Chapter 21- The Deal: You're Not Dead Yet

"I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best.
Like you've already figured out."

Broken - Lifehouse

While holding Billy's gun on one hand and having another gun in the hands of an enemy being pointed at her and Billy, Jules tried to quickly figure out a plan to get them out alive of the situation that they were in.

Jules knew she had to be extremely careful. Billy was shielding her and if she made the wrong call, it could quickly cost him his life. He had clearly trusted her judgment as he had purposely placed her behind him with access to his gun. As Silver was about to say something, she figured out what to do.

"You're deep in the sewer Silver! Did you notice the undercover cops across the street?" Jules bluffed as she pointed to the opposite side of the road with her one free hand.

In the second that Silver took to check this out, Jules pulled out Billy's gun and began shooting. As she kept on firing, Billy dragged her with him and pulled them both to safety behind a white sedan. Jules only stopped shooting when she went through the entire 20-round that the magazine held. She got Silver in the left arm but he was quick and he managed to run behind a pickup truck.

Silver now returned the fire and Billy and Jules ducked behind the car. As the former detective viciously shot at them, Jules and Billy got re-organized as they were showered in glass from the bullets that were hitting the white sedan's windows.

While the shooting continued, she gave Billy back his gun and she pulled out hers. He replaced the clip on his gun to reload and sent a quick text message which Jules figured had to be intended for Bodie. Billy then signaled to Jules their next move. He wanted her to provide him coverage and she positioned herself to one of the corners of the car and began firing from the side. Billy then slid down to shoot at Silver from under the car and got him in the leg.

Silver was now down on the ground but still holding on to his gun. Jules and Billy understood it was time to swiftly take care of this Silver problem for once and for all.

As soon as Jules finished reloading her gun, the pair carefully began approaching him with guns ready to shoot. With Silver being hurt, Jules thought he seemed to be keeping a little too quiet and still. She feared he may have some dangerous aces under his sleeve. Realizing that Silver's good arm was still holding on to a gun, she knew that he needed to be neutralized and fast. With this in mind and being aware she was a far better shot than Billy, Jules decided to take a risky but necessary move. She signaled Billy her plans to approach Silver from the side. Billy was not convinced on her suggestion but she stayed on her path to force him to go along with her idea. When she deemed she had a decent shot, she signaled for Billy to start shooting from the other end. As soon as she heard the gunfire, she made her move. She aimed and fired several shots at Silver who was now screaming in pain as Jules had blown his hand into pieces. Jules could see that he was crawling away from them with difficulty and that his gun had landed away from him. Jules had a good shot at Silver's weapon and fired at it to prevent him from re-seizing it. Billy signaled to her again and each one knew well what they needed to do to finish the job.

Billy fired at Silver again and as Jules quickly approached the former detective's body, she saw him jerking off from the bullets. Just as Silver was attempting to pull out another gun with his wounded arm, Jules startled him by placing her gun on his temple. Billy kicked the gun on the ground away from them and quickly searched their enemy, pulling two more guns off him and a knife. Then, without wasting another second, Billy shot Silver in the stomach.

As they witnessed Silver suffering from great pain, Billy spoke to Jules: "Remind me not to get on your shit list ever again!"

Then, Billy turned to taunt Silver: "So this was it motherfucker? We've been keeping tabs on you. I have to tell you that I was never going to let you get to her."

Jules was blown away by his comment. When you want to, you can be amazing Billy Darley. Just as she was about to say something to Billy, a white van popped up in the parking lot with Jamie and Bodie in it.

Billy approached them and handed out orders: "Pop the motherfucker quickly and clean this shit up. I don't want his body found nor identified...ever."

Although the police could arrive at the scene any second now, there was something Jules still felt she had to do. "One second," she requested.

She walked up to Silver and grabbed him by the jaw and spoke: "You knew damn well it was important for me to figure out what happened to Erik. You didn't give a shit about that you fucking prick! You fed me lies and watch me put my life in danger so I would clean house for you!"

Jules shoved her gun in the former detective's mouth. Silver's eyes widened, filled with tears and his breathing became more erratic by the second. Jules continued talking trying to repress her anger: "You completely underestimated me and Darley. Go and burn in hell thinking about that you asshole!"

Jules pressed the trigger without hesitation. Then, she got up on her feet acting as if she was in a trance. She never realized the surprised looks that Billy's men exchanged with each other. Somehow, Billy Darley seemed unfazed by Jules' actions and walked up to her.

"You okay?" he asked as he noticed she still kept her gun pointed at the now deceased Silver.

"I had to do this Billy. I had to see him pay for purposely leading me astray for so long," she calmly explained as she turned to look at him but remained stiff solid.

Billy slowly took the gun out of her hands, placed it in his pocket and turned her around to face him.

"He's gone Jules," he assured her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Jules still seemed to be immersed in her thoughts but nodded in agreement.

"Is there anyone else we need to get?" Billy asked.

"No... he... is the last one," she slowly responded as her eyes got watery.

"Then, you're done babe, it's over," he stated as he looked at her in the eyes. As the finality of it all hit her, she tried giving him a courageous look but was too emotional to pull it off with confidence.

Jules felt Billy's hand wiping off the blood from her face. She then felt the very same warmness of his hand slid behind her neck pushing slowly her face closer to his until she felt the wetness of his lips. As their lips connected, the sensations it triggered felt intense and enticing to her. Billy's kiss began slow and tender but suddenly took a life force of its own. His kiss was telling her that things could be all right after all and Jules completely craved for more of that feeling. I like you Darley but this thing between us scares me.

Almost in contradiction to her feelings and as if she was fighting off the thoughts in her head, Jules suddenly wrapped her arms around him in desperation. Make feel safe Billy, make me believe things can be all right once again. Billy reacted by holding her tighter to him almost as if he sensed the struggles in her mind. They continued their passionate kiss until Bodies' voice startled both of them: "Yo Billy! You two better get going dog!"

Billy pulled Jules to the black Mustang and as they sped off from the motel, Jules saw Bodie and Jamie carrying Silver's body in a gigantic plastic bag into the van. Jules was certain no one would ever know anything about Joel Silver ever again.

Shortly after, Jules felt Billy's hand on her tight as he sought out her attention: "Jules, you and I need to clear some stuff."

X^X^ X^X^ X^X^

When Jules walked into Billy's apartment, she quickly spotted a thin and tall man lounging in the sofa watching a porn movie. When their eyes met, his reaction was a mix of embarrassment and anger. He turned off the TV and his eyes had that dark Darley fury in them. He was clearly not pleased to see her there.

"What the fuck are you doing in here Jules?" Joe angrily asked. "Billy is not here and it's in your best fucking interest to leave him alone!"

When he saw Billy coming through the door, Joe's face got a little pale but he was not ready to back down.

"What's your angle now Jules? Is B-Street's gang lord next on your list?" Joe pressed on.

"Joe, I've had a shitty day and I'm dying to take it on someone," Jules menacingly began to follow him around the living room while repeatedly jabbing her index finger on Joe's chest as he unsuccessfully tried to get away from her. "Disrespect me one more time and I'll beat you up so bad that you'll forget you were born a Darley! You can get out my face now!"

Billy could hardly contain his laugh as Joe fumingly walked away from Jules.

"I need to wash off this blood," Jules directed her comment at Billy as she looked at her hands. She then noticed and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels that was sitting on the coffee table.

"I could use a drink," Jules announced as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Billy had a big grin on his face and motioned with his index finger for his brother to come closer to him.

"Joe, you know damn well she fucking means it so keep your trap shut. Now, call for a pick up and get fucking lost!" Billy ordered his brother.

Joe rolled his eyes at Billy, grabbed his coat and left the apartment in a fury.

"I feel better now," Jules stated as she returned to the living room wiping off the corner of her mouth with her sleeve and hanging on to the whiskey bottle in her other hand.

She noticed that Joe was no longer around. "Darley, did you get rid of the 'professional fuck up'?"

"It's done babe," he said as he studied her behavior with a high degree of amusement.

"Good," Jules replied with a sigh. "Billy... I never got to thank you for saving my neck."

"No need to babe. What I really wanna know is if you are planning on giving me that reward now or not?" Billy playfully asked walking towards her.

He had to go there again! Is that all he thinks about?

"Well, it depends," she replied with a hint of irritation in her voice."What do you charge Wallis?"

"Are you jealous Jules?" Billy taunted her.

"Nope, I just wanna pay fair street value."

"When are you dropping that damn tough act? I know that you like me Jules...especially during the times when you call me William," he replied with a big grin.

"Darley do not confuse the fact that I enjoy sexing it up with you with something that is not!" Jules responded in a dismissive tone.

"Why do you insist in acting like a bitch after all that's happened? Fucking listen to yourself woman, you're being ridiculous! Maybe I should have let Silver get you," he said exasperated.

"You should have had," she said with sadness.

"Don't say shit you don't mean Jules!" Billy stated sternly. "Whatever happened in the past, it's done and we finished taking care of it. Let it fucking go!"

The man is relentless. Why can't he just quit it? I have to get to the point of this; I need to get out of here.

"You said we have stuff to clear out," she reminded him taking another sip from the whiskey. With Alpha Dog at such close proximity, I need the alcohol to help me relax.

"Yes, I wanted to talk about the raid and its aftermath. I don't think you know all that happened."

"What did I miss Darley?"

"After you took off on the bike, I made some calls and found out Duke was following you. Knowing you were wounded and seeing that Trenor was already at the cemetery, I knew you were in trouble," Billy explained. "Then, it was fucking hard to see that fuckstick beat you up. I wanted to kill him but we had to wait for the right moment to jump in."

"Did you drop me off at the hospital?"

"Yes, you passed out and were bleeding like crazy. I really fucking thought you were not going to make it. For the obvious reasons, I couldn't stay but we know some of the nurses there. We alerted them you needed urgent care and they kept me updated on how you were doing. Jules, they almost lost you during surgery. Did you know that?"

"I know I was dead for a minute or two. None of you should have saved me."

"Stop with the fucking death wish woman!" Billy scolded her annoyed.

Jules kept a stoic face and refused to show any emotions to his comment.

"I know you could have ratted on us or framed us with the police but you never did. Loyalty fucking means something to me Jules," he stated looking at her deep into her eyes. "I've been fucking impressed how you've handled yourself in this whole mess, you stayed strong through it all. Then, not being able to see you, it was driving me up the fucking wall."

Stop talking Darley! You're making me want to jump you so bad.

As he began moving closer to her, Jules sought to avoid him by heading to nearest window and pretending as if she was thinking while looking outside to the street. Although she acted like a cold fish on the outside, she was actually panicking inside. This time Jules was afraid to get it on with Billy because she finally admitted to herself she had feelings for him and was fearful of becoming involved with someone again. Considering how demanding Billy was, that could be a strong possibility. It's time to leave. I need one last dose of liquid courage to wrap up my departure from here.

As Jules was immersed in her thoughts, she hadn't realized that Billy was standing next to her. Just as she was about to take a sip from the whiskey bottle, Billy yanked the bottle away from her hand and without warning, send it crashing into the wall. He gave her a furious look and pulled her towards him.

"Numbing yourself?"

"So what if I fucking want to numb myself? You're not the boss of me!"

"And you're not dead yet so stop fucking living like you are!" Billy yelled at her clearly frustrated.

"Jules, I've felt the fire in you. Right now..this very fucking about you and me. This is our time and I ain't wasting another second of it!" he stated and pulled her deep into his mouth.

His kiss was so demanding that Jules could barely breathe but her entire body was burning from his touch. She thought about resisting him out of pride. Who am I kidding in here? I want this. I want him! Jules decided it was time to stop being ridiculous and to live life to the fullest.

As she made her decision, he had already taken her top and pants off, Billy was that hungry for her. He pushed her against the hallway wall and as he placed himself in between her legs, she immediately felt the bulk that was growing inside his pants. Billy was decisively letting her know he was unwilling to wait much longer and thinking about that made her want him even more. Billy had now buried his face in between her breasts and pulled her bra down to her waist. He playfully swirled his tongue on both of her hardened nipples and she loved the pleasure he was giving her from it.

Before she knew it, he unhooked her bra off her and dropped it on the floor as he began kissing her in the mouth. He then moved her inside his room. Just as Billy pushed the door to a close with his leg, Jules aggressively pulled his jacket and shirt off him. Billy gave her a wicked smile and took off his boots and socks. Next, he pulled down his pants and boxers in one quick move.

At the sight of his naked body and the memories it triggered, Jules found herself nearly hyperventilating. Billy was fully aroused and so was she. She shamelessly checked out his entire body as he moved closer to her. He kneeled behind her, playfully bit the side of her underwear and pulled it down with his teeth. He stayed behind her and made her
spread her legs apart as he tilted her forward to lean on the dresser.

Before she knew it, he had buried his face in her most intimate spot and took turns between swirling his tongue and fingering her from behind. Jules was enjoying it so much that she was moaning like crazy and could barely stay in a standing position.

When she didn't expect it, he stood up. He turned her around to face him and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips. Jules hung her arms around his neck and kissed him with passion. As he carried her over his hips walking her towards the wall, she soon felt the coldness of the wall pressed against her naked back. She stopped kissing him to give him a hungry look to let him know she was ready. It's time Billy. Work your magic. He gave her a mischievous smile as he began positioning himself.

As Jules felt him now sliding inside of her, her smile became wider with each of his pulsing moves. She kept her arms wrapped around his neck and Billy held on to her hips pulling her closer to him. When he completely filled her in, Jules let out a loud gasp. Now that he was sliding inside of her in full motion, the force of each thrust revealed the intensity of his desire for her. Damn you Billy Darley, you feel so good! Then it hit her, it was happening.

"Billy!" Jules screamed and he knew exactly what that cry meant. With each passing second, Billy stepped up the pace trusting her rough and deep. She could see the arrogant grin on his face but she didn't care that he was feeling all proud of himself because he was taking her exactly where she wanted to go. Jules tightened her muscles to feel him more intensely and when the eruption came, the explosion consumed her in a fierce manner. She buried her nails on his back as she screamed his first name: William. For some strange reason, that's what she had taken up to blurt out loud when she came with him and Billy just loved it.

As Jules began recovering from the sexual tidal wave she had just been hit with, Billy grunted hard and sped up the pace. It was his turn. When it happened for him, he buried his face around her neck and Jules wrapped her arms around him in an affectionate manner. She held on to him tight as he rocked both of their bodies as he peaked out of pleasure. When it was all done, Billy kept them in a tight embrace and he began slowly biting her neck. He made his way up to her ear and whispered to her: "Do you have any complaints or did I sex it up enough for you babe?"

Jules laughed out loud; Billy was such a tease. "I missed you Darley, I'll give you that much," she flirtatiously stated to him. Billy curled up a smile as he carried her off to his bed. For the remainder of that evening, Jules and Billy worked hard in taming down their craving for each other.

The next morning, Jules felt Billy squirming in the bed. "Good morning William," she naughtily greeted him.

"Jules don't be all fucking hyper now. I'm damn tired," he grumpily announced.

She smiled in her mind. You should be exhausted, you bad, bad boy!

"Stay here with me," Billy demanded of her as he pulled her closer to him.

Yes, there is no need to re-enact the bitch fit that you threw the last time I was here.

As Billy lay next to her with his eyes closed, she stayed quietly in bed examining his many scars. She wanted to know where they came from.

"How you get this?" she asked gently touching a shoulder scar that was similar to hers.

"Shoot out."

She kissed it and saw him smile as he kept his eyes closed. She pointed to a round scar on his arm.

"Bones burned me with a cigarette."

"How old where you?"

"Nine years old."

"I hate that fat prick even more," she stated as she double-kissed it.

Billy drew a chuckle but still kept his eyes shut. She pointed at another scar on the side of his abdomen and waited for his response.

"Stabbed. This asshole tried using Joe as a piƱata to get back at me."

"Did you win the fight?"

"Hell yeah," he said bragging.

Jules found his cockiness amusing and kissed the scar.

Billy suddenly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm becoming re-acquainted with the key landmarks of your body," she said smiling at him.

"No babe, what the fuck are you doing to me?"

His words completely aroused her. Jules kissed him with an urgent desire as she climbed on him. He wrestled her until he pushed himself on top of her and in between her legs. As she noticed Billy was hard once again, she spread her legs a little further and Billy didn't skip a beat. Right away, he began pulsing himself inside of her. With each intense thrust, Jules involuntarily arched her back taking it all. She knew their wild hunger for each other had been unleashed one more time. It was nirvana time once again

After their actions finished following their natural course, Jules rested when she noticed Billy seemed deep in his thoughts.

"What's wrong Darley?"

"Did you really have to sleep with that motherfucker?"

"Given how reserved Duke was, it was the only way for me to get into his apartment and secure the accounting info. That's why I spent those three disgusting days with him."

"If you had trusted me, we could have found another way to get him Jules," he said annoyed.

"We can debate that for hours and I'm not going there Billy," she firmly replied.

Billy had hated her answer and already seemed to be in a bad mood. As Jules studied his reactions, it struck her that Billy looked really worn out to her. Two rough months of non-stop stress had indeed taken a toll on him and Jules considered that she had to be very careful with what she responded to him now. After losing Erik, she made the decision not to have any more attachments in her life and that decision included her own family. Deep down, she really liked Billy but this was a relationship that she knew wouldn't work out in the long term due to their dominant personalities, his womanizing ways and the violence in his life. It was time to put the cards out on the table for Alpha Dog to see.

"Billy, I need to come clean to you," Jules spoke in a very serious tone. "I'm leaving to go overseas in two weeks."

His anger surfaced at the speed of light and Billy wondered if this was another bullshit trip.

"Do you have another sick relative to take care of Jules?"

"I'm leaving for Australia to visit friends and..."

"Are you running away from somebody else?" he interrupted her.

"No, my work is done here Billy."

"It's not. We should partner up Jules. You and I would completely rule all of Boston. Can you fucking imagine it? No one could stop us!"

"Billy that's what you want, that's not what I want. Listen babe, what you see here, it's not the real me. I'll never be Julia again but if I want to become somewhat of a normal person again, I can't shed all these layers off me if I stay here."

Billy felt angry. What the fuck did she mean by that? This woman was still a fucking wild card but for some sick reason and in spite of all the other women he could have, he kept thinking back to Jules. But Jules wasn't like these other chicks. She was unpredictable, independent, gutsy and loved fucking as much as he did. He had come to crave both the challenge and excitement of it all. When Wallis told him she made a deal to cover his ass and that Jules didn't want him to know about it, it meant something to him. And now that Silver was out of the picture and they could finally go on freely with their lives, she had to dump on him the news that she was leaving? Ungrateful bitch! Right at that instant, Billy made up his mind that he was done with her.

Billy pushed her away and began searching for his clothes. Jules snatched his pants to prevent him from leaving.

"I made my plans when I thought you weren't coming back," Jules explained.

"Like you didn't know where to find me? Well, now that I did for you the dirty work of getting rid of Silver, you're all set Jules! Have a nice fucking life!" he said trying to pull his pants out of her hands.

"Now, you stop now with the bullshit Billy. You didn't take down Silver all by yourself!" she stated raising her voice. "I'm finally being up front with you and you treat me like dirt? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Jules give me back my fucking clothes. I'm outta of here!" he yelled.

"Not until we figure this out! You want us to be together and I also want us to spend time with each other before I leave, we can work something out."

"You're making a lot of fucking assumptions about me," he responded in a patronizing tone.

"Admitting to want us together doesn't make you less of a man, it actually makes you human."

Billy looked like he was fuming.

If you want to be like that fine Darley. I'm not going to beg you to stay.

"Go ahead Darley, walk away. I will not stop you," she firmly stated as she threw his pants back at him. "However, I was hoping we would reach an agreement."

He looked at her in the eye. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm leaving overseas regardless but here's the deal I can offer you. I'll push my trip date for a few weeks to serve as payment for losses incurred for ditching out of our business partnership," she playfully suggested.

Billy didn't look convinced.

"Billy, we both know you get bored with one woman after a few weeks. You can't stay faithful even if you tried and I need that in a relationship. This deal works for both of us!"

"I'm not so fucking sure you can be trusted Jules," he firmly stated.

"How dare you doubt me Darley? I got the fucking pigs off your back!"

"I saved your ass from Trenor!" Billy fought back.

"I gave you Mission Hill on a silver platter and didn't kill you even though you shot me. That's payment and proof enough Billy!"

Billy stayed quiet and Jules felt frustrated.

"This is a take it or leave it thing Darley. Do not try to hustle me any further because I swear you're going to end up owing me baby cakes."

"I don't know Jules..." Billy replied hesitating. "If we are going to do this, I want you here for at least two months and you're only with me," he demanded.

"No. Six weeks and that is my final offer," Jules stated firmly.

Billy was looking at her with that non-descript expression that he had mastered and used whenever he wanted to conceal his true feelings.

"Fucking fine but I want you only and exclusively with me," he replied in a demanding manner.

"Okay, the timeframe is settled but you just pushed the stakes higher. You will also have to be exclusively with me. If I catch you with any other chicks or even Wallis, I swear I'll set you up with both B-Street and The Hall. I haven't forgotten how to start a turf war!"

Billy lifted one of his eyebrows eyes fixed on her, clearly debating his choices.

Jules gave him a warning look. "I mean it Darley. You saw yesterday what happens to people that dare to cross me."

"Oh I got the message fucking loud and clear Jules! However, if that's the way it's gonna fucking go, you're going to have to give me tons of attention baby. Remember? I'm a very lonely man," Billy sarcastically replied.

"Are you accepting the deal then?" Jules asked.

"I am," Billy replied offering her a naughty smile as he pulled her closer to him.

"Hold up Darley! Do you realize you have two whole months of making up to do and I don't like it when men disappoint me?" Jules pointed out with a smirk.

"You won't be, you know damn well I like to keep my customers satisfied," Billy replied being the one curling up a mischievous smile. "Jules, you better be ready. Round 5 is about to start and it's going to be a long one."


Chapter End Notes:

Sorry it took me a while to post the ending! I hope you enjoyed this fanfic. If you get a chance, drop me a line to see how I did.

XOX Elle

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