I've decided to try the challenge on the LiveJournal community drabble123 (h t t p : / / c o m m u n i t y . l i v e j o u r n a l . c o m / d r a b b l e 1 2 3 /). The idea is, you choose a fandom, a character or pairing and a length of 100, 200 or 300 words and a table of twenty prompts based on a theme, and write a drabble of exactly that length for each prompt. I chose Howince for 300 words, based on the 'In the Dark'table. And this is what I came up with.
I've got a load of these to come, having hadachance to do a bit of holiday writing in Nerja, and I'm just posting some now while I'm typing up the next chapter of Dead Man Walking. Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I have said countless times (well, not exactly countless, it's the same as the number of Boosh fics I've written) that Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding, and not me, own the Boosh. Some day, I may say I do own them, just for a laugh.
My Lover's Bed
Howard stood browsing his record collection, trying to decide what he would have been playing had Vince not been in the room. Vince was sprawled out over Howard's bed, legs spread and arms out wide over his head, just lying there, relaxing.
"Your bed's crap," he stated suddenly. Howard turned away from his records to face him, and Vince began to bounce softly, his hips regularly rising an inch or so and his bottom sinking into the mattress. "No bounce to it."
"You know why that is, don't you, little man?" Howard replied, coming over and sitting down next to him. "It's because you got the new mattress."
"I needed it," Vince pouted, shifting onto his side to face Howard.
"And you think I didn't?" Howard retorted, punching the bed with the side of his fist to demonstrate. Vince's eyes lingered on the spot where it left a slight hollow in the sagging mattress, and he shrugged.
"My bed sees more action than yours."
Howard thought a moment. "True, it does," he admitted. "I don't see why I don't just move into your room. We could get rid of this bed, and I'll just keep my stuff in here, since you can't bear the sight of it."
He tweaked Vince's nose, and Vince pouted.
"I like having two beds."
Howard chuckled, and put a hand on Vince's side to push him over onto his front, and gave him a few light taps on the bum. "Spoilt, spoilt, spoilt," he chided, a grin creeping onto his face.
Vince giggled and shuffled closer. Howard lay down and joined him in a warm cuddle, and sighed softly.
"I wanna sleep in your bed tonight," Vince mumbled, his face buried in Howard's chest.
Vince just shrugged, and Howard smiled and pulled him closer.