Wow, I haven't updated anything in so long! I'm sorry for my slowness! Having said that, this is the final chapter of Admission. I'll be sad to stop writing it, it's been one of my favourite stories to just jot things down on along the way. Oh well! It'll be nice to see it finished at last.

Kenshin looked up as Sano placed tea before him, and smiled warmly. Sitting besides the red-head, Sanosuke pulled back the cover a little to let Kenshin sit up.

"Feeling any better?" He asked, blushing slightly and deliberately looking away.

"Much better. It was only a little uncomfortable. You didn't need to have gone to so much trouble, that you didn't." Was Kenshin's easy reply.

"Maybe I didn't, but I…" He stopped, and Kenshin covered the larger hand with one of his own.

"Sano?" He asked, leaning around the younger man to see his face. He was looking lost and nervous, and it made Kenshin's heart hurt to see it.

"Kenshin, I… I love you." Sanosuke admitted. It was difficult to say it while those violet orbs were on him, and without the atmosphere of passion to egg him on. But Kenshin's face blossomed into a smile, and Sano suddenly wondered why he didn't say it more. He wanted to say it all the time, but he never had. It obviously meant as much to Kenshin as it did to him.

Taking Kenshin's hand in his own, he pulled him into a tight hug, breathing in the scent of the crimson hair and the remnants of sweat and sex that still lingered on it. It made his heart skip a beat, and felt a small heat start to build inside his abdomen. Kenshin, being pressed tightly to his body, couldn't help but notice the beginnings of change.

"Say it again, Sano, and I'll reward you with something good, that I will." Kenshin whispered, his voice low and deep in Sanosuke's ear.

"I love you Kenshin." Sano said without hesitation, looking longingly into Kenshin's eyes. Seeing the anticipation on Sanosuke's face, Kenshin chuckled. Before Sano could tell him not to laugh, though, Kenshin had gripped his member through his white trousers.

"I love you too, Sano. Let me show you just how much." Sano nearly fainted at the promise in those words, and not just the sexual ones. Perhaps it was possible after all for Kenshin to be his… And be his forever.

Can you say cop-out? Sorry it's so short! But this was really as far as I wanted to take this story. I might upload a bonus chapter some time about Kaoru and Megumi, but don't get your hopes up xD