
"Janie! Psst Janie?" called out Amy. "How'd you do on the test?"

Janie Rotundo grinned at her best friend Amy and held up her test showing off her perfect score.

She saw Derek Locke glance at her then raise his eyes suggestively. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and pulled out a compact to check her make-up. She could still feel his eyes on her as she checked for eyeliner smudges. She couldn't wait for the bell to ring so she could talk to Amy about what she heard on the radio on the way to school. Most of all she wanted to avoid Derek before he asked her out again.

At 16, Janie Rotundo had it all. She was the only child of a prominent businessman and his wife in Stoneybrook, Connecticut which was a small, mostly middle-class town. She was the envy of every girl in school with her long blonde hair, high cheekbones and perfect figure. She was at the top of her class academically as well as captain of the tennis team. Her parents had high hopes for her as recruiters from Ivy League college were already approaching her. She dated a few boys in her high school but wasn't really looking to settle down with anyone.

Just then Janie was startled out of her daydreams by the bell. She quickly grabbed Amy's arm and began walking quickly to the cafeteria. She passed Franklin Dewitt and smiled.

"Why didn't it work out between you and Franklin?" asked Amy questioningly.

Janie wrinkled her nose and shrugged. "I dunno. I mean he's really nice, really cute but he seems like he just wants to get married and have kids. I have much bigger dreams! I'm going to get out of the hoe-dunk town, travel, and just enjoy life. I don't want to be tied down to that bullshit."

Amy tilted back her head and laughed. "I don't know Janie, Something tells me if Mr. Right came along you'd settle in a heartbeat."

"Wanna bet?" said Janie cockily. "I'll bet you 100 that you are married and up to your elbows in diapers before I even graduate college."

"You are on! Prepare to lose!" grinned Amy.


"Ugh, what is this dribble?" asked Dana Norton as she looked disgustedly at her cafeteria tray.

"Janie, why can't we get your chef to come in and cook for us?" moaned Jenny Lorner as she pushed her tray away from her.

Janie felt her cheeks redden as they always did when people referred to how well off she was. It wasn't that she didn't have a sense of pride for all her parents did to achieve their status. It just made her feel guilty when some of her friend's had parents who worked 2 jobs just to pay the bills. She cleared her throat as she attempted to change the subject.

"So did you guys hear they are talking about sending soldiers over to the Gulf? Like Iraq? They want to get that Saddam Hussein guy." She said excitedly. "I mean I know they've been over there and stuff but they're talking about stepping it up. I heard it on the news."

Jenny wrinkled her nose clearly not happy with this topic of conversation.

"Can we not talk about war and politics? I'm failing Government as it is. Let's talk about this weekend! What's going on?"

"I heard there's going to be a bonfire type party by the lake in Paulson." Stated Amy. "Paulson's only like 15 minutes away…"

"As long as there are hot guys, I'm in!" piped in Dana.

"I'm not looking to meet anyone, but I'll go." Said Janie. "I'll watch the rest of you fall in love." She began laughing as Amy cocked her head to one side.

"I don't know Janie." Said Amy. "I have a feeling you might just meet someone special Saturday night."

Just then the bell rang and the girls slowly made their way out of the cafeteria.