Umm, Please don't kill me. I'm so sorry guys! I haven't been very consistent with my writing have I? I swear, next time I'll have the whole bloody story finished by the time I post the first chapter.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have a lot of fun, scandalous(!) one-shots in my head that I can't wait to write. The bad news is that apparently, if you have a document on here, it only stays for like a month before its deleted. So I had this chapter practically done, then I had no time to update, so the site deleted it. That pissed me off like no other. So I guess its time I update this puppy, eh?

Thanks for all the support, it means a lot.

*Make sure to read the Author's note at the end.*



Naruto opened his eyes and sat up, wincing as his eyesight slowly grew clearer. Damn. He had a headache and his whole body felt like it had been run down by a Semi. He smirked at the thought. He might as well have been hit by a truck, the way Kakashi had treated him. Not that Naruto had objected; the rough sex was kind of hot. Speaking of sex, Naruto knew he and Kakashi had to talk. Hopefully, it wouldn't get awkward or stupid, if anything changed between them, that would suck ass.

Naruto leaned forward and rested his hands on his knees. He rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his blonde hair before finally looking to the side at Kakashi.

Who was staring at him.

The blonde gave a very unmanly screech and tumbled backwards off of the bed. (How did they even get to the bed? Last thing he remembered was the hot sex against the wall, then again on the floor, then- bad thoughts, Naruto, bad.) He heard Kakashi chuckle in mirth and glared up at the man from his place on the floor.

Of course, Kakashi was not affected by this glare for it merely looked like a pout to him, so his chuckles turned into full blown laughter. The sight of the man sitting on his ass, hair sticking out in every direction, eyes still glazed over from sleep, and a pout on his face was too much. Kakashi just leaned back and laughed.

Naruto, already humiliated enough, growled in rage and attacked the older man, pouncing on him in an angry daze. The happy twinkle in Kakashi's eyes turned predatory as he flipped their positions and straddled his distraught student. He silenced the blonde's angry protests with a kiss.

After a long battle of tongues, Naruto finally pulled away and glanced up at Kakashi through his lashes.

"Listen...we have to talk."

Kakashi nodded solemnly, completely agreeing. He leaned back and listened.

"I don't want casual sex Kakashi. I want an actual relationship." Naruto winced at how girly he sounded, but bravely continued on. "This doesn't mean we have to be all lovey dovey 24/7, but I don't want to be used."

Kakashi nodded again and brought the boy closer to him, and ran his finger's through the blonde silky hair.

"Naruto, I completely agree with you. I know we have a lot to do to make this work, but I think I want to try." Kakashi gave a lopsided grin.

The blonde sighed happily and pressed his head into the curve of Kakashi's neck. He was glad things we finally starting to settle in place. His eyes widened slightly as he suddenly thought of something else.

"Wait, what about my friends?" He clarified at the sight of Kakashi's raised eyebrow. "I mean, do I tell them? I'm pretty sure they can see right through me..."

Kakashi tightened his hold on his new lover at the thought of what might happen if their relationship was revealed to the public.

"We cannot tell anyone," Kakashi told Naruto fiercely and brought his face towards his own so that they looked eye to eye. "The consequences would be grave if this got out."

The younger man nodded slowly, accepting the fact. It would suck to hide this from his friends, but did he really have another choice? He put the thought to the back of his mind as he thought of a few other activities they could both be doing right now. ( Like wild monkey se- bad, Naruto, bad)
With these mischievous thoughts, Naruto leaned down to lick a patch of skin on Kakashi's oh-so-sensitive neck, smirking as he felt a shudder go through the older man.

After all, they had better things to do.


The following day, Naruto arrived to class late, still sore from his, ahem, previous activities. He sat down behind Sakura and Ino, and opened his book quietly. As soon as the teacher looked away, the girls turned to greet him and both froze. The spun around and started muttering to each other heatedly, glancing at him every once in a while. Naruto looked at them wearily, unsettled by their strange behavior.

When the teacher turned around to write something on the board, both girls turned around and said not too quietly, "You got LAID!" at the exact same time. Of course, every head whipped around and stared at the three of them. Naruto turned bright red and sunk low into his chair. He knew you could never trust creatures that could bleed for a week every month and survive...*

He suffered through two hours of pestering and questions, trying to ignore his annoying so-called friends. He nearly cried tears or relief when the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

He quickly ran out before any of them could stop him. How the hell could they possibly know? Did he have a sign on his back that said, "de-virginized"? Naruto turned beet red and walked quickly to the next class with his head down. Which is why he didn't see a person right in front of him. Naruto smacked into a hard chest and glanced up.

A look of horror appeared on his face. Oh hell no...

Sai smiled (rather creepily) at the slightly shorter blonde and said, "So...I couldn't help but overhear...well, actually I was eavesdropping, but...You got laid?"

Naruto paused, stared at Sai, valued his options, and then ran for his life.

The rest of the day turned out pretty much the same; the whole affair quickly spread to their whole group of friends, who needlessly bugged the hell out of Naruto the entire day. He was forced to make up some excuse...something to do with a club...and a foreigner. The details are irrelevant.

None the less, his friends had some interesting reactions. Naruto chuckled at the thought. Kiba had given him a high five, and muttered something that sounded like "its about time." Sakura and Ino had flipped out, of course. He tried to avoid them as much as possible. Shikamaru had a knowing look in his eye...Naruto would have to be careful around him. Sai had just smilled his creepy smile. Naruto shuddered. And Sasuke....well, Sasuke had stared at Naruto as if he had grown a second head. Damn, was it really that hard to belive that he had sex?

Thanks to his bothersome friends, Naruto was forced to rememeber exactly all of what entailed in his sexual encounter with Kakashi. Scenes of what they had done flashed through his mind once again. Kakashi's lean chest, musky scent, long c- (bad Naruto, bad!)

Needless to say, as the day ended, he was tired but even more damn horny. He stayed in his room until he was sure Sasuke had fallen asleep, then snuck out of their room. He nearly sprinted to the teachers' dorms and made his way towards Kakashi's room. He knocked softly on the door and grinned as Kakashi's head peered out.

Kakashi looked puzzled, but pleased by his appearance.

"What ar-"

His words were cut off with a fierce kiss. Kakashi gave a moan of approval, dragged the other man inside, and slammed the door behind them. He attacked Naruto's mouth, forcing his tongue inside while ripping off his shirt. He pushed the blonde against the door and panted into his mouth.

He pulled back and asked, "What brought this on?"

The younger man pulled his teacher closer and breathlessly said, "Less talk, more tongue."

And who could argue with that logic?

They met for another kiss and tongues danced as they attempted to get each other's clothes off. Naruto peeled back Kakashi's shirt and threw it to the side. He pulled the older man towards him harshly until their chests rubbed together.

Naruto groaned out and bared his neck for Kakashi. Never being a man to reject such a tempting offer, Kakashi leaned over and licked a path down the blonde's jaw to his neck. He sucked on the skin, and bit, and moaned until they were both nearly insane. Unable to stand the utter need any longer, Naruto pushed Kakashi away from him. He shoved the man down on a chair and nearly ripped his pants off. He looked down on the sweaty skin before him greedily and licked the patch of skin inside Kakashi's thigh.

He gave a deep shudder at the older man's moan and moaned into his cock. He licked the tip and groaned as Kakashi threaded nimble fingers through his hair and pulled. Hard.

Kakashi thrust into Naruto's mouth and hissed.


He tilted his hips and slammed into the other's willing mouth. He screwed his eyes shut and leaned his head against the back of the chair, breathing heavy as Naruto took him deeper into his mouth. The blonde sucked, and licked, and moaned, and touched.

Everything was hot and heavy and Godyesjustlikethatmoreplease!

Finally Naruto pulled away and hastily took off his pants and boxers. Without any preparation, he sat down harshly on Kakashi's cock and rocked against the pain. He slithered and rubbed against Kakashi, both wanting and greedy for more , more , more.

Naruto rode Kakashi hard, the room silent except for loud panting and the sound of flesh upon flesh. They rocked against each other, tongues coiling, fingers sliding over anything they could possibly reach.

Naruto panted and leaned down to blow in Kakashi's ear.

"Fuck me. Hard," he breathed and ran his tongue over the older man's lips. Kakasho's eyed dialated and he hastily stood up and switched their positions. He bent the blonde in half over against the chair and plunged into him again. He thrust in over and over, the sound of balls hitting skin harmonizing with Naruto's low moans.

Naruto's voice rose higher and louder as he reached the end. With one last thrust, Kakashi moaned, low and long, and emptied himself. Naruto came right after with an animalistic scream, arching his body towards the other man.

They both sat still for a moment, trying to catch their breath. At last, Kakashi pulled out of Naruto and dragged the blonde towards his bed, where they both collapsed.

Naruto was so damn tired. Tired of work and tired of secrets. But he could push through, he could move on. With these last thoughts, Naruto fell asleep against Kakashi's chest, confidant that he could face today's troubles.

After all, tomorrow was a new day.



*I hope you all know that I was referring to women PMSing here.

Okay guys, thank you for taking this journey with me. I really wanted to continue this story, but I think this is a good place to end. I love you all, my wonderful reviewers, and I thank you with all of my chocolate addicted heart.

I have new ideas for stories in my head for the Naruto fandom, but I want to branch out to other fandoms too. Which ones do you guys like?

Love you lots my duckies, and until next time,

