A/N: I know this took me forever to write and i'm SOOO sorry.

I'm just incredibly lazy and remarkably uncreative lately.

All I Ask Of You


"Hey Addy?" I looked over at her.

"Hmm?" She lay in the meadow with her eyes closed, just feeling the sun on her skin, a rare thing in this rainy town. A smile played on her lips.

"What are you doing tonight?"

She pursed her lips, thinking. "Nothing, I don't think. Why?" Her eyes remained closed.

"Theres something I want to do. Want to come with me?"

She opened one eye and peered at me, smiling again. "What is it?"

"Surprise." I smiled back at her.

She laughed, took my hand and closed her eyes again. "Yeah. I'll come."

We stayed there like that a while longer, enjoying the sun. The beautiful day didn't last long, though. The sky began to drizzle and we rushed to get out of the rain. It soon stopped, but Addy decided she didn't want to lay in wet grass, and I couldn't blame her. I drove her home and left her at her door, borrowing her car.

"I'll be back around eight. I love you." I leaned down and gave her a kiss, then went back to her car.

"I love you too." She smiled at me and waved, opening the door to her home and stepping inside.

I drove off as soon as I could, heading off to prepare for tonight.


"Jake, haven't we played this game before?" I sat in the passengers seat of my car, blindfolded – again.

"What game?" He asked. I could feel his smile radiating through the car.

"Blindfolded date, silly."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He snickered. I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see. "Don't roll your eyes at me, little miss."

"What?? I'm freaking blindfolded! How did you know?" My cheeks got slightly pink.

"I know you." He said sweetly. I smiled and relaxed in the seat. I soon felt the car stop and went to unbuckle my seatbelt. I heard Jake's door slam shut and winced.

"Don't hurt my car!! She's delicate!" He was at my door in a second.

"Oh please, your cars a beast." He started to help me out of the car, still not removing my blindfold.

"No, my boyfriends a beast." I quietly mumbled to myself. Apparently it wasn't quiet enough, cause Jake let go of me, causing me to trip over the curb, but caught me before I hurt myself. "Don't pretend with me. I've seen your fuzzy little secret." This made him laugh and I immediately blushed. "That didn't come out right!!"

"Oh really? It wasn't supposed to sound like you've been spying on me?" I felt him nudge my side a little.

"You are so dirty minded!!" I giggled and smacked him across the arm. Seriously, whats with boys and dirty jokes?

Jake tried his best to lead me to where we were going. It took so long, because I kept tripping over everything and walking very slow. What can I say? I don't do well without my eyes. I heard Jake huff and he swiftly picked me up bridal style. Normally I would protest, saying how I could walk, but at the moment, I couldn't. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and waited for him to set me down.

"May I remove my blindfold?" My position shifted as Jake transferred me form his arms to what felt like a blanket on grass.

"Allow me." He said and attempted to untie the not. "Um.. Maybe..." He struggled a little more before I did it myself.

"Where would you be without me?" I laughed and too in my surroundings. We were sitting under a tree facing an old building. There were many other couples here, too. All sitting similarly to us.

"I'll be right back" Jake said and hopped to his feet, running to what I assumed was a snack bar. He came back with 2 drinks and some popcorn. As he sat down, the plain white wall of the building ahead of us flickered with images.

"We're watching a movie?" I asked. Silly question, really. What else were we doing? I gasped as I saw the familiar beginning scene of Phantom of the Opera. I'd watched this movie a thousand times with Jake. He didn't really like it. Most of the time he'd fall asleep. My favorite scene was where Christine and Raoul sang "All I Ask of You" It was such a sweet song. I couldn't believe Jake would voluntarily watch this movie. Not to mention on the side of a building. It was pretty sweet. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, then snuggled in close to watch one of my favorite movies.

Every now and then, I'd look up to Jake's face and be surprised, cause he would actually be staring at the "screen." Then he'd smile and glance at me from the corner of his eye, and I'd have to wonder if he was just pretending.

Soon, my favorite scene was up! Christine and Raoul were on the rooftop. The music began to play and I Jake rose to his feet and held out a hand for me.

"Dance with me?"

I stood and placed my hand in his and we began to dance. Jake put his head near my ear and I heard him singing the words to the song on the screen.

No more talk of darkness,
Forget these wide-eyed fears.
I'm here,
nothing can harm you -
my words will warm and calm you.
Let me be your freedom,
let daylight dry -your tears.
I'm here,
with you, beside you,
to guard you and to guide you . . .

I joined in with Christine's part.

Say you love me every waking moment,
turn my head with talk of summertime . . .
Say you need me with you,
now and always . . .
promise me that all you say is true -
that's all I ask of you . . .

Let me be your shelter,
let me be your light.
You're safe: No-one will find you
your fears are far behind you . . .

All I want is freedom,
a world with no more night . . .
and you always beside me
to hold me and to hide me . . .

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime . . .
let me lead you from your solitude . . .
Say you need me with you here, beside you . . .
anywhere you go, let me go too -
Ayzlin, that's all I ask of you . . .

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime . . .
say the word and I will follow you . . .

Share each day with me,

each night, each morning . . .

Say you love me . . .

You know I do . . .
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you . . .

I watched in shock as Jake got on one knee.

"Ayzlin, I love you. I always will. Marry me?"

I smiled and kissed him with all my might.

"So thats a yes?" He asked.

"Of course, you idiot!!" He slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me again, Just in time for the last line of the song, which we both sang together.

Anywhere you go
let me go too . . .
Love me -
that's all I ask of you . .

I spent the rest of the movie staring at the ring Jake just placed on my left hand. It was beautiful. It was white gold with a pink heart shaped stone in the center with two smaller circular set stones on each side. A blue sapphire and emerald on the left and the same on the right. I was stunned that he got me a ring so colorful. I loved it immensely. I had always disliked yellow gold and diamonds, the typical ring. I don't think there could be a ring more suited for me than this one. And I don't think There could ever be a man more perfect than my boyfriend, no, my fiancée.


I stared down at my girlfriend.. my fiancée... for the rest of the movie. She was so cute, turning the ring over and looking at every possible aspect of it. She loved it. I knew she would. I'd have to thank Sam again for helping me pick it out. It even came with a matching men's ring, which was also in my pocket.

"I take It that you like your ring." I asked Ayzlin as the movie ended and w walked back to her car.

"I really do. Jake, its perfect. Thank you."

"Thank you for saying yes. Besides, now I get to wear this!" I pulled out my ring and slipped it on. It was white gold, like hers, and was split into sections. Each section had a small circular set stone in it, alternating from emerald to sapphire.

"Of course. Haha."

I drove her home, our hands entwined, and walked her to her door.

"So.. When should we tell your dad?" I asked, panicky. Xavier didn't like me much at the moment.

"Lets go right now!" She said, dragging me through the threshold. "Dad!" She called out.

"Welcome back Ayz. Jake." I feebly waved as he subtly sneered my name.

"Dad, we have some news." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh.. really?" Xavier's face went white. His expression was the typical "Oh god, she's pregnant!" look that fathers had.

"Me and Jake.. We're engaged!" She held out her left hand for him to see. The color returned to his face and he actually smiled at me.

"When did this happen?" He asked, staring at Ayzlin's ring.

"Just now, while we were out." She held nothing back. It was refreshing to have one of us composed enough to speak.

"Jake, can I talk to you for a second?" He smiled at me, but somehow it still seemed menacing.

"Of course." I smiled down to Addy and followed Xavier outside.

"Thank you." He said, not facing me.

"Sir?" I asked, unsure why he was thanking me.

"Thank you for giving me a reason to trust you again. And thank you for giving my daughter yet another reason to smile. Welcome to the family, kid." He gave me a quick hug and went back inside. I was shocked, but pleased.

"What was that about?" Addy asked as she walked back out.

"Nothing Love." I kissed her forehead and bid her goodnight. "We can tell everyone else tomorrow." She went back inside and I headed home. When I was far enough away, I broke out into a sprint and screamed at the top of my lungs. "She said yes!!"

Love Me,

That's all I ask of You

A/N: Well!! I know it was a long time coming, but what did you guys think?? I just couldn't figure out a way to write this, but now I have. The pictures of both of their rings are on my profile. Tell me what you think!!
