And the second of today's updates. More of the odd quirks in Vince's personality. I was gonna do one about one of them lying awake and watching the other sleeping, but who in all fairness hasn't written that yet? So I did this instead.
Also, now that I have a working charger, my writeup of the Booshtiemz in Sheffield will be up on my LJ soon, hopefully later today, if I can get my lazy arse in gear.
It's 4:30am, and Vince is still awake. Sighing, Howard gets up, shivering at the chill.
Vince is sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, glancing at a copy of 'Cheekbone' while an old sitcom plays quietly on the TV.
"Little man," Howard says softly as he approaches. "Are you coming to bed?"
"Hmm?" Vince replies, jumping slightly. "Oh. Yeah. I will. Just let me finish…" He vaguely attempts to indicate the TV, the magazine and his mug at once.
"Vince, what's wrong?" Howard asks, gently yet firmly, sitting down and pulling Vince closer.
"Nothing, I just… can't sleep, is all."
Howard smiles wearily and plucks the mug from his hands. "Can you not sleep because you've been up since whatever hour drinking endless cups of coffee?"
Vince's eyes drop. "Maybe…"
Howard smiles, a teasing edge creeping into his voice. "And why would that be?"
A faint blush begins to bloom on Vince's cheeks. "I just couldn't sleep, Howard," he insists, voice raising an octave or two. "Sometimes I just can't. It happens; I can't explain it."
Howard cups his cheek with one hand. Vince isn't quite meeting his eye. "Vince, tell me the truth," he says. "You stayed up watching 'Nightmare on Elm Street' again, didn't you?"
Vince purses his lips. "Might have done."
Howard wraps him in a hug. "Vince, you know you shouldn't watch that right before bed," he scolds. "You know how it scares you."
"Yeah, I know, it's just… I can't help it." he looks Howard square in the face. "Howard, if we ever have a fire, and my skin gets that bad… shoot me, yeah?"
Howard doesn't answer. He just cuddles him closer and makes an odd sighing laugh. "It's funny, isn't it," he says. "Most people would be afraid of getting murdered in their sleep."