own way of kissing Pharos on the head where it had happened. And Pharos had leaned in that time to kiss Minato's forehead, but it had turned into more then just a simple kiss to the forehead; it had also been the first time that Pharos had found out what it felt like to be pleasured and had fulfilled the ache that had time and time again had left Pharos at that time feeling empty.

"…Back then, we were so ignorant to the feelings that were there…but now…" Ryoji's breath was hot as it wafted around Minato's mouth and nose; his breath was stronger then any kind of smelling salts.

Ryoji had no time to react as sheets flew to the side in a flutter as they seemed to flutter back into place as Ryoji found himself staring up confused and scared at first into Minato's half closed eyes, and it took only a short moment for what was going on the effect of Minato's lips pressing in hard against Ryoji's to register in his mind and as the mind finally realized it.

Minato softly pulled away, but Ryoji wasn't going to let it go away as he grabbed onto the collar of Minato's clothes pulling him back down on him, legs slightly shifting open further as Ryoji fought to keep Minato flush against his body as his hips rolled in against Minato's. A gurgled moan came from Minato as the next instinct that came to Ryoji was to stop fighting the of the wet probe that was coming at his lips as all receptors in his brain seemed to open flood gates of submission as his lower jaw dropped open in which Minato took full advantage of. Minato also took advantage of Ryoji's invitation as he rolled his hips back just as hard against Ryoji's smaller frame which earned Minato a bite to his tongue which had him backing up and off, but his fingers had found their way around Ryoji's suspenders, pulling him back to him again as Minato dragged his teeth against Ryoji's lips, bruising them hard before his tongue was deep in Ryoji's throat, toying with his tonsils. If it went any further, it would've been tickling his vocal chords and that would've silenced the soft whimpers making their way up his throat as Ryoji's fingers clawed in through Minato's scalp. Raking it and clawing it, sinking the fingertips just in a matter of not drawing any blood but he was desperate, passion was on high adrenaline as the only sounds coming from both boys was the sound of air escaping and entering through harsh and shallow gulps received through their noses. Ryoji's mouth and head tilted itself while rolling down on Minato's hips like a waterfall while filling his mouth with the submission of full exploration of all the senses within his mouth, and the adrenaline rush that was washed over him voided him from feeling Minato's hands massaging and feeling him from the front and back. One hand had grabbed a hold of the forming bulge in the front of Ryoji's pants as the other hand squeezed in hard against his posterior, Ryoji had all but screamed but Minato was going to permit such acts. Ryoji had come on to him, and now, he would pay the consequences; Ryoji found himself thrown back down onto his back with Minato thrust hard up between Ryoji's legs as the bucking started as his hips rolled in hard, allowing Ryoji's clothed lower half to feel that Minato had not yet forgotten how it felt to feel someone's throbbing loins prodding at him; he had not forgotten that feeling with Pharos.

"AAH!" Ryoji attempted to scream but it was voided as Minato's teeth and lips were back to bruising his already bruising lips as the cycle continued as almost like a ravenous claws clawed Ryoji's pants from off of him, suspenders were moved down and off his shoulders.

Ryoji was at a loss for control, all ability to move his wrists or even his hands were stopped momentarily as Ryoji looked confused and almost frightened at the sight of them being wrapped up by the piece of leather that had been holding one side of his pants up. The other piece of leather was wrapped around Ryoji's mouth in which he was ordered to bite down on it as an odd contraption was rigged, both wrists were held up against the head of the bed and the legs were spread into a almost T shape so that they hung out like dead turkey legs, but it also showed off the tight little hole that seemed to wink at Minato. It was the possibly perfect way to have full access to Ryoji without Ryoji trying to resist or fight him off; all bets were off as to what had caused this sudden rush of domination. Ryoji watched on in almost horror as Minato came at him again, rolling his still clothed hips in against Ryoji's bare erection and naked form as gagged groan with an almost feral moan came from Ryoji as Minato continued it over and over, just watching the sight of Ryoji thrashing about against the leather straps as they dug themselves in harder against the already sweating limbs of his body, his hole was almost crying. Crying was an odd statement to make for something that had no mouth or ability to speak, but the soft trickle of Ryoji's pre-cum was making it almost look like it was crying, crying out for attention. Minato didn't know whether or not to attribute the seemingly what could've been hallucination to the lack of sleep and his grief over Shinji's death, but for the life of him; it didn't matter.

Minato softly leaned in against Ryoji's half slit eyes, they were dazzled with pleasuring lust but a small hint of unknowing fear of what was going to happen next; it had been so long since he had seen this side of Minato, "…Do you want me in you…?"

Ryoji softly nodded, his lips trying to form words through the gag, but Minato knew what he was saying, "…I'm going to need to prepare you first…or else its going to hurt," Minato started to trace his fingers around his own mouth and as he prepared to slip a finger into his own mouth to wet it, but the sound of Ryoji thrashing and the headboard creaking against the metal and leather contraption keeping him at bay stopped him in his tracks, as a seemingly dark smirk came on his face, "…You are such a little slut…Don't you remember the last time we did it without preparation or lubrication…?"

How could Ryoji forget…?

"AAH! NMNGH!! AAH! AAUGH!" Stripes screamed out from under Sorrowful; the pain was almost unbearable, it was worse then the ache that had been there for as long as Stripes could remember after each time he had spent with Sorrowful.

Sorrowful seemed more eager then usual; both hands had flushed up under Stripes' shirt and started tweaking with the nubs on his chest, unrelenting no matter how much Stripes squirmed, mewled, and moaned, but what hurt the most was the fact that Sorrowful had only gotten Stripes' stripped bottoms down far enough so that his tight little hole was showing before he started to dryly ram into Stripes. Stripes immediately had gotten silent in a way as he lay out on Sorrowful's lap as the only way Stripes had to balance himself was clawing his fingers into Sorrowful's shoulders Sorrowful forcefully and roughly rammed Stripes' young body down on the throbbing loins that were ramming constantly in against one particular spot. Just as soon as Stripes thought Sorrowful had lost a notch of speed, he would only change the angle of how Stripes was placed upon his lap as he would continue to ram, ram hard and fast. There was no fluid that had been used and no preparation, just pure, rough, unadulterated heat that was filling Stripes, but even after the heat had died down and Stripes was allowed to replace his striped pants to around his hips once more, the sensation was both the after release feeling of release during sex seemed to be not the only thing that was wetting the stripes. Something red now dotted the fabric; never again did Sorrowful act roughly with Stripes.

Ryoji seemed to relax after a time as all that moved was his chest as it rose and fall, but the dark glare on his face would not disappear; it was the only that remained, especially the ache in Ryoji's thighs from being propped up for so long. Sweat was trickling along his thighs, pooling in near the sorely tight hole but in the faint light of the room, the sweat seemed to tickle on the tiny bubs that had risen on Ryoji's chest from all the excitement. His eyes said it all, he had started all this excitement, grown them both hard and leaving now was not an option; it didn't matter it was rough and dry as long as there was some kind of connection between them, all of it was read by Minato's face as the bed creaked again, leaning in close against Ryoji's face as the fingers toyed with removing the leathered gag on Ryoji's mouth, but it was all a waste of effort when a feral growl came from Ryoji as all his body could do was buck at the air for attention; he was hungry for attention, the attention he knew he deserved for so long and the longer Minato toyed with that, the more he was going to growl at him.

Minato's hand softly patted the outer part of the outstretched thigh, "Calm'll get what you want…you can wait one more minute to get laid again…"

If Ryoji had the ability to kick Minato, he would've done it and gotten it over with, but he wasn't at liberty to do such a thing as he knew all he could do was just lie, tied up, and take it. Minato didn't want to rush things and yet he didn't want to make Ryoji wait much longer as his hand ghosted over Ryoji's wet little hole, slipping in digit after digit, stretching and widening it out as he watched Ryoji thrash the way he liked to watch him thrash as he knew that he had hit something sensitive in Ryoji. How he knew that had done it, it was in the way Ryoji's head flew back and his leg muscles seemed to grow tight with sounds ripping from the deepest part of his throat as more and more hot air was being pulled in through Ryoji's nostrils. Minato kept at it as he started to see Ryoji's legs shaking in anticipation or the way his hips seemed to buck at the air, tempting Minato to attend to that while preparing him, but Minato had other things in mind.

Everything seemed to stop as Minato leaned over Ryoji, "…I knew who you were the minute I saw you in that tree…I was only cold to you because I didn't know how to react…I couldn't let the others know about us…"

Ryoji seemed to register the minds through the lusted haze hanging in his mind as he seemed to raise his head up against Minato's cheek, nuzzling against it, but his body seemed to move in and up and with him as a soft squeaking mewl came from behind the bind as he had unconsciously had impaled himself on the digits. But Minato knew what it was as the other hand moved the bind away, softly capturing the bruised and bite marked lips, faintly kissing at each mark as the hand moved away to releasing his own throbbing to the air which made him hiss. The hiss was brought by the feeling of the hot heat that had grown into the room from what could almost smell like a sauna and hot sex but it was also brought on by the way Ryoji forcefully bit down on Minato's lower lip, ravishing it and suckling on it till Minato was completely aware of it; a distraction was needed to keep Ryoji's mind off the pending sexual encounter. Minato's hands wrapped around Ryoji's waist as he kept all his upper weight into the kiss as he angled his hips to ram into Ryoji; the boy was ready and properly ready, never again would he ever make that pain from that time happen again. The room started to spin upon the first heavy thrust as Ryoji's head fell back, but Minato's soft kisses were bringing his head back, no matter how hard or fast the thrusts were coming and no matter how much heat was swimming through his body and head. Minato's kisses were merely the sedative to all of that as both gained a steady and even rhythm as in the final moments and the first in any of their times together, both coated one another in their sweet, heated release.

Once core temperatures had dropped far enough and Minato's mind had returned to a state of normalcy; he was able to release Ryoji from the leather bonds contraption and as he gathered Ryoji into his arms, he softly kissed at the marks left by the sweat covered inner banding of the leather bands. Ryoji was exhausted to every extent that all that left his lips were soft mewls at the feeling as he lay exhausted in Minato's arms, the feeling in his legs was slowly returning but the marks left on them from the anklets would have to wait. Neither one was up for another go around and it felt good to just rest peacefully in one another's arms; as the day dragged on and the others came home, Ryoji had found himself sitting at Minato's side watching Minato sleep peacefully, no one could know of their past together or how they knew one another even now.