April 1, 1848
We started down the trail with:
20 oxen
25 sets of clothing
2000 bullets
2 wagon wheels
2 wagon axles
2 wagon tongues
108 pounds of food
We will now travel at a more grueling pace.
April 2, 1848
We didn't have any luck on this hunting trip! We returned to the wagon empty-handed. Nny's going hunting next time.
April 3, 1848
We shot 454 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat. Nny shot a rabbit, a squirel and a buffelo!
We lost 20 pounds of food due to spoilage. Devi's fault, she didn't want to salt it.
April 4, 1848
We have arrived at the Kansas River Crossing.
April 5, 1848
We had no trouble floating the wagon across. Thank the god of fries that Jhonen draws skinny!
April 6, 1848
We lost 13 pounds of food due to spoilage. Devi......
April 7, 1848
We have arrived at the Big Blue River Crossing.
April 8, 1848
We had no trouble floating the wagon across.
April 10, 1848
We shot 469 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat. Good job Nny! I managed to keep him from killing everything.
We decided to rest for 2 days.
April 12, 1848
We decided to rest for a day.
April 14, 1848
We have reached Fort Kearney. Squee's afraid of the men with spears.
April 16, 1848
We shot 283 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat. I had to stop him from killing another buffelo. It was hard cuz I was unconsius after that rock hit my head.
April 18, 1848
We decided to rest for 2 days. Gotta keep healty!
April 20, 1848
Nny has the measles. So much for the healty...-_-'
April 21, 1848
We decided to rest for 3 days.
April 26, 1848
We have reached Chimney Rock.
Zim has cholera. OH C'MON!!
April 27, 1848
We have reached Fort Laramie.
April 29, 1848
We didn't have any luck on this hunting trip! We returned to the wagon empty-handed.
We decided to rest for 2 days.
April 30, 1848
Nny is well again. Good, we need him to get back to hunting.
May 2, 1848
Broken wagon wheel.
We didn't try to fix the wagon wheel, but we replaced it from supplies. We've watsed too much time already so we just replace it.
May 3, 1848
We decided to rest for 2 days.
May 6, 1848
Zim is well again. Yay for my fellow Irken!
May 8, 1848
We have reached Independence Rock.
May 9, 1848
We shot 258 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat. We got a moose.
May 10, 1848
We found some wild fruit. A little bunny told me where to get it :P
May 12, 1848
Zim has a broken leg. Oh gawd......Devi blames the naturally weak Irken body.
May 13, 1848
We decided to rest for 2 days. Rise health, rise! Rise I say!
May 14, 1848
Squee has dysentery. There's something to be scared of. Don't worry, I'm sure Nny will tell you a story everynight to make you feel better.....
May 17, 1848
We lost 17 pounds of food due to spoilage. DEVIIIIIIII!!!
May 18, 1848
Squee got sick and died. WHOOHOOO!!! I mean--aww, too bad.
May 20, 1848
We have arrived at the Green River Crossing.
May 21, 1848
We had no trouble floating the wagon across. HA! The water of evil has yet to hit me! Don't get any ideas, Devi.....
Heavy fog. Lost 1 day. You know, Nny hasn't been hisself lately ever since the death of Squee.
May 23, 1848
Zim got sick and died. *yells no but it turns to a wolf's howl*
May 24, 1848
Heavy fog. Lost 1 day.
We lost 8 pounds of food due to spoilage.
May 26, 1848
We shot 353 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat. Me and Johnny are both not ourselves.....
May 29, 1848
Heavy fog. Lost 1 day.
We lost 22 pounds of food due to spoilage.
May 30, 1848
We have reached Soda Springs. I don't care.....I care about nothing now......
Devi has the measles.
May 31, 1848
No grass for the oxen. I'm surpised Nny hasn't wanted to kill them..Devi claims us both to be moe depressed then normal. Then she wondered if that was poss
ible. Beep her. We decided to rest for 3 days.
June 5, 1848
We shot 50 pounds of meat.
Bad water. Maybe I'll die too.....I'm unsure if that's good or bad now...
We have reached Fort Hall.
June 7, 1848
We decided to rest for 5 days.
June 10, 1848
Devi is well again. WHY COULDN'T SHE DIE INSTEAD OF ZIMMY?!*cries uncontrolably*
June 16, 1848
We have arrived at the Snake River Crossing.
June 17, 1848
The wagon tipped over while floating. We lost:
2 wagon tongues
Nny (drowned) He was my only remaining friend.....I'm suicidal now, but Devi has stopped my every attempt. Curse her
June 18, 1848
Devi has a fever. The curse worked.
June 21, 1848
We shot 279 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.
June 23, 1848
We have reached Fort Boise.
Bad water. KILL ME BAD WATER!!
June 24, 1848
No water.
We decided to rest for 5 days. I don't want to rest...I want to die.....
June 28, 1848
Devi died of dysentery. I'm alone now. The bad water was supposed to kill me. WHY NOT ME!!!
July 2, 1848
No grass for the oxen. They are my only friends now...they are nice.
July 3, 1848
Bad water.
I have arrived at the Grande Ronde in the Blue Mountains.
July 4, 1848
I decided to rest for 3 days. The oxen needed a break. I don't mind. I don't mind anything now...
July 9, 1848
I found some wild fruit.
July 10, 1848
No grass for the oxen.
I have reached The Dalles.
July 28, 1848
I've decided that I cannot go on without my love, Zim nor without Nny, who I created a strong bond with. I'm about to disconnect my head from my body. Good-bye universe. May I see my friends again.