Hey!! New story!! Make sure to review after you read. I have nothing else to say.
Disclaimer: I don't own VK(duh!!)
Shiki POV
"Wake up!!" I heard the annoying voice that I've been praying not hear.
"Ugh!!" I groaned and covered myself with my blanket. "What the hell is wrong with?!"
Ichijou revealed the sunlight.
"Close the curtains!!" Aidou ordered as the sunlight hit him.
"What do you want at a time like this?" My hands flew above my head. "It is still daytime."
"Hmm." He thought carefully. "Fine."
He closed the blinds and rolled his eyes.
"Okay Aidou. We're safe." I looked at the unmoving fabric on the opposite bed. "Aidou?"
Stupid Idiot. He fell asleep already.
"So," I started. "what do you need, Ichijou?"
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. My vision cleared.
"Your manager called. She said that you and Touya need to go to an emergency photo shoot." He announced like a professional messenger.
"Another one?" I groaned for the second time today. "This was the 5th time this week."
"I'll alert Rima." He laughed nervously. "Good Luck!"
So annoying.
Rima POV
Knock Knock
"Rima?" He knocked again. "Are you awake?"
I rolled my eyes. "I am now."
"Can I come in?"
"Whatever." I told him, hiding under the thin fabric.
He cleared his throat as he entered. "Your manager called."
"Again?" My voice was hoarse and broken down.
"Sadly." His voice covered by a giggle.
I came out under my blanket. "What are you giggling about?"
"Nothing." He burst out in another fit of laughter. "Anyways, you better hurry up."
"Ugh! What time is it?" I asked as I looked out the slightly open windows, showing a little bit of light.
"10 A.M." I groaned as he said it. "And the photo shoot starts at 11. So, hurry up!"
"Okay." I got out of bed. "Now get out."
"Bye Bye!" His annoying voice echoed through the room. "Oh! And good luck!"
I glared at him suspiciously.
What was he up to?
Shiki POV
The ride to the shoot was -as always- boring. We had to listen to our manager drone on and on 'bout stuff that I didn't think we cared about.
"Blah Blah Blah." Wierd huh? That was all I heard, except it was way longer than that.
My vision started to blur. I think my head started to bob.
"Shiki?" Rima nugded my head with her shoulder, which where I was happily resting my head.
"Huh?" I gasped, delirious. "I'm tired. And do we really have to listen to this?"
"I didn't even realize that she was speaking to us." She giggled and whispering at the same time.
"Rima! Shiki! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"
Uh Oh! She finally snapped.
"Huh?!" We cocked our heads in unision.
The limo stopped to who knows where.
"One question." Rima took the words out of my mouth.
"Where are we?" I cut in.
"You'll see. Good Luck!" Ichijou said that, too.
"Bye!" We told her as we opened the door and shut it behind us.
Rima POV
We walked in to see lights and cameras everywhere.
I'm serious.
They are everywhere!!
"Ohio!!" What the hell is he doing here?!
"Ichijou?!" I screamed. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Well you know...so I can support my friends at their job." He hugged us.
"What are you planning?" Shiki raised a brow.
"Nothing!" He smiled.
So innocent.
"Now go get undressed." He pushed us in our dressing rooms.
When do ever get undressed?
"W-wait! Ichijou!!" I tried to resist his push.
Too late. I was already in the room.
Shiki's POV
"Okay whatever." I let Ichijou push me in my dressing room. "We've already done naked photo shoots anyways."
"Then hurry up and get undressed." I rolled my eyes.
"Bossy AND annoying." He glared at me.
"Just hurry up!"
"Idiot." I called him under my breath.
I slowly took my time to undress.
I'm done. I'm gonna update sooo stay tuned.
Did ya enjoy? Review pls.
Love Ya!