Time traveling
Chapter 1-Accidents
A/N: Nothing is mine.
The idea of the story is my business partner's(r.ACTERUS.b) and I'm helping her to write.
It was only a few days before the exams in Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry would begin. 5th year Gryffindor and Slytherin had a Potion lesson together, brewing an ageing draught. Then it happened.
He stirred the third time clockwise, the fourth and fifth. After the sixth time his cauldron exploded.
"Potter!", the professor yelled."What have you done now?"
Remus, who had been sitting near his friend, knelt down and looked for James Potter. But all he could find was a baby.
"I think Potter managed to to deage himself to a 8 months old baby", Severus Snape said as he looked in the cauldron of his enemy.
"We have to go to Professor Dumbledore", Lily said, taking the baby.
"Ms. Evans, Mr. Lupin, you will go to the headmaster", Slughorn decided."The rest of us must tidy up. Ah, and take Mr. Snape with you, in case there is an antidote that will be needed."
Together the three students made their to the headmaster's office. As they reached the gargoyle Severus said the password."Sugar Quills."
"How did you now that?", Lily asked.
"The professor needed a potion, so he asked me to come and told me the password", he shrugged it off.
Remus knocked, the whole way up here he hadn't said anything.
"Come in", the always happy voice Albus Dumbledore's greeted them"What can I do for you. Oh, and who is this baby?"
"J-james Potter", Remus said, letting himself fall into one of the chairs.
"How can he be...you just had Potions, hadn't you?", the headmaster asked concerned.
"Yes, headmaster", Severus agreed."We had to brew the aging draught, but somehow Potter messed it up and deaged himself."
"Is there an antidote?", Lily asked, looking at her childhood friend.
"No, not as much as I know", he told them."Well, actually, if I think about it, there could be something..."
"C-c-can y-you brew it?", Remus stuttered.
"No, some of the ingredients are illegal", Snape began."But I think the Ministry of Magic should have some of it."
"Good", Dumbledore said."I have to go there anyway, so I can take Mr. Potter with me."
"Here, Professor", Lily said, giving little James to the headmaster.
"James!", a woman with red hair yelled."We have to go! Otherwise we will be late!"
"Are you sure that you want to take Harry?", her husband asked concerned.
"You know very well that we both have to go, and I won't let Harry here alone!", Lily said.
"I know, darling", he gave in.
As they reached the Ministry of Magic James made his way to his Auror office while Lily wandered to the shelter.
"I'm Lily Potter", she began."Ms. Dolores Umbridge wanted to see me."
"9th Floor, room number 375", the woman said bored, looking at her finger nails.
"Thank you."With that Lily walked to the elevator.
"Ah, Mrs. Potter", a toad like woman said as Lily entered the room.
"Ms. Umbridge", she greeted, putting Harry on the floor, who began looking around. He saw an open door, with a look at the adults he began to crawl there. Finally he could look what there as. In the middle of the room there was a hole. Along the walls there were hundreds of shelves, each one had a lot of small, glowing balls. Harry liked them right away. But the hole somehow attracted him more.
Slowly Harry crawled to look what was in there. As he reached it he could see something silvery. He bend forward to have a better sight.
"First we have to go to the Time reversing office", Dumbledore told James."After that we can..."Suddenly a smile appeared on his face. What did the person told him all this years ago? Yes, this would be a good plan.
As he reached the time reversing office, he walked by to the Prophecy section. There it was. The hole. Slowly and gentle he knelt in front of it.
"Have a good travel", Albus whispered as he let James down into the hole. Only a few minutes later a baby appeared.
He still couldn't really see what this silver stuff was. As he lay there on his stomach, half in that hole, the liquid began to whirl around. Then it spit out something. Harry loosed his balance and fell. Everything around him began spin. He felt sick. He wanted his mummy. And he wanted nothing more than to sleep.
"Where is my baby?", Lily yelled as she saw that Harry wasn't in the room any more. Umbridge's eyes flew to the door. Lily ran and sighed as she saw him. There he was, curled up, possibly sleeping, next to a hole.
"Thank god he didn't fell into it", she said.
"I think you should leave now", Dolores told her."We will discuss the matters later."
"Thanks", Lily said before she scooped the baby up and hurried to get to James' office.
There it lay in front of him. A sleeping baby. Hopefully it was who he wanted. Dumbledore took what he thought was this Harry and got out of the Ministry to apparate back to Hogwarts.
"They hadn't got the Potion, had they?", Remus asked as the headmaster stepped into his office.
"No", he lied. Turning to Lily and Severus he asked."Could you two take care of him?"
"S-sure", she answered."But why us? Why not Remus instead of Sev? Severus hates him."
"Of course we will", he agreed, knowing something wasn't right. To Lily he mouthed Later.
"Of course you will get your own quarters", Albus said."I will get them ready over dinner. I think you three should be going."
"Severus Snape, tell me this instant why you agreed to raise James with me!", Lily yelled after they had entered their new quarters.
"Because I am sure that the Headmaster has planned something", he answered."And I am sure that this isn't Potter. Or at least not our Potter."